Discover the breakthrough helping a small group of miners access a forgotten bounty worth billions of’s already sending some stocks soaring...
Four stocks set to unlock:
In 1934, at the height of the Great Depression, two Aussie explorers made the gold discovery of the century…
They set out into the Northern Territory…into what newspapers called the ‘horror of the desert’…
Soon enough, they happened upon a tiny settlement, home to little other than a telegram station, dry creek, and rows of low ridges.
The locals said the spot was so dry, even the frogs there never learned to swim…
But in this unlikeliest of places...
Over the next 50 years, Noble’s Nob mine would produce gold worth hundreds of millions of dollars, making its owners wildly rich…
Then, in 1985…the once-bountiful gold supply dried up, and the mine’s owners abandoned the mine — leaving it to collect the desert dust.
But, 40 years later, in 2024, a group of speculators returned to Noble’s Nob…
And achieved something nobody thought possible.
Using breakthrough technology, they unlocked a staggering 42 tonnes of previously inaccessible gold…without any new exploration.
They weren’t mining for other minerals. And they didn’t happen upon it by accident either.
Thanks to this breakthrough, Noble’s Nob will produce a further 65,000 ounces of gold — that’s $260 million’s worth — every year, starting in 2025, and continue at the same rate for the next eight years, at least. calls it a ‘new era’ for the mine.
But, while the revival of Noble’s Nob might sound like a modern-day miracle…
This is just a small part of a much bigger story playing out all across the Australian mining sector…
Right across the country, Aussie miners are racing to unlock hundreds of tonnes of previously inaccessible gold sitting under our red dirt.
Today, I’m going to show you how you can position yourself to potentially profit from this massive bounty as well.
There’s a huge opportunity for investors here — for example...
Vertex Minerals is transforming a 100-year-old gold mine in New South Wales, after it sat idle for three decades…unlocking 6 tonnes of Australia’s highest-grade gold.
In 2024, Vertex’s stock rose 264%…
Black Cat Syndicate is transforming two ‘mothballed’ mines in Western Australia into the country’s highest-grade gold deposits…reclaiming 28 tonnes of ‘abandoned gold’.
In 2024, Black Cat’s stock shot up 322%…
And Catalyst Metals is transforming a previously shuttered mine located on the Plutonic belt…increasing mineable grades by 25% and unlocking 14 tonnes of ‘abandoned gold’.
In 2024, Catalyst’s stock rocketed up 685%…
Of course, not all mining stocks have performed like these three over the last year — but they really showcase the potential of the opportunity here.
This intelligence I’m about to share with you comes direct from our resources expert.
He’s a former exploration geologist.
And over the last 15 years, he’s worked inside the mining industry, right at the so-called ‘coalface’ both here and in Africa.
He’s led and been part of teams from within the smallest start-up explorers…right through to some of the world’s biggest mining giants.
And he tells me that we’re about to hit a particularly exciting moment of the cycle…
And with a new era of high-tech mining on the horizon…the investment opportunities right now are deep and far-reaching.
By his estimates, the small group of miners he’s come across so far are set to unlock a massive 337 tonnes of abandoned Australian gold…
And he reckons this is just the beginning — there are thousands more tonnes out there…
It’s not just gold, either. Aussie miners are rushing to unlock a treasure trove of other abandoned minerals as well.
They are bringing disregarded deposits of copper, nickel, iron, uranium, tungsten, even diamonds back to life.
We’ll get into those details shortly.
Right now, there’s one thing you need to understand:
Just like we’ve seen with Noble’s Nob, this major new trend is transforming the entire Australian mining industry.
The opportunity here is massive. Stick with me and I’ll share everything you need to know in this presentation.
Past paradigm shifts in mining birthed giants including BHP, Rio Tinto, and Fortescue…delivering gains for investors as high as 184,000%.
I’m not saying the companies I’ll share with you today will post gains like that — those are outlier returns that are unlikely to be repeated…
But it’s clear that a major change in the mining industry is creating an opportunity for independent Aussie investors.
