Hello and welcome to The Trilogy Trade. My name is Natalie Wood.
Joining us in a moment is Murray Dawes, one of Fat Tail's best performing and most consistent traders.
If you've followed his videos over the past few days, you'll know his system has just signalled a bullish move in one major commodity.
This could send a handful of stocks leveraged to it much higher in the coming months.
In a few moments, Murray will reveal the sector, how he's lining up his readers to trade it, he'll explain why it's still flying under most analysts’ radars, and of course tell us why it could break out to the upside very soon.
The same setup Murray is about to show you appeared in the gold sector earlier this year. Since then, the spot price has shot up 12% and made new all-time highs.
Murray took advantage by jumping on three stocks that were leveraged to the gold price, which are now up 9%, 24%, and 36% at the time we're filming this.
He nailed the uranium boom last year as well.
Murray recommended two stocks at the time, just weeks before the uranium spot price went almost vertical from $55 to $105.
As I stand here, those trades today are up 51% and 71% within 10 months.
Now, picking two hot sectors back-to-back within a year is a pretty impressive feat, but it's not out of the ordinary for Murray.
In fact, eight out of his nine trades he has made in the past year are in the money, with an average gain of 21%. His only loss was a small one of just 3%.
Zooming out his record gets even better.
Since starting his service in 2018, he's made 93 trades over the past five years.
Including open and closed positions, winners and losers, he's averaged gains of 35% on every trade he's made.
That period includes the COVID crash and the sideways moving market we've been stuck in for the past three years.
Of course, not every trade Murray has made has gone up, and there's never any guarantee that his stellar track record will continue.
But imagine the peace of mind a dependable system like this could bring to your trading.
Well, Murray is about to reveal how he does it, and it's not magic or luck.
Murray has carefully built, tested, and refined the system he's about to show you.
He's developed it over 30 years of professionally trading in the stock market.
First on the Sydney Futures Exchange for major banks and super funds, then for some of the wealthiest families in Australia, and now with his readers at Fat Tail Investment Research.
I know he's keen to share it with you today.
So, without further ado, I'll hand over to James Woodburn, who’s with Murray in the hot seat.
Keep watching.
James Woodburn:
Murray, welcome.
Murray Dawes:
G’day Woods. Good to be here, mate.
James Woodburn:
A few weeks ago, you boldly said that one commodity was about to break to the upside, and it could be an opportune time to buy stocks leveraged to it.
Now, some sleuths at home may have already figured out what it was just by looking at the charts that you've been showing over the last few days.
But for the rest of us, can you please fill us in now?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, right. Well, it's probably one of the most important and crucial sectors in the whole economy really.
It's oil and gas.
James Woodburn:
Right. So that kind of flies in the face of what some pundits might have us believe.
More than 140 countries have pledged to aggressively curb their emissions by 2030 and beyond.
And we've been told that peak demand for oil is just around the corner.
What makes you bullish about oil and why now?
Murray Dawes:
I'm probably most bullish because every day you're reading about the death of oil.
We saw that in uranium. We'll talk about that.
When people start saying, "Look, we don't need oil anymore. We're going to all of a sudden have electric cars everywhere. It's all going to be dead in a few years…"
I start looking and saying, "People aren't going to be investing in and searching for oil, are they?"
All of a sudden you start looking out a few years, and we're all seeing EV sales are heading down, people are starting to push out when all this is going to happen.
Oh, we need more gas. There's a gas crisis.
Really, you're getting to this point where there's a moment when the market realises, oh, we actually do need oil for a hell of a lot longer…we do need gas for a hell of a lot longer before this green dream does actually take shape.
And that can be a point when markets really get out of balance and go crazy.
James Woodburn:
Yeah, that makes sense. And according to your figures, that's about to happen, right?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah. Look, things are pretty much poised.
Short-term, anything can happen. Long-term, looking at the setup, it's very similar to what I've seen recently in uranium.
It's the sort of market where it's looking like everyone's saying, "No, this is going to be a goner", and all of a sudden, bang, takes off and markets need to rebalance.
Prices need to go higher to inspire more supply to get markets moving again for the demand that's going to be coming.
James Woodburn:
So that's yet to happen.
Does that mean readers have a chance to jump on this early before this really takes off?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, absolutely.
The fact is, as I'll show you in a minute, the charts are set up in such a way that there's a resistance level that if broken is set to set off a chain reaction to the upside.
And we have the luxury, because we have the model set up, to say to us when to actually act.
But things are set up in such a way that it can happen any time, that signal can go off and it's time to really get amongst it.
