Fat Tail Investment Research

Australia’s new,
trackable DIGI-DOLLAR

The race has begun to replace the dollar with a new, State-programmed currency
that all Aussies could one day be legally forced to use.


Dear fellow Australian,

It began in Shenzhen in October 2020, the height of the pandemic.

In 50,000 homes all over the city, people woke to find these gift cards waiting for them:

Source: Reuters

From the outside, these ‘red packets’, as they became known, look just like the cards that are common presents all over China.

Each is loaded with 200 yuan (about US$20). Small change.

That money can be spent in 3,000 places in the city.

Shops, restaurants, and cinemas all accept it.

It appears to work just like normal currency, but these red packets are hiding something.

The money loaded onto them is different, radically different, to the rest of the currency in circulation.

It’s new. Digital. And unlike normal money, it’s programmable.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can see every transaction, track every purchase, and monitor every cent of money that’s being spent in real time.

Not only that, these ‘red packets’ can be coded with government-set rules, meaning they can only be spent on State-approved purchases.

It’s a new form of controllable money
that has never existed before

And here’s the really disturbing part; programmable money like this was tested here in Australia two years before the CCP launched it.

It was part of a 2018 government-backed trial designed to create new money that ‘knows what it can be spent on, who it can be spent by, and when it can be spent’.

Money that ‘knows’ stuff might sound like science fiction, but it’s already been tested in Australia and rolled out across China.

And it’s being readied for a mass pilot across
Australia THIS YEAR

In fact, one day — much sooner than you might think — you could be forced to use it by law.

It’s what the IMF calls ‘the future of money’.

And it’s nothing like the cash in your pocket, or the dollars in your savings account.

It’s a perfect tool of control.

Just look at China.

Soon after appearing in Shenzhen, this new digital money began to crop up all over China.

Next it was Guangzhou. Then Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, and countless other cities.

It fits perfectly into the CCP’s plans.

You may not know this, but the Chinese authorities are building a social credit system — designed to reward ‘good’ citizens and punish ‘bad’ behaviour.

The State can ‘punish’ people for playing too many video games, buying ‘frivolous’ items, posting the wrong thing online, or smoking in the wrong place.

Do the ‘wrong’ thing, and people can find themselves banned from flying or barred from top hotels — one student even had his university spot cancelled due to his father’s poor social credit score.

A programmable currency is the next step.

It gives the state total control over people’s money…

It allows the authorities to impose rules on what people can do with their money and their lives.

And makes it easy to punish people if they step out of line.

Sounds like something from the pages of Nineteen Eighty-Four, doesn’t it?

But it gets worse, because this isn’t just something the Communists have cooked up. It’s under development in more than 100 countries around the world — including right here in Australia.

For the third time in Australian history, the
authorities are preparing to issue a new currency

But unlike the shift from British pounds to Aussie dollars in the ‘60s or the first electronic payments in the ‘80s…

This new currency could fundamentally change how and where you spend your money, and live your life.

That’s because it won’t just be issued by the state, like the money in your pocket.

It’ll be CODED by it too.

Every dollar you spend can be watched, around the clock…

You can be stopped from buying the wrong things, whether that’s a diesel car or donating to the wrong political party…

You can be forced to buy into the latest fad, like electric vehicles or plant-based meat…

And your money can even be locked down or deleted if you step out of line…

It’s a radical change to how your money works today.

Take a $100 bill out of an ATM and you can spend it however you like.

Yes, the RBA can control how many dollars are in circulation, and what interest rate those dollars pay, but beyond that, you’re free to do as you please with your money.

Beer. Cigarettes. Diesel. Political donations. A flight around the world.

It’s your money. You’re free to spend it how you like — even on stuff that’s bad for you (or bad for the planet).

But programmable currency flips this on its head.

And that’s why you need to take it seriously.

In fact, if you’re not, then I hate to say it, but perhaps you don’t value your freedom or privacy as much as you thought.

Think back to the lockdowns, when the authorities decreed where you could go, who you could see, how far you could travel — even what medications you put in your body.

Now imagine that level of control over your money.