In the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how YOU can get involved in this latest shift in Australian mining. You’re about to discover:
As I mentioned, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a paradigm shift in the mining sector create a massive opportunity for investors…
There have been three major changes to the way the resource sector works in the last century.
Each one birthed some of Australia’s biggest mining companies…
And handed some significant gains to investors.
Case in point, the famous Gwalia mine in Western Australia.
At Gwalia, a young Herbert Hoover — who would eventually become America’s 31st President — pioneered an innovative technique for constructing mine shafts.
His innovation helped turn Gwalia into the second largest gold mine in Australian history — it produced more than 56 tonnes of gold over 50 years and made some of those involved very rich.
One of the mine’s founders saw his £8,000 stake turn into £3 million worth of gold in just 8 months.
And Hoover himself amassed a personal fortune.
Another example…
At the then-newly discovered Broken Hill site in New South Wales, a group of miners known as The Syndicate of Seven were pioneering large scale ‘deep mining’.
To this day, what they found is still the world’s largest single source of silver, lead, and zinc.
Members of this Syndicate made millions when the company was listed on the ASX.
I’m sure you’ve heard of these guys. Their name was Broken Hill Proprietary — better known today as BHP.
But BHP didn’t truly come to dominate until another big advance in mining technology…
The building of massive infrastructure to transport ore.
This really came into its own during the 1960s post-war mining boom — that’s when Japan was industrialising.
Japan’s demand for iron ore completely transformed Australia’s mining landscape.
You see, iron ore was easy to mine, but bulky to transport…
So, companies like BHP and Rio Tinto spent hundreds of millions of dollars constructing railways stretching across Australia…
And giant ports to ship this ore to Japan.
It was this infrastructure buildout that helped these two companies dominate for decades…
Since the 90s, BHP’s stock has risen as much as 823%…
And Rio Tinto’s share price has risen as much as 4,605%...
In the early 2000s, Australia’s mining giants were already struggling to keep up with China’s insatiable demand for iron ore.
The 2000s boom quickly doubled our iron ore output from the 1960s boom…
And by 2014, we’d more than tripled it.
We watched as a new kid on the block outpaced the old monolith miners at their own game.
In just a few short years, this company built their own infrastructure that was faster and more efficient than the competition…
Including a 260-kilometre railway across the Pilbara that can carry the world’s heaviest iron ore trains.
You’ve probably heard of this company and the visionary CEO behind it…
I’m talking about billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest and his company Fortescue — Australia’s best-ever resource stock play — rising more than 184,000% since the early 2000s…
Today, the Australian mining sector is going through another paradigm shift.
One that we believe could be even more impactful than the past three shifts.
And catapult a new class of mining company to the top of the pack for the next decade.
Now, I’m not saying these companies will repeat what BHP, Rio Tinto, or Fortescue did in previous mining cycles — again, these are outlier results that are unlikely to be repeated…
And remember, we’re talking about some of the riskiest stocks in the market here…where it’s totally possible for investors to lose some or all of what they put in.
But that’s also why mining stocks can be some of the biggest winners on the ASX.
Here’s why I’m so confident…
James Woodburn,
Head Publisher,
Fat Tail Investment Research
My name is James Woodburn, and I head up a company called Fat Tail Investment Research.
As our 50,000-plus like-minded followers will attest, Fat Tail is one of Australia’s leading independent publishers of financial and investment research for the self-directed investor.
For over 20 years, we’ve helped Aussie investors chart a course through various emerging megatrends.
And that’s precisely why we connected with James Cooper.
James is a former exploration geologist who’s spent the last 15 years working in the mining sector, both here in Australia and in Africa.
Over the last few years, he’s shifted his focus to INVESTING in the sector…using his years of ‘boots on the ground’ expertise to get an edge.