James Woodburn:
Well, why don't you show us what you mean?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, sure mate. Let's jump to the charts.
So here we have Brent Crude Oil prices over the last 25 years.
Now what I want people to notice initially is see those black circles we've got there…
They're just showing you when my moving averages that I use on my model have crossed to be positive.
If people know moving average crossovers, you have a short term versus long term.
When they cross to the upside, you're saying, right, momentum is possibly shifting up. And this is a monthly chart, so very long-term trends that we are looking at.
What I want you to notice is what has happened after each and every time over the past 25 years. This is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times it's happened, so not often, over 25 years.
Every single time, let's have a look at what's happened afterwards.
We have a huge run there…
Look at that massive run for years and years…
Look at this huge run…
Again, massive run to the upside…
Here, multiple year rally…
2020, the start of a huge move to the upside from about 50 bucks to 130.
And then we come to the present moment now where we are on the edge of this long-term trend shift.
The added thing on top of this, on how my model is trying to stay very safe is saying, right, well, if we do have that, I then want another layer of safety.
If it gets above this key resistance level, I'm like “all in”, because everything is saying to go.
So if we look at this, I'm saying, "Look, we're not there quite yet", but above this area in the mid '90s in oil above there, I'm saying there's a good chance we see a real catapult to the upside with the long-term trend shifting and the breakout.
Let's look back in time.
I just want to very quickly look at a similar moment back in 2010 and just imagine the moment of the long-term trend shifting to the upside.
Then if you want an extra layer of safety, we're waiting until the breakout from a major level here.
That is the moment when you get long, and this is what I'm now waiting for. The breakout when we can say, right, let's go.
James Woodburn:
Yeah. Right.
So, every time those two lines have crossed essentially in the past 25 years, you can see that that's taken off.
Now could the same thing happen here? Is that what you're seeing?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah. Look, nothing's ever guaranteed in the stock market, is it?
But when I see a setup like this, which is over multiple decades with a very high strike rate, with also my other model, which I'll show you in a minute, also agreeing, that's when I sit up and take notice.
The same things were happening in uranium last year.
The same things were happening in gold towards the beginning of this year.
In both instances, I got our members into positions early before those markets really took off.
It's a similar setup here, and all I need is to wait for those signals to go off and we'll be away.
James Woodburn:
Now, I know you briefly covered some of those wins in your videos over the last few days, but can you explain what happened to anyone at home who is tuning in for the first time or wants to see your recent wins in more detail?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, absolutely.
If I was to really compare what's going on in oil to what I've just done in the past, uranium is probably a great example.
We know post-Fukushima, uranium prices absolutely crashed.
No one wanted to be involved in uranium…mines get mothballed…no one spends money on exploration…years and years in the wilderness.
Then all of a sudden, things start to turn back up.
But you've got to understand that it takes a long time to bring new supply to market.
Prices often have to be a lot higher to inspire people to spend the money on exploration, to actually spend the money to bring mothballed mines back into the supply. And they need to be confident that they will have a return on it.
You can get these setups, which are quite explosive, which are pretty rare, but when they happen, when you get this meeting of a market that's been unloved for a long time and it starts to turn up and there's interest and demand starts to flow through and everyone says, "Oh, there's a bit of a mismatch coming here".
In the next few years, it's going to be really out of balance.
That happened in uranium, and we jumped on just before it really took off, as the world was starting to wake up to the fact that uranium will probably be needed to reach our goals.
And I think oil is a similar situation where we're going to need oil for longer than people expect.
At the moment, people are not wanting to go near it thinking that it's dead. "Oh, it'll be all over in a few years".
Well, I don't think that's the case.
We could reach an inflection point, where the market realises they need more oil than people are ready to supply and for a lot longer…decades longer than people expect, with gas as well.
That's when markets can really take off to the upside. When I've got the technical setup as well agreeing, that's when my ears have pricked up.
James Woodburn:
You mentioned the uranium sector and how you played it and you caught that early.
Can you just show viewers where you jumped in, where the opportunity, as you saw it, became too good to ignore any longer?
Because I know that it's a similar setup for oil right now.
But let's take us back to the uranium opportunity because when you actually got into that, it wasn't obvious to most people at the time, was it?
Murray Dawes:
No, not at all.
You've got to buy in weakness and then you are taking profits when the rest of the people turn up and start bidding the price up.
Let's have a look at the chart. This is the uranium price over the last few decades.
The first point, of course, is looking at these major waves.
I'm always looking at major waves, making the calculations from those major waves as people probably would know.
