James ‘Woody’ Woodburn
Host, The Goldmine Summit
Welcome to The Goldmine Summit — and to what could be the timeliest and most valuable trading opportunity of the year.
In fact, the way things are going, this could be THE trading opportunity to look at over the next few months.
It’s shaping up to be the PERFECT time to trade gold stocks.
We believe several of these stocks — world-class mining companies, listed on the ASX — are about to benefit, BIG TIME, from a powerful tailwind: a rising gold price, triggered by further global uncertainty.
We’ll reveal some of these stocks — and show you a great way to trade them — in this presentation.
At the end of it, you’ll need to be ready to move.
Well, the pressure behind gold has been building for a long time. But now it’s becoming unbearable.
Something’s got
to give soon...
You’ve got Australia, the US, and major economies across Europe all soaked in debt — the highest levels since the Second World War.
You’ve had central banks trying to control runaway inflation over the last few years by raising rates sharply. And then backing themselves into a corner as economies slumped.
Now they’ve started CUTTING rates to keep the markets going. But inflation isn't going away, leaving trust in governments and financial institutions at an all-time low.
Meanwhile, conflicts are raging in Europe and the Middle East that show no signs of stopping...and major elections are taking place all across the world, adding to an already tense atmosphere.
Now of course, none of this is a surprise to you. As I just said, this has all been building for many months.
The REAL surprise is that, while gold is in a clear bull market, it hasn’t TRULY taken off yet.
Like us, you’re probably watching all this unfold...wondering why gold hasn’t risen beyond US$3,000 an ounce already.
Well, there are two significant factors in play right now. We’ll talk more about these in a moment.
If the gold market is a pile of tinder waiting for a match, watch out for these two things.
Our bet is one of
them is the match
And the other will be the kerosene that rockets the gold price up to never-before-seen highs.
Now, if we’re right about that, you’d probably want to own some physical gold.
And don’t get me wrong, that’s a sensible move.
As legendary commodities investor Rick Rule says:
‘If gold starts to run higher than US$2,000, there is nothing stopping it from actually going from US$3,000 to US$7,000 per ounce or higher.’
But buying bullion is, in our opinion, NOT the biggest investment opportunity right now.
Physical gold simply isn’t the BEST way to shoot for big returns when gold surges...
For that, you want to be looking at gold mining stocks.
And that’s why we’re here...
The stocks we want to tell you about today could soar many times higher than the spot price before this has all played out.
And there’s precedent for this throughout history...
This chart shows the last time gold was in a major, unchecked uptrend.
The yellow line represents the spot price of gold in Australian dollar terms between November 2014 and August 2020.
The blue line represents Australian stocks, across all sectors of the market.
But the green line is the important one.
It represents the ‘XGD’. That’s the index that comprises 55 Australian gold mining companies.
The relative performance is indexed here to give you a true comparison...and a basic indication of what can happen to gold mining stocks when the underlying asset price rises.
And what this chart shows is that...
- Every $100 invested in regular Australian stocks in November 2014 was worth $144 in August 2020...
- Every $100 invested in physical gold would be worth $199 — so you could have almost doubled your money in bullion before costs and taxes...
- BUT...every $100 invested in a selection of gold STOCKS in November 2014 was worth $533 by August of 2020.
Now, buying an ETF to get exposure to a ‘selection of gold mining stocks’ is easy. You make one investment from your brokerage account.
It’s a simple way to take advantage of the tailwind you tend to get from a rising Aussie dollar gold price...without buying an ounce of the physical metal.
Thing is, as good as this looks, it doesn’t give you anywhere NEAR the same upside potential as buying the right INDIVIDUAL gold stocks.
Take a look at this price chart...
It’s not typical of ALL companies in this sector — let me stress that.
But if you want an idea of just how well some INDIVIDUAL stocks can perform when gold goes up...
This is it
See the top line?
That’s the stock price of WA-based gold miner Pursuit Minerals.
Pursuit’s stock went up by as much as 4,426% in the 12 months following the March 2020 COVID crash — a period when investors were ditching stocks and piling into gold.