In fact, I believe his exploration background is what sets him apart from other resource analysts out there — whose insights merely come from staring at data points on a screen…
For instance, James was right in the thick of it during the last big mining boom — and third major shift in mining — in the early 2000s…
He worked his way up the ranks — from tiny players like Adelaide-based Monax Mining…
To being head-hunted to run copper mining exploration for Equinox Minerals out in Zambia, where he helped managed 20 rigs and 18 geologists…and oversaw around 100,000 metres of drilling.
He was part of that operation when Canadian giant Barrick Gold bought out Equinox for over $7 billion.
Of course, James was there when the boom ended in 2012 too…
He watched as Barrick and other miners powered down their drills, cancelled exploration projects, and sold off mines across Australia and all over the world.
That downturn has now set the stage for the revival of Australia’s ‘abandoned gold’ — the story I’m sharing with you today.
It’s James’s contention that we’re seeing another major shift in the mining industry, and we believe he’s well positioned to help you take full advantage…
Not just because he knows the mining game inside-out…
But also because he’s able to turn his experience into winning stock recommendations for his subscribers.
In fact, we launched James’s investment newsletter, Diggers and Drillers, smack-bang in the middle of a resources bear market...
Yet, at the time of recording, the open positions in his portfolio are well in the money — up an average of 21%, with individual gains including 46%, 52%, 57%, 93% and 143%.
Plus, a bunch of smaller gains that are yet to fully break out.
There have been losers too, and not all our open positions are performing as well as we’d like…
But thanks to James’s ‘safety-first’ risk-management strategy, he generally cuts off losers before they have the chance to do any real damage.
As Peter A — one of James’s subscribers — puts it…
‘Love getting the details from a trained geologist who has skin in the game.’
Darby Monro — another subscriber — echoes this sentiment, saying…
‘James is not up there with the shiny pants mob pretending, but down in the dirt, where he can see, hear and smell what’s going on.
‘He speaks the language of the workers, knows what’s really happening.’
Now, I’m telling you this for a very specific reason.
I want you take the opportunity I’m sharing with you today very seriously…
Because this is the biggest shift in mining that James has seen in his 15-year career.
A shift that’s seeing the emergence of a completely new type of Aussie mining stock — some of which are already going up as much as 685% in under a year...
And it’s largely gone unnoticed.
Most investors won’t see this opportunity coming.
And even the UK’s leading research firm for alternative investments recently said they ‘didn’t realise the true extent of the situation’.
But in this presentation, I’m going to show you exactly what’s going on, and also share details on James’s top four stocks for taking advantage of this opportunity…
And understand how it went from being abandoned for 40 years…
To being on the verge of pumping out $260 million worth of gold every year, without the need for any new exploration or drilling.
The truth is, the gold was sitting there the whole time.
It was just inaccessible with older mining techniques and equipment.
But now, the owners of the mine are using what they call ‘the long-awaited key’ to turn old stockpiles and offcuts from past mining booms into gold bullion.
This ‘key’ is a modern processing plant that can churn through 840 kilo-tonnes of ore per year…
And then ‘leach’ gold out of the rock.
But James says this is not just about raw processing power…
These new transformer miners are deploying a whole suite of breakthrough technologies that are transforming what’s possible in mining.
Take the drilling, for instance.
These guys are now using hyperspectral scanning machines that can analyse drill core in minutes — work that used to take teams of geologists weeks or months.
Then there’s the CSIRO-developed neutron technology that gives instant analysis of the surrounding rock right there in the drill hole — no more waiting weeks for lab results.
And when it comes to actually getting the gold out...
They’re using a revolutionary technique called ‘heap leaching’ that employs specialised microbes to extract the gold — replacing old, toxic cyanide methods that were typically expensive and hard to get approved.
But here’s what really changes the game…
They’re sending automated drill and blast machines and driverless trucks deep underground — into areas that were simply too dangerous or expensive to mine in the past.
And remember — this is just the beginning. These transformers aren’t just making mining more efficient…
They’re literally rewriting what's possible in the industry.