I'm looking at big retracements of these major waves, when markets crash, and then I'm waiting for the moment when things turn back up and I want to jump on when that trend starts for those explosive moves to the upside.
So, a very quick analysis of that would be we had this huge run and the crash in the uranium price.
I'm looking for a 75 to 87% retracement of that, then waiting saying, will markets turn up from this zone? Then I want to be jumping on.
You can see here post-Fukushima, which was around here, you'll see this slow steady decline for many years, and this is a classic sign of a market that's died…
Mothballed mines. Everyone saying it's all over for uranium. It's oversupplied, et cetera, et cetera.
That is what sets up the conditions for the bull market on the other side.
I had seen over the previous few years, the beginning of a rally from the area where I wanted to see it, and people probably know high highs, high lows, that's an uptrend.
You can see here in the years leading up to when we attacked the uranium market, there is actually a little uptrend beginning.
At this point I was waiting for when the news was really starting to turn saying, "Oh, uranium may be needed here."
My charts were saying, "Yes, big buying from the buy zone. Yes, there's an uptrend."
It was here when prices started to turn back up when I realised I could now zero in on individual stocks in the sector.
As you can see, that was just before the breakout to the upside, new wave, and then bang, all the way to a hundred bucks and we rode those trades higher.
James Woodburn:
Yeah, right.
So a lot of price action goes on between those ranges, and knowing where a stock is in relation to these ranges can give you a pretty good indication if something's about to happen.
Like you said, it's not a silver bullet, but it can give you a lot of confidence.
Murray Dawes:
Yeah. I've been working on my system for what? It's nearly 30 years now.
I've done a lot of iterations refining it to the point where I'm comfortable. And understanding these ranges, really, it's about understanding trader psychology.
It's capitalising on mistakes that other traders make.
When I talk about points of control, some people may know about the midpoint.
It's just saying prices oscillating around and around, shaking people out of their positions, stop-losses going off, taking advantage of that.
That's really the basis of what I'm doing.
Nothing's ever certain, we know that, but taking the emotion out of it is what we need to do.
We need to have defined levels where we're going to get in, why we act when we act, where the stop-loss should be, so we have the risk-reward in our favour.
All these things need to be worked out.
That's what I've been working on for many years, and it just gives me the confidence to make decisions at the right time because I can understand that the patterns are letting me know that the odds are in my favour.
James Woodburn:
So, taking that analysis in mind, back in November, was it?
You had an indication that uranium could break out, prices were looking good technically, and the bullish macro case was backing you up.
How did you choose the specific stocks to play it, Muzz?
Murray Dawes:
Well, first of all, I wanted to look at the whole sector because I thought the whole sector was in a situation for a major breakout.
So, I looked at an ETF, which is an exchange-traded fund, if people don't know them…they probably do because the popularity of them is going through the roof.
This exchange-traded fund that I looked at first basically gave you exposure to all the leading uranium stocks around the world.
From a risk perspective, rather than jumping into one stock, which has much higher risk because of their own problems with their own mines, et cetera, et cetera, I was saying, "Right, I like this sector, why not go after the whole sector because I think it's ready to blow?"
So, I jumped onto that ETF.
James Woodburn:
Yeah, and I was reading the other day that there's something like $6.5 trillion invested in ETFs between the top five issuers like BlackRock and Vanguard.
That's pretty staggering.
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, correct.
Most funds like say VOO, you gain any exposure to the S&P 500 or the ASX 200, most money goes into that.
That's fine if you're just looking for a regular market return.
But then there are industry-specific ETFs.
So in this case, I was looking at uranium. You want to go after that, it's lower risk.
You can basically have one investment into many stocks, sort of like a fund.
And in 2023, for me, it was uranium that looked that good and I found the best uranium ETF.
This is a chart of URNM, which is the uranium sector ETF that we got in.
We entered the ETF right here at $6.03.
Now look at what happened in the months following.
My initial target on the trade after buying it at $6 was up at $7.80. So up here.
Basically, within two months, we had an explosive move to the upside.
And what people want to understand about this initial target is within two months, we sold a third of our position and moved the stop-loss to a point where we break even beyond that point.
We've still got quite a large position. We still have two-thirds of our original position, but within two months, we've now moved to a situation where we either break even on the trade or we make money.
So now imagine if you are invested and you realise that all you can do is either break even or make money.
Are you going to sleep easier at night or are you going to be looking at the price every day wondering what's going on?
James Woodburn:
You definitely will sleep easier.
Murray Dawes:
It's all about your mental headspace, making sure you get on the front foot very quickly so you can now relax.
Once we had hit that point, I basically was like, "Right, I've done my job now. Now let's see whether I'm right about this uranium sector moving."