Now, the bottom line on the chart is the ‘XAU’. One of the most widely referenced and trusted gold indices in the world.
It went up 54% over this same time frame.
Now let’s be clear: that’s a great return.
In fact, during this time, spot gold actually made a record high in Australian dollars, hitting $2,775 on 28 July.
But you can barely see that up-move here. And that’s because it’s DWARFED by the gain made by Pursuit Minerals!
This Aussie mining stock made 82 TIMES the gains the gold index made over the same time period.
Put another way — every $500 you invested in the XAU could have turned into $770 in this 12-month period.
But every five hundred bucks invested in Pursuit Minerals could have become over TWENTY-TWO GRAND before costs and taxes!
Yes, you’d be taking on a good deal more capital risk, which we’ll talk about more in a moment, but...
Which return would
you rather have?
Here’s another gold mining stock that flew up in the 12 months following the March 2020 crash...
This is Laverton based Brightstar Resources.
Its stock went on a storming run, logging gains of over 3,900% while the XAU index chalked up just 54%.
So, five hundred bucks invested would be worth as much as TWENTY GRAND during the period you’re seeing here.
Again, you’re taking on a lot more risk than you would if you’d bought the gold index. But just look at the huge reward on offer here...
And these aren’t isolated success stories.
Many Aussie gold miners benefited from renewed interest in the precious metal after the 2020 market crash...
Here’s WA-based Surefire Resources...
Its stock rocketed up 2,350%, smashing the XAU index 40 times over.
That could have helped you
turn $500
GRAND in 12 months
...Before costs and taxes of course.
And this is Musgrave Minerals, which was a WA-based gold explorer and developer until it was acquired by Ramelius Resources in September of 2023:
Its stock jumped over 800% in the 12 months following the 2020 crash — compared to the gold index’s 54% gain.
I’ll say it again; 54% is not bad at all...
But you can see what’s on offer when you back the right individual miners in a rising gold market — and you’re prepared to take on additional risk.
Here’s another one — this is South Australian based Andromeda Metals.
This stock flew up almost 1,500% over 12 months, while the gold index returned 54%.
So, a $500 trade here could have turned into just under $8,000, before any costs or taxes.
I mean, this is
incredible stuff!
But let’s be clear, they don’t all go to the moon like these trades did.
For every ‘gold mine’ investment you make, there are several big empty holes all over Australia.
You’ve GOT to get your stock selection AND your timing right to do well at this game.
More so than in practically any other sector.
But as you can see from a selection of other Aussie gold miners — when you DO get your numbers right, you can do extremely well, pretty quickly, from a relatively small capital base, when gold is going up:
All of these gains were made in the YEAR following March of 2020.
Pretty amazing!
Now of course, past performance is not a reliable guide to future results. They didn’t all go up this much. Some gold mining stocks didn’t go up at all.
But you can see why we’re asking you to think CAREFULLY before you put a big chunk of your money into physical gold, bullion, or coins right now...
We’d hate you to miss the more exciting, higher-potential opportunity re-emerging right now...
...A way to do what you can see here.
To use the ‘natural leverage’ individual mining stocks have to a rising gold price and possibly turning a small amount of your risk capital into a whole lot more.
I’m not talking about merely PROTECTING your wealth with gold over the coming months...
I’m talking about potentially
lighting a rocket underneath it
And, by the way, it’s not just us talking about gold stocks this way.
The great Jim Rickards calls mining stocks a ‘leveraged bet’ on the physical metal.
As Jim says in his book, ‘The New Case for Gold’...
‘Gold mining stocks are like gold on steroids...When gold goes up, mining stocks go up even more.’
In September 2024, Forbes published a piece titled: ‘Why we believe gold stocks are the hidden opportunity in 2024’s bull market’.
In that article, CEO of US Global Investors Incorporated, Frank Holmes, said:
‘The underperformance of gold mining stocks relative to the underlying metal has created what I consider to be an incredible opportunity. Right now, these stocks are trading at levels that don’t reflect the continued rise in gold prices.’
This could also be why billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller — former portfolio manager of the famous Quantum Fund — recently ditched his Alphabet and Amazon stocks and loaded up on major gold producers, Newmont and Barrick.