That’s just a taste of how the new owners of Noble’s Nob are turning what was considered decades-old ‘waste’ into 42 tonnes of pure, sellable gold.
And as I mentioned, there’s enough value in those stockpiles to pump out 65,000 ounces of gold per year — $260 million worth — for the next eight years, without the need for new exploration or drilling.
When they do start drilling again, they reckon they can get ANOTHER seven years out of the mine.
Not bad for an ‘abandoned’ mine, right?
In fact, Noble’s Nob is part of a much bigger trend playing out across Australia…
Up until now, you’ve had three main options when it comes to investing in Aussie miners:
But now, a fourth option is emerging…
A new type of mining stock that could potentially unlock over US$300 billion worth of new Australian gold.
Whether it’s reviving old deposits or squeezing every drop out of currently active mines — James believes THIS is the next big paradigm shift in mining.
It’s SERIOUSLY big news for the mining industry here in Australia — and around the world. And, perhaps more importantly, for your portfolio.
Think about it…
Suddenly, Australian miners have access to a new stream of gold.
We can return to old mines and use new techniques to generate a positive return.
Or extract EVEN MORE gold from our active mines.
All without finding new deposits and spending 15 years building out those new sites.
Can you see how these companies will be handsomely rewarded?
And how, in turn, they could help transform your portfolio?
And it’s not just gold — these companies are transforming Australia’s dormant critical mineral deposits as well.
I’ll show you how in a moment.
First, let me show you some more examples of ‘transformers’ bringing our ‘abandoned gold’ back to life…
These are just from 2024…
Plus, the three transformers I shared with you earlier — Vertex Minerals, Black Cat Syndicate, and Catalyst Metals — whose share prices have shot up as high as 685%.
Altogether, transformers like these have already recovered 337 tonnes of abandoned gold…
And along the way, they’ve given investors multiple opportunities to double, even quadruple their money in under a year.
Of course, not all mining stocks have performed this well over the last year…but, as you can see, if you can pick the right stocks at the right time, there’s some serious potential on offer here.
In fact, he says the supply-demand dynamics in gold right now are making it inevitable…
On the demand side, gold buying is at an all-time high, exceeding US$100 billion for the first time on record.
This is being driven by some of the most powerful institutions on the planet, including central banks.
Globally, central banks added more than 1,000 tonnes of gold to their reserves in both 2022 and 2023, effectively doubling their gold purchases.
And that’s just official records — investigations have uncovered Saudi Arabia and China are likely buying hundreds of tonnes ‘off the books’ too.
Meanwhile, on the supply side, there’s been an 80% drop in new gold discoveries since the 1990s — that’s despite investment in exploration, at times, more than tripling.
The World Gold Council warns we might have already hit peak gold production back in 2016.
Now, James has been warning about this ‘mineral scarcity’ problem for years.
Because we don’t need to bet on finding new deposits, when this new type of miner can bring previously untapped gold back to life.
And Australia is rapidly becoming ‘ground zero’ for this new shift in mining…
We’re sitting on 3,500 tonnes of what the government calls ‘commercial to mine gold’ — that’s gold we already know about, waiting to be transformed.
At current prices, that’s a stockpile worth roughly US$322 billion.
So, the opportunity here for these companies is massive…
And Australian investors like you have the chance to get involved.
According to James, these ‘transformer’ miners are where you should look to find the biggest opportunities in 2025, and possibly for the rest of the decade.
That’s why he’s spent the last six months tapping his industry contacts to find the specific transformer stocks that he expects to rise the fastest and highest.
Two gold miners…
And two transformers unlocking critical minerals.
Let me tell you about his first play…
This pick is similar to a pioneering transformer miner called Ramelius Resources.
Back in 2014, Ramelius brought one of Australia’s oldest gold mines back to life — Mount Magnet.
Discovered in 1891, Mount Magnet ultimately pumped out 158 tonnes of gold over 116 years.
Then, in 2007, its former owners abandoned it.