And look at this move.
This has only been in a matter of months going from $6 up to around $10 where it sits right now.
James Woodburn:
Smart. It must be a huge relief, Murray, once you hit that point.
From that point, there's less stress while you're in the trade.
That's the ETF, right?
So, tell me about the other uranium-specific trade that you made.
Murray Dawes:
Let's have a look at the chart now.
That stock we went into was Deep Yellow.
Just a quick overview where I'm looking at these major waves and I've told you I'm waiting for retracements, so where all the traders are getting shaken out of their positions.
I'm looking for prices to move back into that buy zone we talked about.
I'm waiting for the momentum to turn up and say, "It's time to get in."
In that instance, it's called the buy pivot, the monthly buy pivot, which is my momentum signal to get in.
I got that signal there last year. We got into that stock at 78 cents.
After we entered the position, you can see, again like the URNM, blasted off soon after.
My initial target was around $1.15. That's up here on the chart.
You can see there, again, just a couple of months, we've gone from 78 cents to our initial target.
So within two months, we're well in the money, we've sold a third of our position, and we've taken it to the point where we either break even from that point forward or we make money. And we've still got two-thirds of that position.
From that point, we all relax and we say, "Right, well, let's see whether this can really start trending." And you can see, it really is.
We bought it at 78 cents, currently trading at $1.54,
James Woodburn:
That's nearly 100% gains in just under a year, Muzz.
That's pretty good timing.
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, it's great.
Now we're going to let the stock trend higher and if I get momentum turning down, then I'll take the second profit, I'll sell another third.
Then that makes sure that we're going to either make money or make more money.
James Woodburn:
Actually, just stop there, Muzz.
Can you explain that second target?
How would you normally communicate that to your readers?
Murray Dawes:
It's just all about making sure, at that second profit target, that we are going to make profit, like I said, no matter what.
Beyond that, we're going to make money or we're going to make more money, which is a pretty good situation to be in.
I'll send out an alert to people saying, "At this price, I think it's important now that we bank another chunk of profit". The second profit.
They'll sell another third of the position. And really, it's all about breaking things up to cover off really what we desire as traders.
I split it into three different positions. Now why do I do that?
The first profit target is to make sure we break even or make money.
That's all about the mental headspace, right?
We want to relax. We want to know that our original capital is safe.
So, the first profit target is to keep the original capital safe.
Second profit target, what do we want to do?
We want to make money steadily. We want to make sure that no matter what happens, our P&L is ticking higher slowly. That's what we want.
So, the second profit target is about making sure that we're going to make a bit of money no matter what happens. And then above that is the cream.
So that's what you've covered off.
You've covered off capital safe.
Is our P&L heading up? Yes.
And that third one, let's see whether this thing can blast off over the next few years and go up five times, 10 times, whatever it might be, knowing that the worst we can do is make a bit of money.
James Woodburn:
Well, I think it'd be best if you actually showed us what was possible.
I know you did that with uranium, you did that with gold, and it looks like that's the opportunity in oil.
Have you got a previous trade that you've done where you can walk us through all three of these stages from that initial entry point to the final profit take?
Murray Dawes:
Let's jump to Paladin Energy, which is a stock we bought back in 2020.
Now, just before I get started, I don't want to confuse people.
You'll see that the Y-axis here with the prices, they'll be different from the numbers I quote because subsequently after we sold out of the stock, they've done a stock consolidation, which means the prices have changed on the stock.
So that's just so people at home aren't confused.
But we bought into this stock at 12 cents way back in 2020 just before it turned back up. And you can see there the long-term trend shifting.
We took profit initially at 20 cents, which was just here only a number of months later. So nearly 100% in a couple of months.
And look, I got a bit greedy and actually took the second chunk of profit because we were nearly 200% in the money within about three months.
You won't notice it from this chart because it's gone up so much.
James Woodburn:
But that second part profit meant that you had the ‘free carry’ as you explained earlier, and you're in the money…
Murray Dawes:
Free carry, in the money.
Stock could have gone bankrupt, and we'd still be fine.
That's the position you want to be in.
The last third we said, "Right, let's run this. Let's see what actually happens."
And you'll see the stock absolutely took off like a rocket going from 12 cents to up around 80, 90 cents within a matter of months.
Then it went into a phase of long sideways consolidation for a couple of years.
In December '22, we'd only been in it for a couple of years and sold out.
That was 72 cents at the time.
So, you're talking about a near 500% return on the position.
James Woodburn:
Yeah, I see, Muzz, that's super clear why you split up the trades like that into three parts.