All this points to the
same conclusion...
That some of the smartest money in the market believes — as we do — that we ARE moving into a new stage of this bull run...
And if we’re right, what happened to gold mining stocks in 2020 is just a taste of what’s to come.
Look, if YOU’RE smart here, and you make the right decisions in the next few days, you could have the best of all worlds...
- A valuable hedge position in PHYSICAL gold...
- PLUS, the chance to speculate on the stock prices of a group of world-class Aussie miners that are ‘naturally leveraged’ to it — while they’re cheap.
THAT’S the tradeable opportunity we want to tell you about today.
And it’s ready
to go, right now
We know it won’t be for everyone.
Trading individual mining stocks is far and away the riskiest form of gold investing.
It’s not like buying bullion or coins. You’re investing in a COMPANY, with profits, losses, costs, and uncertainties.
One thing about physical gold is that it’s highly liquid in ANY kind of market.
Gold STOCKS, on the other hand, are not always liquid. They tend to be smaller companies. And that means their share prices can be extremely volatile — both up AND down. Especially the ones with the highest risk-reward profile.
Those are the ones we think you should be trading right now.
But if you’re risk averse, and you can’t handle volatility, or the idea of losing money, you should stop reading here.
And don’t feel bad about it!
Buying physical gold should still work out nicely for you — IF we’re right about where the price is headed.
But if you want more out of this gold market as it heats up — don’t sink ALL your cash into physical bullion JUST yet...keep reading...
Because you’re about to learn how micro movements in the gold price, can — under the right circumstances...
Become massive
moneymaking opportunities
My guest today believes those circumstances are aligning again right now.
Because crucially, gold STOCKS haven’t — as yet — caught up in this bull market.
And as I say, THAT’S where we think the immediate trading opportunity is for you.
Okay, it’s time to bring in my guest, founder and manager of The Australian Gold Fund, Brian Chu.

Brian W.B Chu
Host, The Goldmine Summit
Brian — great to have you with us tonight, how are you going?
Hi Woody. I’m well, thanks. And hello to you at home.
First, I want to give our viewers a few quick words about why you’re here today.
You’ve spent more than 16 years in the higher education sector — teaching finance, statistics, accounting, economics, and risk management.
You’re a brilliant gold
stock analyst and investor
And most notably, you manage your private family gold fund.
Which, as far as you, I, or anyone in our business knows, is the ONLY fund in the country dedicated solely to investing in gold mining stocks.
Since 2015, your fund’s track record has been incredibly impressive...outperforming the Australian gold mining index by a factor of 2-to-1, and outperforming gold itself by almost 3-to-1.
Even more impressive is Brian started The Australian Gold Fund with his family’s own money.
So he knows a thing or two about having skin in the game.
Recently, Brian’s helped his followers to achieve some remarkable gains, including...
- 198% from Magnetic Resources, with the position still open today...
- 63% from Breaker Resources, closed out in June 2023...
- 78% from Rex Minerals, closed out in September 2024...
- 200% from Encounter Resources in May 2023...taken in part profits, with the position still open today...
- And 554% from Southern Cross Gold, again still an open position at the time we’re recording this...
Brian, I know it’s been a tough market recently, and of course you take losses too — but...
This is a fantastic
track record
Woody, the results I’ve been able to achieve just go to show there is a BIG opportunity emerging for the folks reading right now.
And IF they want to take advantage of what could be another significant move up in the gold price, by trading some of the highest potential gold mining stocks in Australia...I believe they’re in the right place.
Now, you talked about the turbulent economic conditions we’re facing at the moment.
To me, these look like serious, systemic issues that will ONLY result in a rising gold price.
And if previous bull markets are anything to go by, that could have a huge effect on the share prices of certain mining companies that operate here in Australia.
Some of these miners’ stock prices are looking dirt-cheap right now — just as the fundamentals for a higher gold price are shaping up nicely.
Sprott Managing Partner John Hathaway said about gold and gold stocks in February 2024:
‘This is the greatest disconnect I’ve ever seen’
I’m inclined to agree. And to demonstrate the ‘disconnect’ that we’re talking about here, check out this chart from Bloomberg:
Look at the gap between the rising US dollar gold price and mining stock valuations.