And not just for a few months — but FOREVER

How long will it be before we all wake up to find the new currency is here for good?

I can’t say.

But what I can say for certain is: right now, you still have time to do something about this.

One day that time will run out.

That’s why in this briefing, I’m going to share a few things you can do with your money to protect yourself as this new digital currency launches.

I’ll also introduce you to the expert I turn to when there’s a big change in the monetary system.

He’s a former CIA and Pentagon advisor.

He’s worked for some of the world’s top banks, like Citibank and Caxton Associates.

He helped put together the 1998 bailout of Long-Term Capital Management.

You’re about to see the plan Jim’s team have put together.

It’s designed to help you preserve your wealth, privacy, and freedom, while you still can.

But I’ll warn you, if this new money is rolled out in Australia, it’ll be impossible to avoid all the impact.

But if you value your money and your freedom, then simply understanding what’s coming will put you one step ahead of most people.

We’ll talk more about what you can do in just a second.

But first, I should introduce myself.

Lockdowns…soldiers on the streets…
authoritarian policies…what’s going on?

My name is Greg Canavan.

I’m the Editorial Director at Fat Tail Investment Research. I’d confidently say we’re Australia’s biggest unknown financial publisher.

Since we first set up in Australia back in ‘06, we’ve had a very simple mission:

To help private investors understand how big changes in the financial world will impact them, and make smarter investment decisions in response.

But this letter is more important than a revelation about a new trend or stock opportunity.

If the prediction I’m here to share with you comes to pass…your money, privacy, and freedom are in big danger.

Take a step back and you’ll see this is not a surprise.

It’s no secret that over the past few years, Australia has taken a disturbing turn towards authoritarianism.

COVID was a part of it.

But I’d argue it went deeper.

As one writer put it:

People who once thought they’d won the lottery of life by being born in Australia now wake in fright every day to the sudden realisation that they are living in a 21st-century penal colony.

The country they once loved has been replaced by something they barely recognise.

You’ve probably seen the warnings signs too.

The longest lockdowns on the planet.

Borders closed for months longer than anywhere else.

Soldiers on the streets of Sydney and Melbourne to enforce the rules.

Facial recognition apps to enforce quarantine and compliance.

Children kept from their parents.

There was even the story of a heavily pregnant woman who was handcuffed — in front of her young children — for a Facebook post.

As The Federalist put it, ‘outside of Australia, probably only Communist China has this level of digital surveillance of its citizens’.

How many lives these rules actually saved is up for debate.

But anyone who isn’t worried about where all this is going has rocks in their head.

The very fact you’re reading this letter tells me that — on some level — you’re worried too.

You’ve probably asked yourself the same questions I have...

  • What new restrictions will they implement in the next crisis?
  • How else could COVID tracking technology be used?
  • What else could the State ‘mandate’ me to do against my will?
  • And who will they target next?

As you’ll see over the next few pages, if you’re worried Australia — and the wider world — is becoming more authoritarian by the day…

Then your suspicions are correct.

But you’re not alone.

I know it may feel that way sometimes.

After all, anyone who dares speak up against any of this stuff gets branded as ‘extreme right-wing’, or anti-vaxxer, or COVID denier, or some other slur.

It can feel isolating at times.

But that’s why I’m speaking to you.

I want to tell you about the next logical step in this process.

It takes the kind of rules and restrictions on who you could see and where you could go in the pandemic…

And applies them to your money.

Their boot, your face

There have been two major changes to how money works in the last century.

The first came as the Great Depression struck in the late 1920s.

Back then, most currencies were still backed by gold, which imposed natural limits on what governments could borrow and spend.

But with a crisis to fight, that went out the window.

Governments around the world — including our own — took their currencies off the gold standard.

That gave them the freedom to devalue and spend more freely.

Soon the Aussie pound had plummeted in value against gold.

Chart 1

The second shift came in 1971, when US President Richard Nixon stopped the dollar’s convertibility into gold.

That made it even easier for the authorities — and their friends in the banking system — to borrow and spend vast sums of money.