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, it's all about making sure you're feeling chilled out while you're doing this because it's usually pretty stressful, right?
So, you want to make sure you're not going to lose your original capital.
You want to make sure that you've actually got some money in the tin, and that you then are exposed to potentially explosive upside in the long term.
James Woodburn:
Good work.
Going back to more recent examples, can you explain what happened in the gold market for viewers at home and how the setup is similar to what we're seeing in the oil sector right now?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, absolutely.
Look, it's a great example of my system.
Here we have gold prices over the last few years.
First of all, notice the big strong uptrend that was happening over 2020, 2021.
Then a huge correction occurred.
That's where I start making my calculations from.
The midpoint, of course, being all-important.
That's where prices are oscillating around for years where everyone's just getting shaken out, wondering which way the price is going to go.
What I want people to notice is after those three years of prices constantly being rejected from the edge of the range and revisiting that midpoint, we have here this point when the long-term trend had turned up and we got the retest of that midpoint and then an explosive buy move out of that area.
James Woodburn:
And that's the same thing that's happening with oil right now, isn't it?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, exactly.
Look, it's a pretty bullish sign to me.
If we see that break out of the range like we saw in uranium, like we saw in gold, we could see a really strong trend back up to the highs from many years ago, and look beyond that, who knows.
James Woodburn:
So, to reiterate, you're not guaranteeing it will do that.
No one can see the future, but your system tells you right now that there's a good chance that it could happen.
And like gold, if the spot price rises, it could have a positive effect on oil stocks.
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, absolutely.
When gold price takes off, of course, the stocks in that sector are going to have their margins expanding rapidly.
Gold went up 12%, but the stocks we went in went up like 36%.
So, you can get a much bigger bang for your buck.
I'm looking at these sectors first of all, and then I'm zeroing in what is the right company within that sector or a bunch of companies in that sector that have the right technical setup, the right fundamental setup that we can jump into.
If I get a buy signal on a promising stock in the sector after I've got the buy signal on that whole sector, I mean that's something to get pretty bullish about.
James Woodburn:
Good stuff. I bet your readers appreciate your pragmatic approach to selecting and recommending stocks.
So, the next big question then is, how are you planning to play the oil breakout, Murray?
Murray Dawes:
First, readers at home have probably already guessed…
I'm going to go after an ETF.
I want to gain exposure to the world's biggest oil and gas companies, because currently, a lot of them are trading at a 6 or 7 P/E.
So, we want that low-risk entry into the whole sector.
I'll actually be sharing what one of those is with people today.
You won't have all of the levels, the stop-losses, the targets, that sort of thing, but just something to consider.
For myself, I'll be waiting until I get the actual buy signal to jump into the sector.
And obviously zeroing in on individual stocks, because that's when you can get your real bang for your buck going into the smaller end, which if all prices take off, their earnings will rocket higher.
That's when you're going after the multiple hundreds of percent.
James Woodburn:
Let's zero in on that now.
You've got the ETF that's coming up, but are there any stocks that you're looking at right now?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, there is one which we're already in.
We're up about 45% on it, taken part profits, but it is selling off right now and getting back to an area where I'll be interested in buying more.
I've got another three that are very close to give me a buy signal.
But again, I'm waiting for that sector signal saying, "Yes, you're allowed to go," and then the final buy signal in those ones.
I've got a wide list of companies that are looking pretty good, but I've definitely got three that are right on the edge.
James Woodburn:
Okay. So, there's an opportunity on the table here.
Now, of course, nothing in the stock market is a safe bet.
Markets are volatile, you'll be actively trading, and that means risk. Certainly more risk than keeping your cash in the bank.
You could lose money if it doesn't pan out like you expect here. But thanks to Murray's risk management system, those losses could be minimal.
However, if his oil thesis is right and Murray's trades are on point, like he has been in the past, a calculated shift into oil right now could be one of the most lucrative moves you make this year.
Now, the question is, are you interested
in getting Murray's trades?
Well, if you are, then I'd like to invite you to join Murray's premium service, Retirement Trader, today.
Before I explain how to do that, Muzz, I need to play devil's advocate for a second.
What happens if oil doesn't pan out as you expect?
Do you have some other trades lined up that viewers can get in on that don't rely on oil spiking to new levels?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, of course.
The whole point I’ve been trying to get across to people is that I have a model that has specific rules for how we behave in the market.
It tells you when the odds are in your favour, when you should get in, what your risk-reward is, what your targets are. This is what we're trying to get across.
In my portfolio at the moment, every trade bar one is currently in the money.