That gap is as big as it’s been in the last quarter of a century.
Woody, I want to help our viewers get into a handful of high-potential mining stock trades before this gap starts to close.
Because when it does, as you’ve already seen, things can happen FAST.
If I’m right...
In a few months’ time, it might be difficult
to buy some of these mining stocks
at the prices we’re seeing right now.
Look, I know a lot of investors will wait out those few months. They’ll sit on their cash until they see mining shares start to move up...
At that point they’ll feel like it’s ‘safe’ to get in.
While I understand this ‘wait-and-see’ approach, my experience tells me that if you hesitate, you’ll miss out on some AWESOME trading opportunities...
And you may end up regretting that you didn’t act sooner.
Just on that point, do you mind showing our viewers a few more examples of the profit potential that’s in play for these types of trades?
Absolutely. And it’s worth mentioning, I had to index these charts so I could give you an accurate comparison here...
In ABSOLUTE terms, for each of these cases...
The price curve was
LITERALLY off the charts!
So, this first chart shows the performance of the Australian gold stock index, or the XGD...
That’s the green line here...
The yellow line represents the spot price in Aussie dollars...
And the red line represents the returns of Pilbara-based New Age Exploration between March 2020 and July 2021.
Like I say, I’ve indexed this chart to show the RELATIVE differences between daily closes and the original price.
It’s the most accurate — and fairest — way to show you how individual mining stocks can outperform other gold investments.
And it’s clear from this that New Age massively outperformed both physical gold AND the Aussie gold mining index over this period.
Same here with Tesoro Resources...look at the outperformance, Woody...
And here with Resources and Energy Group...it’s the exact same story...
...And here again with WA-based Azure Minerals. I mean it’s just ‘night and day’ really.
Now, of course, these indexed charts are impressive...
But there’s something else I want to highlight:
These charts show how gold is a
three-speed investment market
First gear is buying and holding the physical metal.
Second gear is investing in a gold stocks ETF.
And third gear is speculating on individual gold mining stocks.
Which gear you engage depends entirely on your appetite for risk.
Now Woody, if you’re a gold bug like me, you could do all three — and weight your capital allocation accordingly.
But to the folks reading...
If you want to TRADE this opportunity...if you want to shift straight into THIRD gear...these charts show you the rich potential on offer.
And yes, I know that trading gold stocks is too stressful for some people. But I’m here to take a lot of that stress off your plate.
Now, I mentioned earlier that we’ve spotted two powerful forces that appear to be aligning at the same time.
These forces could combine to send certain
miners’ share prices through the roof
Brian, why don’t you tell us what these two forces are?
Woody, I call these ‘ignition X-factors’.
And the first of them could, in my view, have the biggest impact.
It’s to do with the price of oil.
Now, as you’re probably aware, the oil price has been headed down over the past two years.
Weaker demand from China — and greater supply from non-OPEC countries, including the US — has put considerable downward pressure on the oil price, pushing it below US$70 a barrel — its lowest price since 2021.
Now, why is this significant to our presentation today?
Well, the single biggest cost associated with gold mining is energy.
According to research firm Gold Money, half the costs of the average gold mining company are linked to energy prices — especially oil.
That means even slight reductions in costs can have a major effect on a mining company's revenues and valuation.
So, imagine this...
If, as we suspect, the gold price goes up over the coming months...and the oil price remains low, or even falls further...
...That potentially means bigger margins for miners, bigger bottom lines, and higher share prices over the coming weeks and months.
THIS is what Jim Rickards is talking about when he says that...‘Mining stocks are leveraged to gold’.
Woody, this combination of a rising gold price and a falling oil price is a potent cocktail for gold stock investors...and I believe we’re watching the perfect setup play out right now.
Now, that’s great stuff, Brian.
Lower costs, higher profit margins — it makes perfect sense.
So, that’s the first ‘ignition X-factor’.
What’s the second?
The second X-factor is falling interest rates.