Since then, the real value of the US dollar has plummeted…as has every fiat currency in the world, including the Aussie dollar. Take a look:

Chart 2

Two big shifts in the way money works.

But one common thread.

Each shift granted the authorities more power to do as they please…and stripped it away from ordinary people.

And that brings me to today.

The next big change to the money we use goes much further than anything yet seen.

It won’t just allow the authorities to create money out of thin air…

But it’ll give them the power to track where it is, control how it’s spent, and punish anyone who steps out of line.

It’s the ultimate tool of control

This new form of money — known as a Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC — runs on the blockchain, the same technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin [BTC].

It’s 100% digital.

This is not physical cash you can hold in your hand, or withdraw if your bank gets into trouble.

And unlike cryptocurrencies, many of which are decentralised and not controlled by any one organisation, this new money is controlled by the state.

The authorities create the code and get to set the rules.

And that grants them a never-before-seen level of control over how and where that money gets spent.

As The Economist put it:

These “govcoins” [CBDCs] are a new incarnation of money. They promise to shift power from individuals to the state.

Once ascendant, [they] could become panopticons for the state to control citizens: think of instant e-fines for bad behaviour.

Note the choice of language.

A ‘panopticon’ is a kind of prison.

The concept was ‘invented’ in the 18th century by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham, who thought the only way to alter society for the better was through constant, unverifiable surveillance.

He imagined it as a circular prison with an observation tower in the centre.

That tower can, theoretically, see inside every single cell, but the inmates can’t see into the tower.

They can’t know if they’re being watched. It’s psychological torture.

And yet the boffins at The Economist openly chose that specific word to describe how these new currencies work.

Even the Harvard Business Review has admitted that ‘one obvious risk is privacy’ if a CBDC is introduced.

China’s government has dealt with these fears with a move right out of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Users of its CBDC (which is already in use, remember) enjoy what’s known as ‘controlled anonymity’.

That means no corporation or company can track transactions using the new currency. Users are completely anonymous to everyone EXCEPT THE GOVERNMENT.

So, not anonymous then.

But to be honest, privacy is the least of your worries.

After all, most governments now routinely lean on banks to track and monitor transactions, if they so choose.

So if you want true financial privacy, you need a time machine.

No. The real threat of these new currencies is the fact that the state controls the code they run on…and can programme them to do all sorts of dark and devious things.

No more burgers for you, fatty

Say the state decides to pay out a new benefit. It could programme that money so that it can only be spent on essentials like food or fuel.

But it could go further.

It could make sure that money only worked on ‘approved’ food, healthy food, say — to make sure people use it ‘correctly’.

Might sound harmless on the face of it.

But it opens a Pandora’s box of new controls, regulations, and ways to try and run your life.

As The Australian Spectator asked recently:

So why on earth is this being pursued with such ambition? The only rational conclusion is control.

Another form of government control. The CBDC will remove financial independence and autonomy from our lives.

Give the State this kind of power, and it’s unlikely to end there.

The powers-that-be could not only force you to buy the ‘right’ things,  they could stop or limit you from doing the ‘wrong’ thing, too:

  • Had too many beers this week? Your money stops working at the bar.
  • Eaten too much meat? Your money only buys vegan food now.
  • Carbon footprint getting too high? No more flights for you.

In other words, the authorities could have total control over how and where you spend your money.

In a recent Joe Rogan interview, digital currency expert Maajid Nawaz speculated on exactly this kind of outcome:

If you try to buy unhealthy meat it just won’t work. You tap your card, you can’t buy that thing, but because you’ve met your quota of burgers — you’ll have to buy a vegan meal instead.

Getting people to eat less meat, or quit smoking, or burn less fossil fuels might all win a few extra votes. But what’s that famous saying?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Being able to programme money to achieve whatever the political elite decide is a power no government has ever had before.

But they’re building the monetary system they need as we speak. They’re not even hiding it.

Just look at what the people who run the global money system are saying about this.

Tom Mutton, a Bank of England Director, said that central banks should consider creating programmable money in order to pursue ‘socially beneficial outcomes’.

What might those outcomes be?

Whatever they decide.