They thought all the productive gold had been mined, but a few years later, Ramelius swooped in and began to transform the mine.
Over the next decade they would reclaim 39 tonnes of abandoned gold.
This revival effort helped catapult their market cap from $50 million to $2.7 billion…
And sent their stock price up almost 2,000% over six years....
Now, a similar pattern is playing out in James’s first transformer recommendation…
Like Ramelius, these guys have purchased an abandoned mine with almost a century-long history of producing gold — a massive 170 tonnes of the stuff…
And like Ramelius a decade ago, their market cap is a fraction of where it could be in the future.
Now, their costs are dropping and their production is ratcheting up.
They’re opting to sell shares to raise capital instead of taking on debt…
Amassing a cash stockpile of $100 million, which they’re reinvesting in the mine.
They’re also upgrading their processing plant…
And — when that plant upgrade is complete — they project their gold output could almost triple.
Could this play run up as high as Ramelius in the years to come?
Of course, there are no guarantees in investing, but it’s certainly possible.
My advice is to get clued up on this stock right away, so you can make an educated decision.
You’ll find the name of this stock — and the recommended buy-up-to price — in James’s new report, ‘The Transformer Four: How to Play the Next Big Shift in Mining’.
I’ll show you how to get your hands on your copy in just a moment.
Inside, you’ll also find his second transformer play…
This second pick already has a history of transforming mines…
In 1996, this company took an abandoned site in the foothills of New South Wales that was littered with rusting mining equipment, building rubble, and even abandoned cars…
And transformed it into a thriving gold mine that produced 4 tonnes of bullion.
Then, in 2018, the company took advantage of ‘tech advances and increases in the gold price’ to unlock another 3 tonnes of gold at this same site.
Now, they’re flexing their transformer muscles again…
This company owns another site in New South Wales — one that was supposed to close in 2025 after producing 17 tonnes of gold.
But, thanks to another mine transformation, they’ve unlocked an additional 19 tonnes of — what would have become — abandoned gold.
The mine will now stay active for another seven years…
And the company estimates they could eventually unlock a total of 34 tonnes of new gold.
That would make their potential haul more than twice as big as the ‘abandoned gold’ recovered by Catalyst Metals, whose share price recently enjoyed peak gains of 685%.
At yet another site, this transformer miner is also sitting on one of the largest gold and copper discoveries in New South Wales in a decade….
An estimated 1.5 million tonnes of copper and 240 tonnes of gold.
They’re projecting they’ll start pouring from that new stream of gold this year…
And right now, you can still grab shares for less than a dollar.
Comparable miners — like Red 5 and De Grey — have market caps as much as 14-times the size.
So, there’s still a lot of headroom for growth with these guys.
So, why not just name these stocks here?
Well, right now, these plays are still trading cheaply.
And this presentation has been sent out to tens of thousands of Australian investors.
What do you think will happen if tens of thousands of people pile into a little-known stock all at once?
It has the potential to blow up and distort the price artificially.
And that’s not what we’re trying to do here.
James is trying to give a small group of serious investors the chance to get in on what could be the biggest shift in mining we’ve seen in a decade.
If you’re still reading, that tells me you are likely one of them.
As I say, he’s put everything you need to know into his new report, ‘The Transformer Four: How to Play the Next Big Shift in Mining’.
It’s easy to download — I’ll give you the instructions in just a moment.
Inside you’ll find:
To be clear, even though these stocks sidestep a lot of the risks associated with traditional explorers, they’re still speculative plays.
You’ll get instant access to his new report when you accept my invitation to try out James’s investment newsletter, Diggers and Drillers, today.
Diggers and Drillers is where James shares all his latest and best research on investing in the Australian resource sector, including specific stock recommendations.
As subscriber Mike H puts it…
‘James understands the mining industry from the ground up. He is not some shiny suit that sits in an office all day crunching numbers…’
Remember, James was in the thick of it during the 2000s boom…
Working for both tiny drillers and major mining outfits…managing massive rigs with a small army of fellow geologists.