We've gone after uranium, the whole sector when it turned up.
We've gone into two, we went into the ETF, we went into Deep Yellow.
Soon after we entered, they blasted off.
We went into the gold sector, we've got a few of those, which could be close to being an entry for people.
But again, going after the gold sector, got into those stocks, they've blasted off soon after entry.
So, the point I want to get across is the model we're using can be used across many different markets.
It doesn't matter what's going on.
I think oil is possibly the one that is going to be the next one to go after uranium last year and gold this year.
That's what the setup is saying.
But look at what's happening, inflation is looking like it's not really under control.
Copper prices are flying higher at the moment, which is leading to buying in other metals that have been hammered over the last few years.
They're all starting to turn up.
We've got rare earths and lithium on the canvas at the moment, but huge long-term growth coming.
There's so many things that we're going to go after.
All I have to do is see those sectors turning up and giving me buy signals, and we can start doing that same process again and again.
What's the sector that's moving?
What's the stocks within the sector that are the ones giving the buy signals?
And we just keep doing that over and over again.
James Woodburn:
There you have it folks.
There is urgency here as I understand it.
This is only the seventh time this has happened in the past 25 years.
Each time it did, oil went on a big run.
As you can see, we've just crossed over that level again.
Whenever it's done that in the past 25 years, as we've said, it's been a great time to get in.
Now, nothing is guaranteed, but there is a historic precedent as you can see in the chart on your screen.
But as Murray said, he's not diving in headfirst and buying every single oil stock.
Are you Murray?
Murray Dawes:
No. I'm actually pretty cautious by nature.
When you've been trading for years and years, you know that anything can happen.
So, all of my trading is based on that risk management approach.
I only want to enter when I've got all of the boxes ticked.
I'm waiting for the retracement.
I'm waiting for that buy pivot signal to happen before I'm allowed to do anything.
Once you're in a stock, I know very quickly when I'm wrong, which means I only need to risk a small amount to find out if I'm wrong, and that increases our risk-reward so that we don't need to make too much before we take our first profit.
Everything has been built around this idea of being cautious and making sure when we enter, we've got the best chance of success.
James Woodburn:
And it works with any market, bull or bear, right?
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, that's exactly right.
James Woodburn:
So, to summarise, if you join Retirement Trader today, you'll be trading in Murray's trademark style…
Conservatively and with capital preservation at the forefront.
You won't be trading micro caps.
If a special situation presents itself in small caps with a solid business in a key buy zone, Murray will consider recommending it, but it will be mostly large and mid-caps that have the right technical setup.
You won't always be trading every week or even every month.
You won't be using leverage like options or CFDs, but you will be targeting stocks already moving.
Stocks in hot sectors that, if Murray is right, could give you quick wins with the potential for big long-term returns too.
Just like Murray did with uranium last year and gold earlier this year in 2024.
He's already targeting his next hot sector to move into.
If he's right on this too, he reckons you could see a sizeable uptick in oil related stocks over the coming months.
The only question is,
Are you keen to join Murray
to get amongst it?
Because of the urgency of this opportunity and the strength of Murray's record, I've green-lit an incredible one-time deal on a one-year Retirement Trader subscription.
This deal also comes with a 30-day subscription refund guarantee.
Check out Murray's trades, get a subscription refund if you want.
Now, that's a huge backstop.
It means that provided you only paper trade in those first 30 days, you lose nothing except the small amount of time invested watching Murray's trade alerts.
If you join, you'll find the name, stock code, buy limit, stop-loss, profit target, and risks on each trade, everything you need to get started trading Murray's stocks in a format that's quick to understand and easy to follow.
In fact, Murray, how important is it that people find your service easy to follow?
Murray Dawes:
Oh, it's imperative.
Let's face it, being involved in the markets, putting your money at risk, prices flying all over the place, people want to know exactly what they've got to do, when.
So, I send out very detailed instructions when we first enter a stock.
I'm saying, "Right, buy up to this price. Here is your first target at this price. You can enter an order straight away. Here's your stop-loss. This is where you should get out."
As the trade goes on, I'm sending out videos regularly, updating people on how the stock is going, updating people on the news that's been coming out. Updating them on the chart and how it's looking.
Then when it hits the target, when it hits a stop-loss, when it's achieving things, I'm letting people know, I'm sending out an email saying, "Right, I think we should take another bunch of profit here, sell right now at this level."
So, people can be comfortable that they know it every step of the way, exactly what they should be doing, what they're waiting to see.
And I think that just means people can relax and know that they're being looked after.