This food is bad for you. That car is bad for the climate. The extra $100k in your bank is bad for social equality.

Who knows exactly what kind of ‘outcome’ the authorities will try to engineer.

The point is…

Once they control your money, they control YOU

To see where all this is going, you only need look at how the existing financial system has been turned into a tool of control (and a means of punishing people) in the last couple of years.

Take the ‘Freedom Convoy’ in Canada.

At the start of the year, thousands of truckers blocked roads in Ottawa in protest against forced vaccination. In response, the Canadian authorities turned the financial system into a weapon.

Protestors found their bank accounts frozen, and their vehicle insurance declared invalid. Even donating to the cause was enough to see your account frozen.

One single mum donated $50 to the truckers and woke to find her account locked.

Which showed how willing the authorities are to use money as a weapon.

We’ve seen the same pattern in the US.

It turns out, Bank of America gave the government details of 211 ‘suspicious’ individuals connected to the 6 January protests.

BoA won’t say if they were issued a warrant or subpoena…or whether the surveillance broke any laws.

But innocent people were called in for questioning as a result.

Now, the search is on to find out how many other banks did the same thing.

Look. It’s easy to dismiss these cases. These people have been cast as anti-vaxxers…Trump voters…deplorables.

They’re easy targets.

But add all this up and what do you get?

  • Authorities that are willing to use money as a weapon…
  • Who are developing a new programmable currency…
  • One that’s trackable 24/7…
  • Can be controlled by central planners…
  • And used to punish anyone who steps out of line.

And that includes our own government, by the way.

Because that’s a big objection people have when I warn them about this. They dismiss it as something that’ll only ever happen in an authoritarian state like China…

But that ignores the most important fact.


While people are distracted — by rising prices…falling markets…spiking energy costs…and countless other short-term moves in the markets — the pieces are falling into place, right under your nose.

  • The RBA ran a ‘Making Money Smart’ program back in 2018…
  • In the middle of the pandemic, the RBA began testing a cross-border digital currency system in ‘Project Dunbar’…
  • Then it launched ‘Project Atom’ — a digital dollar pilot for wholesale use by banks and financial institutions only…
  • Then the Treasury asked for ‘advice’ on a full-scale rollout by the end of this year
  • Then the RBA announced plans to pilot a new digital currency for everyone — not just banks and financial institutions.

One senior partner at research firm Oliver Wyman said that CBDCs are ‘nearly inevitable’ in Australia and the US.

And two professors at the University of Sydney recently claimed we’re on the cusp of an ‘imminent introduction’ of a digital dollar.

This is all happening.

And it’s happening now.

Then you have the real ‘smoking gun’…

In RBA Governor Philip Lowe’s own words at last year’s Australian Payments Network Summit in late 2021, he mooted the idea of launching a:

…retail central bank digital currency — or an eAUD. I have said previously that the RBA is open to this possibility.

To date, though, we have not seen a strong public policy case to move in this direction...

It is possible, however, that the public policy case could emerge quite quickly as technology evolves and consumer preferences change.’

That ‘public policy case’ could emerge rapidly.

It didn’t take long for the ‘case’ for lockdowns and other restrictions to emerge.

When a crisis strikes, the authorities move faster than anyone is prepared for.

But more recently, in comments to the Australian Strategic Business Forum in July ‘22, Lowe was even more explicit:

A lesson from history is that what a society uses as money changes with technology.

And on the horizon is the possibility of programmable money, which contains self-executing code that triggers a payment when a specified condition is satisfied.

That’s not something you say unless you’ve given it serious thought.

Frankly, Lowe may find he has no choice.

Every major central bank in the world is pursuing a CBDC.

The US Federal Reserve, the ECB, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England…they’re all at it.

In fact, 10 countries have already launched their CBDC.

The RBA may be forced to move, just to avoid getting left behind.

Add all that up and you’ll probably reach the same conclusion as me.

A programable digital dollar is coming —
and you need to prepare for it

The RBA is already preparing to pilot a CBDC in the near future.

Soon, you’ll probably hear news the banks and other tech businesses are using it.