He was even involved in a multibillion-dollar takeover.
Now, he’s taken all those years of experience out there in the field and turned them into winning stock recommendations for his Diggers and Drillers subscribers.
Remember — even though most resource stocks have been in a bear market the last few years — James’s subscribers are currently sitting on open positions that are up 46%, 52%, 57%, 93% and 143%.
The story I’m sharing with you today is where we think you could find the next round of big winners.
Of course, winning stocks are never a guarantee in this business.
The only thing we can guarantee is that no one will work harder or dig deeper than James to find you the best-looking plays in this home-grown sector.
James’s third play is part of the transformation of ‘ground zero’ for the 2000s mining boom — the Pilbara — into a new global mining hub for critical minerals…
And his fourth play is the ‘pick and shovel’ opportunity for the transformer era of mining…a service company unlocking untapped minerals for other miners.
Both of these companies are part of a mad dash taking place across Australia, sparked by the release of a new government report…
As part of a $225 million initiative, the federal government has just released a ‘treasure map’ of sorts.
It’s an official document with the locations of 1,050 abandoned mines, containing potentially billions of dollars’ worth of the world’s most valuable resources.
You can see the map on your screen right now.
These locations contain what are known as ‘hitchhiker’ minerals — rockpiles and tailings left over from past mining booms that were worth nothing decades ago…
But now, they contain minerals that are essential to the modern world.
I’m talking about critical minerals like copper, nickel, cobalt and others that are crucial not just for race to Net Zero carbon emissions…but also for AI, electric vehicles, and other technology megatrends, too.
There are potentially thousands of tonnes of these ‘abandoned’ critical minerals just sitting out there, waiting to be reclaimed.
As an example…
Transformer miners are also bringing back to life other long-forgotten sites too — for example…
James has his eye on two mineral transformers in particular — you’ll find their names and his buy-up-to prices in ‘The Transformer Four’report.
If these miners are successful in their quest, their share prices could repeat some of the incredible performances we’ve seen in the gold sector recently.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a given they’ll rise as sharply, or at all…
But like gold, Australia sits near the top of the pile for untapped minerals.
You see, our country isn’t just rife with copper…
We also rank first for eight critical mineral reserves, including nickel, uranium, and zinc…
And second for lithium, cobalt, and tungsten, among others.
We’re already sitting on millions of tonnes of this stuff, waiting to be unlocked by the new type of ‘transformer’ miner I’ve been telling you about today.
That’s why plays three and four in his new report, ‘The Transformer Four’, are dedicated to this subset of mining stocks.
Let me tell you a little about both…
James’s third transformer play is involved in three major projects right now.
The first project centres around a 24-million tonne payload in the Pilbara — a type of mineral field described as ‘one of the richest sources of metals such as copper […] and zinc globally’.
Over the last few years, major miners like Rio Tinto and Andrew Forrest’s Wyloo Metals have been transforming the landscape to unlock this bounty.
And lesser-known miners like De Grey Mining have also joined the party — their stock has soared more than 3,700% over the last five years.
That just shows you the upside potential in play here.
As the Pilbara transforms into a global critical mineral hub, the value of this stockpile is only going to increase.
This company’s second project is transforming an abandoned zinc mine in New South Wales — what specialist resource investment firm Argonaut calls ‘one of the best undeveloped projects on the ASX’.
In the CEO’s words, they’ve ‘inherited a mine that was already fully built’, with $340 million invested into it by the previous owners. He reckons it could generate $1 billion over the next decade.
Their third project is collecting royalties from other transformer miners in exchange for lending them their equipment and expertise. This is money it can use to fund development of its other projects.
Today, you have the chance to get into this play before the mainstream financial press fully catches on to the transformation taking place in the Pilbara.
You’ll find the full details of this miner — including the name and buy-up-to price — in your copy of ‘The Transformer Four’ report.