James Woodburn:
As Retirement Trader member John C puts it:
"This is up there with the best from Fat Tail, with Murray doing an amazing job with his excellent guidance and analysis of market conditions. His stock recommendations have achieved exceptional results in an extremely difficult market over the past two to three years."
Now is the perfect time to put Murray's system to the test.
He's already nailed two of the hottest sectors of the past 12 months.
Now, he's lining up to trade the third.
As Wel G from Queensland emailed in:
"I followed Murray for some years now, building confidence in his advice through both the ups and downs of the market. His advice has held my portfolios in better than average positions. And now, I'm beginning to reap the benefits of that advice. I feel completely comfortable following Murray for steady positive outcomes for my SMSF. Thank you."
If you'd like to join Murray in the next, potentially most exciting phase in Retirement Trader, we've hooked something up for you.
A significant Trilogy Trade discount that gets you in the door.
You'll see a big join now link has appeared below.
If you already know this is something you want to try, click on that link.
It will take you to a secure order page that lays out the subscription discount and everything you'll receive.
If you'd like to see what you'll get explained in a bit more detail and what kind of trades Murray is about to pull the trigger on, then stick around and watch for just a little while longer.
The record of Retirement Trader speaks for itself.
If you are the kind of investor who values a careful judicious approach to stock trading, and realistically and steadily building a portfolio over time through all conditions, look at this:
What you see now is how the retirement portfolio has tracked versus the ASX since inception.
As I keep saying, past performance is not a guide to the future, but Murray is aiming for the Retirement Trader line to diverge from the ASX even further in the next few years.
That's what's on the table.
If you are only after highly speculative trades, Retirement Trader is not going to be for you.
But it's worth pointing out one more time that Murray's unique style of conservative trading has done considerably better than all the services we have that specialise in those more speccy areas over the last few years, especially in a P&L sense.
Simply put, this is a seriously performing advisory for serious long-term investors only.
But you need to be willing to actually trade in and out in the near-term horizon.
If that's not you, if you'd rather keep your money in the bank and see where the cards fall for another six months, then by all means sit this one out.
It's not just about track record, though.
You've seen the testimonials.
Retirement Trader has provided consistency in game plan and execution in a highly-volatile period.
Now, that's a huge psychological advantage in my opinion, and it's worth the subscription all on its own.
As member Andrew M. puts it:
"Very clear and clever strategic planning. The amount of money I've saved by not having whimsical trades thrown at me during this difficult period in the markets is huge."
Now I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a trading service out there that provides the level of detail Murray goes into with each and every decision made.
Wayne from Wilton in New South Wales says:
"Murray's Retirement Trader approach is brilliant. It's the way I want to trade. He picks stocks based upon strong fundamentals and then picks stock entry and exit points based upon proven technical analysis. He minimizes risk by having a trading plan, which uses stop-losses and takes profits at regular planned intervals, leading to the creation of a free call position, which means we can let winners run their course. This is a low-risk and highly-profitable trading approach, and Murray is simply the best."
Now look, we get a lot of good testimonials coming in for all of our services, even the small-cap ones, which have been right up against it market-wise in the last two years.
That's because honest, independent advice is like gold dust right now, and we have a great pool of analysts who continue to provide this.
But I can tell you now, no one has the kind of glowing feedback that continually comes in for Murray.
As you can see here, this is sensible trading for thinking investors.
He's meticulous to the point of driving himself half crazy about it.
When market conditions are bad, he adapts, gives you clear capital preservation moves and explains what we need to see before you start raising exposure levels.
When there looks to be a little opening, as there was with uranium and gold stocks in the past year, he attacks.
I've worked with a lot of gurus in my time as publisher, but in terms of clear-eyed capital-preserving trading, Murray is the real deal.
As I say, we've arranged a killer deal for you to see firsthand why Murray has grown such a following.
If you take up this offer today, you'll get every new buy signal for the next year.
You'll also find that Retirement Trader has some open positions that are still under their buy limit and have the potential to run.
If you choose to do so, you'll be able to enter these trades as soon as the market next opens.
You'll get all the details on these trades immediately after joining.
Stock ticker, buy up to price, profit target and stop-loss.
Remember, this is an active service. You're not being passive.
The key to success is the ability to be nimble, set yourself up for success, and adapt your strategy as the market changes.
Now, to that end, Murray will contact you every time you need to take action, including when it's time to top up, take partial profits or even exit a position.
You'll also get a weekly video update where he'll give you a health check on every open trade.
He'll show you how each trade is travelling, what the next target is, and what you can expect going forward.
Murray also uses the video update to update you on developments in the market and how they shape his thinking. Also, for any potential new trades on the horizon.