You’ll hear a lot of technical mumbo jumbo about how the financial system is becoming faster, more efficient, more modern…

It’ll pass right over most people’s heads.

Then you’ll start noticing ATMs disappearing.

You’ll hear even more stories about how use of cash is declining.

It’ll get harder to use cash. The number of card-only shops and restaurants will keep growing.

That initial CBDC ‘pilot’ will grow into something much bigger.

Then you’ll hear news that all dollars — which are already ‘digital’ — have been replaced with a new ‘e-dollar’ issued by the State.

Your bank balance won’t change.

And so most people won’t notice.

The fact that these new dollars are programmable won’t get a mention in the mainstream media.

But with that, the ‘bait and switch’ will be complete.

Then, we’ll be just one crisis away from this new money being used against us.

It could be money that expires unless it’s spent, to stimulate the economy in a crisis…

It could be used to lock you and your money down in a new public health crisis, meaning you can’t spend a cent unless the authorities deem it essential.

Most likely, it will be used to limit the amount of carbon you and your family use to help fight climate change…

It could be anything. Everything is a ‘crisis’ these days. Inflation. Inequality. The weather.

Who knows what’ll be next?

The point is, once your money is programmed by the State, it’s over.

Privacy. Freedom. Liberty.
It’ll all be on the bonfire.

Look, I could be wrong.

I hope I’m wrong.

Of course, if Philip Lowe were here now he’d probably accuse me of being extreme. He’d say that just because the authorities can programme money, doesn’t mean they will. 

There’s no guarantee they’ll track your carbon use, or dictate what you can eat, or how you can spend your money.

They could…but they won’t.

Now, ask yourself, do you believe him?

Do you trust the authorities not to use the extraordinary power a digital dollar would grant them?

Or do you think they’d be tempted to meddle and interfere?

I‘ve laid out what’s happening for you. And I’ve shown you where I think all this is going.

I think the risks are clear.

You may agree with me. Or you may not. I’ll let you make your own mind up. But if you share my concerns and want to take some sensible precautions…

Let’s talk SOLUTIONS

I want to introduce you to one of the world’s best-connected financial experts.

His name is Jim Rickards.

As I said, he’s a former CIA and Pentagon adviser.

And in my book, he’s easily the best-qualified analyst on the planet when it comes to understanding how changes deep in the financial system will impact you.

He was called on by the Nixon administration to help craft the petrodollar agreement… 

By the Carter administration as it negotiated the Iran hostage crisis in 1980…

And after 9/11, the CIA tapped him up to lead counterterrorism efforts.

In other words, he’s not some self-professed expert, like a thousand others out there on the internet (having your own podcast or YouTube channel doesn’t make you an expert).

He’s the person the authorities, even the president himself, has turned to for help and guidance.  

He warned the US Treasury of the subprime collapse several years before it happened. That time he was ignored…

…and then was called in again in September 2009 to testify to the House of Representatives and explain how he saw it coming and they didn’t.

Jim’s worked on building financial analytics systems for the CIA.

He’s helped the Pentagon design their economic war games.

In April 2022, Jim was called to lead the financial war seminar at the US Army War College, from which he tweeted:

No need for hypotheticals this year…we got a REAL financial war going on…

He’s the man you call when you want the truth.

And right now, Jim is worried

He believes that once CBDCs launch:

There will be no escape from totalitarian control operated through the banks.

CBDC accounts can easily be frozen if you express political views not favoured by the regime…[and] accounts will be easy to confiscate in any tax dispute or if you are planning to leave the country.

The final steps toward CBDCs are now being put in place. It’s all coming soon.

So what should you do if you’re worried?

It’s not easy.

There’s no ‘one easy move’ you can make.

But I reckon you can put yourself ahead of the vast majority of others by making a handful of the moves Jim’s team have laid out for you.

See, so you understand what to do with your money, Jim has teamed up with two top Australian analysts.

There’s Nick Hubble, an internationally respected author and macro analyst in his own right.

And Brian Chu, the founder of the Australian Gold Fund, a private investment vehicle dedicated to Australian gold stocks.