You’ll get access to your copy immediately, as soon as you accept my invitation to join James inside Diggers and Drillers today.
Look, I’ve showed you James’s geologist credentials.
He’s a boots-on-the-ground geo with an insider’s perspective on the mining industry.
And that’s exactly why I brought him on board with Fat Tail Investment Research.
Unlike editorial websites or traditional newspapers, we don’t have to bow to our advertisers, because we have none.
Our relationship is direct with our subscribers — and that’s you.
As I’ve shown you, I believe we’re witnessing a huge opportunity in the mining sector right now…
As demand continues to go up while discoveries become rarer and rarer…
James reckons this new transformer miner might be our only answer to filling this massive shortfall.
As you’ve seen, this new type of company can recover abandoned deposits of gold bullion and valuable minerals in short order…
And they’ve been handing early investors peak returns as high as 685% in 2024 alone.
When you grab your copy of his new report, ‘The Transformer Four’, you’ll be able to get in on the action immediately.
That report includes details on James’s fourth play…
As discoveries of new mineral deposits become rarer and rarer, some pundits are suggesting extreme ideas, like asteroid mining…
But James believes we’re simply going to see a return to a 100-year-old trend…
That trend is going deeper underground.
And that’s precisely what this fourth transformer play is all about.
There’s one service company who is James’s ‘pick and shovel’ play for the coming transformer era of mining.
This company doesn’t own any of its own mines…instead, it’s an underground driller for hire.
But we’re not just talking about traditional exploration drilling here…
This is what’s known as ‘resource drilling’.
Service companies who specialise in this type of work use their fleet of rigs to drill out existing deposits found by explorers.
The mineral samples they collect are then used to get a better picture of the resources.
Often drastically transforming the estimated mineral wealth — and therefore value — of a mine.
For example, this type of drilling…
And as I mentioned earlier, this technique virtually doubled the gold estimates at two of Spartan Resources’ gold deposits — contributing to Spartan’s recent 339% share price run-up.
Now, underground mining is expensive and complex.
For decades, this approach has been reserved for high value metals like gold, silver, palladium, and platinum.
But that’s changing rapidly…
Now, massive demand for traditionally lower-value minerals like copper and zinc — combined with chronic shortages of new discoveries — means these minerals are suddenly worth digging up.
In other words, business is booming for resource drillers.
As a result, there are a handful of service companies on the ASX with the chops for this kind of specialist underground mining.
But there’s only one that ticks all the boxes to make it into the Diggers and Drillers portfolio…
Compared to its closest rival, it’s got a killer price-to-earnings ratio — about three times the value packed in…
It’s also got seven times more cash flow, its debt is falling, and it’s paying dividends of over 4% as well.
Like James’s other three transformer plays, you’ll find the full details of this stock in his new report.
And right now is the perfect time to size up this opportunity...
Before the popular financial press is full of headlines about the mine revivals sweeping the country…and everyone else starts piling in.
If you want to get ahead of the crowd, you can lock in a great deal on your Diggers and Drillers subscription, and download your copy of ‘The Transformer Four’ immediately…
If you’re not absolutely loving everything you’re getting, let us know within the first 30 days and we’ll give you a full refund of your purchase price…every cent, no questions asked.
Now, just consider what you might pay for mining stock advice these days.
These aren’t apples-to-apples comparisons, of course, but they’ll give you a rough idea…
Compared to these options, I’d say Diggers and Drillers is an absolute bargain.
Subscriber Elaine S agrees.
She says…
‘As a subscription service, Diggers and Drillers is good value for money for buying and holding resource stocks in Australia (mainly) and sometimes overseas. I have been a subscriber since its launch and intend to continue. Thank you!’
That said, what does it cost to join James inside Diggers and Drillers?
That small entry fee gets you access to the full Diggers and Drillers portfolio…
Plus, a range of special reports I haven’t even mentioned yet.
Look, I’m confident you’re not going to find someone with years of boots-on-the-ground mining experience sharing specific stock advice — for such a low price — anywhere else.