Now, to give you the best possible start when you join Retirement Trader today, you’ll also get immediate access to the Retirement Trader Video Master Series.
These are five video tutorials that offer a detailed look at how Murray’s system selects stocks, finds entry points and manages trades through to completion.
There’s one that lifts the bonnet on his exclusive momentum indicator crucial to finding stocks that are already moving.
One on how price distributions and ranges are formed, which is also crucial for the right stocks to trade.
Another that looks more closely at how his proprietary pivots finds optimal entry and exit points in stocks.
And another shows you how stock price trends develop and how quickly they can change. This one gives an insight into Murray’s reasoning behind taking part profit and moving your stop-loss.
Now, of course, if you just want the actionable trades, that’s absolutely fine too, but all this is at your disposal should you want it.
The point is you wouldn’t get this attention to detail from most other trading products out there, I can promise you that.
As member Mark R. points out:
“I have great confidence in Murray’s ability to identify the right time to buy and sell stocks. His mix of technical and fundamental analysis inspires confidence. His use of video updates to explain and educate is first class.”
Now the big question,
what does a service like this cost?
And what’s the Trilogy Trade discount to Retirement Trader?
Usually, you’d pay $2,999 for a one-year subscription.
Today, we are cutting that back 50%, $1,499 for your first year.
That’s a half-price discount, just $1,499 instead of $2,999 for your first 12 months of Retirement Trader.
Now that’s a huge reduction, but it’s only available for the next few days.
On Monday, 15 July at midnight (AEST) , this offer expires.
So, if you want to jump on it, you must do so quickly.
As you can see from the testimonials, this is a pretty appealing service.
As Mark Lucas from South Australia says:
"Murray is a true gem. His market insights and charting skills are second to none. I have been with Retirement Trader from day one, and can sleep soundly knowing that my investments are in good hands."
If you are interested, then join up and see what Murray is planning for the next few months.
The ball's in your court now.
50% off your first year, but it's only available to new members until midnight (AEST), Monday, 15th of July.
Hit the ‘Join Now’ button below and you'll see this Trilogy Trade deal spelled out for you and we'll guide you through the next steps.
Now, final words, Murray, on why people at home should join you.
Murray Dawes:
Well, one of the major ones is oil is now poised.
If we get that signal breaking out, things are going to move really rapidly, so you want to be on board before things start to move.
But beyond that, my whole approach really is to be straight up.
I'm not going to trade day in, day out just for the fun of it.
I've got a very disciplined model that I've developed over many years to try to help people.
And I explain it to people clearly, so they understand exactly what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it.
They know if they're putting their money at risk, they understand the logic behind it.
And I think the past really does prove that the model works and that I can find the sectors that are about to move.
The technical analysis that I use has been proven time and again to be really good at getting in just before pretty explosive moves.
Hopefully, you've seen in the trades that we've done that we often enter just before prices really do start to move to the upside.
Nothing's ever guaranteed, but I mean hopefully today you've got a sense that I actually do know what I'm talking about, and I really do want to help you out.
James Woodburn:
Thanks for joining us, Murray, and to you at home for taking the time to go through this with us.
Hopefully, you've gotten something out of it even if you don't decide to join Retirement Trader.
But if you do, remember that our special deal expires at the stroke of midnight (AEST) on Monday, 15 July.
Don't forget about the 30-day subscription refund guarantee.
It means you can test out Murray's trading system however you want, and still get your 50% discounted subscription back within 30 days if you want.
Just click the link below and complete the short form on the next page.
Okay, the only thing that's left now is for you to reveal the name of the oil ETF for viewers at home to consider, Murray.
Just a quick note on that, you're at liberty to buy the ETF Murray is about to reveal, but it's not an active Retirement Trader recommendation yet.
That means you won't get any updates or the all-important sell alert, so please bear that in mind and invest responsibly.
Right, over to you. Murray.
Murray Dawes:
Yeah, so the ETF to consider today is FUEL.
That one covers off the world's largest oil and gas companies.
Many of them are trading on a P/E. of like six or seven.
Don't believe the hype that oil is dead. I really think it's here to stay.
We're all noticing people are turning away from EVs.
People are trying to look at, do we need more coal stations turned on for longer?
The story really is changing.
All we need is this breakout to go off, and I think we're off to the races in oil.
So, if you do want the actual levels when the buy signal goes off, you're going to have to be a member, of course.
So, please click below to get started. I really do hope you become a member.
But if not, I hope you really got a lot out today and thank you so much for watching.

Murray Dawes,
Editor, Retirement Trader