This ‘family office’ fund has outperformed the ASX Gold Index by an average of 15% each year since 2015.

Between them, Jim, Nick, and Brian have put together a plan for protecting at least some of your money.

The first step is simple:

STEP #1: Understand everything you can about CBDCs

The first thing Jim’s team want to send you is a crucial online workshop called ‘Surviving CBDCs with Jim Rickards’.

It’s an in-depth conversation between Jim Rickards and Nick Hubble, designed to help you understand what your options are if you’re worried about the rise of CBDCs.

You’ll see Jim outline the threat they present to you, and your money.

But Nick and Jim will also talk you through the different options open to you if you want to protect yourself.

Is gold better than bitcoin at protecting privacy? Will the stock market be safe? How much cash should you have as an ‘emergency fund’? Are bonds, commodities, and other ‘mainstream’ investments still safe?

These are the kinds of questions Jim will grapple with. You’ll walk away much better informed…and with a clearer idea of what to do next.

That’s why I’d urge you to watch this video before you do anything else.

But in step two of their plan, they’ll help you go further than that…

STEP #2: Get a portion of your money off the financial grid

As long as your money is tied up in the ‘traditional’ financial system, banks, savings deposits, that kind of thing, it’s at risk of being converted into a new, digital-only currency.

Therefore, the only logical thing to do is get a some of your money out of the system.

Exactly how much is your choice.

I’m not just talking about taking cash out and stuffing it in your mattress.

I mean investing outside of the traditional stock, bond, and real estate markets.

For instance, there’s one ‘non-financial’ asset that even rich and powerful families, like the Kennedys, have turned to through history — in fact, JFK personally put money into this while president. But it could still be a good bet today.

Or there’s another ‘hold in your hand’ asset that’s totally unconnected to the financial system — but that already increased in value by 367% in the decade to 2019, according to accounting firm PwC. That’s before the supply of this asset decreased by 90%. You’ll get the full story in the report.

Plus, you’ll hear about 10 other steps you can take today to get some of your money ‘off grid’.

The good news is Jim’s team have put everything you need to know in a report called ‘Off the Grid: How to Keep Your Money Under Your Control’.

This report can be yours today.

I’ll show you how to download a copy in a second.

But that’s only part one of the plan…

STEP #3: Put your faith in REAL money

Gold can’t be printed.

It can’t be manipulated.

It can’t be tracked, controlled, distorted, or managed by the State.

In other words, it’s the exact opposite of the centrally planned and managed money the authorities are working on at the moment.

Gold is the most stable form of money the world has ever known.

It’s real money.

Throughout human history, there have been thousands of currencies issued by governments.
To my knowledge, they’ve all gone to zero in the end. (The Aussie dollar has lost 99% of its value against gold in the last 40 years…so we’re nearly there once again.)

But gold has been seen as currency across the globe for more than 5,000 years. 

And when digital currencies radically alter the global banking system…I’d rather put my faith in 5,000 years of human history.

And, of course, it can’t be tracked.

So if you value your freedom and your privacy, owning gold is a must.

That’s why I want to send you another report Jim and the team have put together.

It’s called ‘The Ultimate Bullion Buyer’s Guide’. Open up your copy and you’ll get answers to questions like these:

  • Is gold safe to invest in?
  • How much should you invest in gold and other precious metals?
  • Where can you buy it?
  • How do you store it safely to avoid confiscation or a ‘lockdown’ on money?
  • What kinds of bullion and coins should you be looking to buy?
  • And how could you ‘spend’ gold if (or rather when) CBDCs launch?

You can grab your copy of this report in just a second.

It comes as a bonus when you become a subscriber to Jim’s monthly newsletter, Strategic Intelligence Australia.

And that’s not all you’ll get either.

Because step three of the team’s plan goes one step further.

STEP #4: Learn how to amplify gold’s potential gains

If I’m right, you’re not the only person who’ll be considering buying gold in the near future.

When people start realising that something odd is happening to our money, they’ll start looking for escape routes.

Aussies, Americans, Brits, Europeans, anyone who values freedom and privacy.