So, if you’re up for it — and you want to take the next step and get instant access to James’s four ‘transformer’ stocks immediately — simply click the button below.
Plus, that new report isn’t all you’re getting access to today…
Your subscription will also unlock James’s live portfolio of stock recommendations — including plays for precious and base metals, critical minerals, energy, and more…
All with high potential upside.
These companies will likely be a bit off-the-beaten-track compared to what you’re used to.
As subscriber Soma M says…
‘James’ perspective is different to mainstream headlines but makes a lot of sense when you take his point of view into account.
‘From his long experience as a hands-on geologist who has worked in different mines in various parts of the world, he has the foresight to see situations differently from others.’
As I say, James has lived and breathed this stuff for well over a decade.
He’s seen how the industry works from the inside.
I believe that gives him a significant edge over most other mining stock analysts.
It’s also why we want to be clear that mining stocks can be high risk, and that you should not be investing money you can’t afford to lose.
You should be comfortable with the fact these stocks can drop just as fast as they can shoot up.
On the flip side, it’s because this sector is so fast moving…and so exciting…that you only need a couple of winners to land some seriously outsized gains.
As subscriber Nigel D says, you can pick and choose which of these recommendations you want to get in on. He says…
‘I find the reports and recommendations useful and a good guide. I do not take up all trading recommendations, but they are very useful all the same.’
To download your copy of James’s new report…plus get instant access to his full portfolio and several other special reports…
Simply click the button below and fill out the secure order form on the next page to start your no-obligation trial to Diggers and Drillers today…
Now, if you’re still on the fence, don’t worry…
When it comes to resource investing, I know there’s a lot of questionable advice out there…
Usually coming from people who’ve never stepped foot near a mine, let alone worked in the industry for nearly two decades.
Here are just a few of the positive messages James has shared with me from his Diggers and Drillers subscribers recently…
Wel G says…
‘James started his service during one of the worst trading environments in recent history…It has now become one of my best performing portfolios in the Fat Tail stable and I have every confidence it will continue to excel.’
YB says…
‘This man on the ground has a pretty accurate handle on all things resources. Thank lord he is a geologist not a salesman like some of his peers. Well done James – keep up your good work.’
Dave says…
‘Good honest information from someone who actually knows what he’s talking about.’
And Simon says…
‘Love the geology perspective which enables the commentary to be based in practical reality as opposed to theoretical possibilities that are difficult to act on. This includes supporting titbits like checking for the presence of geologists on the Board of mining companies – I always check now!’
As publisher, I can tell you that James has received dozens of messages like these over the last few years.
So, if you’re keen to join a community of fellow Aussie investors…
People who look behind the headlines…who want to understand what’s really going on in the resource sector…and who want to give themselves the opportunity to profit from those insights…
Then in my opinion, Diggers and Drillers is for you.
As you’ve seen today, the mining industry is being forced to pivot once again…
The rate of new discoveries for gold, copper, and just about every metal essential to modern life are slowing down.
Miners are now transforming remnants of old deposits into newly recovered resources.
And, for my money, these ‘transformer’ miners are where we could find the biggest potential gains in 2025 and beyond.
So, right now you have a decision to make…
You can close this page and carry on settling for boring blue-chips or betting on ultra-risky explorers…
Or you can grab this opportunity with both hands…and get in on the ground floor as these new ‘transformer’-type miners potentially rise to the top.
Everything you need to get started today is in James’s new report, ‘The Transformer Four: How to Play the Next Big Shift in Mining’.
To download your copy immediately…
Plus, get access to the full Diggers and Drillers buy list…
And his archive of special research reports…
Simply click the button below right now.
When you do, you’ll be taken to a secure order form that lays out everything you’re getting for your $99 investment.
Thank you for joining me today, and on behalf of James Cooper, we look forward to seeing you inside Diggers and Drillers very soon.
Have a great day.
James Woodburn,
Head Publisher, Fat Tail Investment Research