And I reckon a lot of them will turn to gold.

That could be just the spark gold needs to continue its rally. It doubled between 2015 and 2020, then fell back. But I think it could go higher still.

And you can leverage that move by holding a handful of well-chosen gold mining plays.

For instance, in the 2008–11 bull market, gold rose 94%, but top-performing gold producer stocks rose by an average of 873%.

Between 2014 and 2016, it was the same story. Gold rose 38%, top-performing gold producers soared 842%.

And when gold soared 57% between 2019 and 2020, those same top-performing producers rose 210%.

Though, not all gold stocks rose significantly. Gold investing is risky — there are no guarantees.

But on each occasion, well-chosen stocks outperformed gold significantly.

The good news is Brian Chu is one of Australia’s leading gold mining experts.

And he’s put together a portfolio of five key Aussie producer stocks you can move on today.

They’re all listed right here in Australia. Brian’s done all the research for you, all you need to do is grab a copy of the report he’s compiled for you and decide if you want to make your move.

This report is called ‘Five Buys for Your Niche Gold Portfolio’ and, again, it’s yours today.

Fair warning: this report won’t help you protect your privacy or freedom if a CBDC launches here.

But it could help you profit from the second-order effects a digital currency could unleash — mostly a rush to gold.

That’s why I want to get this report into your hands.

As I said, you’ll get the reports I just mentioned when you subscribe to Jim’s newsletter, Strategic Intelligence Australia.

Now, Jim is one of the world’s most respected analysts.

Presidents. Central bankers. Military men. They’ve all turned to him over the years to help them stay one step ahead.

But in Strategic Intelligence Australia, he takes his proprietary models, his in-depth analysis, and leverages all his contacts to help private investors like you make better (and hopefully more profitable) investment decisions in the face of unprecedented state and government intervention into your life.

It’s a simple but profound mission.

But right now, it’s more crucial than ever that you have an experienced, credible, and knowledgable expert like Jim in your corner.

And not just because of the rapidly emerging threat of centrally controlled money.

Look around you.

Inflation has broken out to 40-year highs. Global stock markets had their worst start to a year in over a century. The bond market has taken an even bigger hit — having its worst start to a year since 1828.

The point being, it’s more than rough out there.

Make the wrong move with your money, and you can pay the price.

But that’s what Jim and the team are here for:

To help you make the right moves

That’s why today I’m inviting you to take a one-year subscription to Strategic Intelligence Australia.

You’ll get the three reports I’ve told you about the second you subscribe.

You’ll also get:

  • 12 issues of Strategic Intelligence Australia a year

The financial world moves fast. New trends and threats develop. Old ones die. There’s no one single ‘set and forget’ approach you can take to thrive in the modern financial world.

That’s why Jim’s monthly newsletters are so valuable. They’re your way of staying up to date with the latest thinking, ideas, threats, and opportunities.

That might be — a new risk developing, a new money-making opportunity, or a new position for your portfolio. It depends what’s happening in the world.

But whatever is going on, Jim will be there on your side, and in your corner.

Then you’ll get:

  • Full access to the Strategic Intelligence Australia portfolio

This is what really sets Jim’s work apart from the mainstream.

He’s not just here to explain what’s happening (though, there are few more qualified than him to do so).

Jim and the team translate that into an entire portfolio of investment ideas you can go out and buy to turn that knowledge into action.

That’s huge.

Think about it. You can go pay $499 a year for a subscription to The Economist…or $800-plus for the Australian Financial Review…or more than $1,000 a year for the Financial Times.

But nowhere in those pages of news will you find a single investment recommendation.

It’s all fluff. All noise. It doesn’t matter how many PhDs the editorial teams have, they’re not sharing anything you can act on.

Strategic Intelligence Australia is different.

You’ll walk away from almost every issue with a fully researched investment recommendation that ties into Jim’s worldview.

And here’s the crazy part — though I’d argue he offers far more value, the cost of Jim’s work is a fraction of what you’d pay for a year of The Economist.

In fact, one year of Strategic Intelligence Australia costs just $199.

That’s it.

That’s all you pay for a world-class financial analyst, with connections that go right to the top, providing his most valuable ideas and investment recommendations.

And by the way, there’s more included in your subscription. You’ll also get:

  • Jim Rickard’s weekly five

Things are a blur right now.

As such, we think it’s important Jim stays in touch with you on a weekly basis, drilling down on the five most important developments and news he sees for Australian investors.

  • Jim Rickards in person

Here’s where you can be a fly on the wall at regular strategy sessions Jim holds with the Strategic Intelligence Australia team.

Here, you may even see some of the paired investment recommendations get brainstormed in real time.

  • Jim Rickards’ exclusive chapters

Jim is a bestselling author with a huge global following. A number of his books have been international bestsellers.

What normal readers don’t get are his special bonus chapters, which are exclusive for Strategic Intelligence Australia readers.

You’ll be able to instantly access our bonus chapters of his last two bestselling books: Aftermath and The New Great Depression.  

These cannot be accessed anywhere else at any price.

You get all this — plus a subscription to The Insider, my roundup of the most important developments inside and outside of our business — for just $199.

Why so cheap?

Our business only really works when we have a committed, engaged readership that’s willing to stick around long term.

But we know that you’re probably sceptical about people who make you promises on the internet.

And we know you want to actually see our research before making up your mind.

So we do two things:

  1. We make sure some of our best research is priced way below its ‘true’ value…so that any investor or saver in Australia can afford it. At $199, that’s true of Strategic Intelligence Australia.
  2. We offer a complete 30-day money-back guarantee on that subscription fee. Anything you pay today is fully refundable for 30 days. So if you’re not delighted with the analysis, ideas, and recommendations you’re getting, you can get a full refund.

That’s a fair deal.

And it puts the pressure where it should be — on Jim and the team to deliver world-class research.

And to give you an extra incentive to give this a go, you can get your first year of Strategic Intelligence Australia for half price…

Bringing that first-year price right down to $99.

Let me tell you, that’s an insanely low price. As Editorial Director, I see the amount of time, effort, and money that goes into the production of our newsletters.

In that light, $99 for a year is practically giving this away. But it means there really is no reason for you to turn this offer down.

If you want in, all you need to do is click on one of the ‘Subscribe Now’ buttons below.

You’ll be taken to a secure order form. Everything you get as part of this offer is laid out in black and white. From there, you’ll be able to start your subscription. You should have all of your reports and guides in your inbox waiting for you within 30 minutes of starting your subscription.

So if you share our concerns about the loss of freedom, privacy, and control a CBDC would entail…

If you want a world-class, highly respected team of experts — led by the legendary Jim Rickards — in your corner…

Then there’s only really one thing left to do. Click the link below to get started:

(You can review your order
before it’s final)

Just remember what you’re up against here.

We’re on the cusp of perhaps the biggest shift in the way money works in our lifetimes.

The Bank for International Settlements said CBDCs were likely to be:

A game changer in the international financial system.’

This is a fundamental shift to how money works.

It could radically change your relationship with money, and the State turning money into a tool to watch you…and dictate what you can do.  




This is the ‘Techno-Communist’ world China is moving towards already…

And our own government is preparing to trial the same kind of money.

And if you think I’m exaggerating the threat — just look at the advice central banks are getting from the OMFIF (a think tank designed to shape central bank policy):

Programmable money is designed with in-built rules that constrain the user.

These rules could mean that money expires after a fixed date or its use is restricted to a certain set of goods.

CBDCs must include programmability as a feature.

If that last line worries you — as it worries me — then I reckon it should be all the motivation you need to take action.

That’s what Jim and his team are here to help you do.

Take action.

Defend your freedom and privacy and take control of your own money.

All you need to do to accept this offer and start your subscription now is click on one of the links below. Our team will do the rest.

(You can review your order
before it’s final)

I can guarantee you a warm welcome to Strategic Intelligence Australia.


Greg Canavan Signature

Greg Canavan,
Editorial Director, Fat Tail Investment Research

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before it’s final)

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Fat Tail Investment Research