As you know Woody, back in March of 2022, central banks around the world went on a rate raising spree.
In the US, for example, the Federal Reserve raised rates 11 times over the following 18 months.
Now, not only did this not have the desired effect on inflation, it also threw a wet blanket on global asset markets — including gold.
Why is that? Well, in a rate hike cycle, central banks reduce currency supply, sucking up liquidity from the markets.
Gold pulled back — along with other assets — because of this.
But there has been a recent ‘about turn’,
which gives me great cause for optimism...
In September 2024, the Fed CUT rates by half a percentage point, which was surprisingly aggressive. That’s their first rate cut since before the COVID pandemic.
Now, we just saw what happens in a rate HIKE cycle...
Well, in a rate CUT cycle, the opposite thing happens.
Central banks INCREASE currency supply.
An increase in excess liquidity drives up asset prices, because the relative supply of currencies exceeds goods, services, and assets.
In this environment, gold will typically rally.
And it has, Woody.
On the day the Fed’s rate cut was announced, gold jumped 1.2% in US dollar terms.
And at the time of recording, since that announcement, gold has rallied almost 4%.
The market’s consensus is that we’re now in a rate CUTTING cycle.
This can ONLY be good
news for the gold price
And remember, even relatively small jumps in the spot price can send shares of certain mining companies absolutely ROCKETING up.
The best part is, rates could still go a lot lower from here, and gold could still go a lot higher.
We’re in that moment of anticipation right now — that’s what I feel anyway.
Now we're trying to pack a lot into this presentation...
But if you want to know exactly which gold stocks Brian has ranked as his top trading opportunities right now, he has listed them in a new investment briefing called ‘Three High Conviction Gold Stocks to Trade Now’.
We’d like to get a copy of this report into your hands today.
Open it up and you’ll find three of the most compelling and urgent gold stock trades on the Australian market right now.
Everything you need
is in this briefing
Company names, ticker symbols, buy-up-to prices and targets...
And you also get Brian’s full rationale behind each trade recommendation.
He gives you valuation metrics, ore grades, management details, production targets risk/benefit analysis — the works.
This is an insight into how a professional analyst picks gold stocks for his fund.
So, if you want a copy of it, and you want to jump onto these three trades — while Brian says they’re still cheap — keep reading.
I’ll explain what you need to do, very shortly.
Just one point though...
These are NOT big gold stocks
like Newmont or Barrick
Those shares don’t tend to move quickly enough to make the kinds of gains Brian is looking to achieve for you.
But you do need to know that the companies in this report are leveraged to move up AND down relative to the gold price.
Yes, they can rocket up quickly — as we’ve shown you today.
But they can fall just as quickly if the market turns.
That’s why you simply MUST have an expert to guide you through this market, and point you to the best-looking opportunities.
Someone who understands this sector...who has a way of picking the good companies from the bad...
Someone who will help you manage each trade, right up to that all-important sell alert.
But don’t take my word for that. Get yourself a copy of ‘Three High Conviction Gold Stocks to Trade Now’ and see for yourself.
Details on how to get your copy are coming up...
Now Brian, to that point...
Just how important is it to know your way around the gold market when you’re trying to pick off these tiny, high-potential stocks?
Well, let me draw your attention to a comment made by the legendary Jim Rogers — one of the world’s greatest living commodities investors.
He said back in 2013:
‘More money has been lost in gold mining shares than any other industry in America, including airlines and railroads.’
I don’t doubt that for one second.
And you know why this is?
It’s because people think a rising gold price is a panacea for winning stock trades.
It isn’t.
To do well in this sector you need to know the gold market.
That sounds self-evident...maybe even flippant. But it’s true.
You need to understand the mining cycle...
You need to be able to read a balance sheet. You need more than a passing knowledge of geology...
And you need to know the people involved in each project. Or at least have read up on their background and their pedigree.
Mark Twain once said that the definition of a gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar standing at the top.
It’s SO true.
I’m willing to bet there are more BS operators in the gold mining industry than in any other sector listed on the ASX.
Investors are routinely suckered-in by slick sales pitches...promises of big discoveries...proximity of their assets to established gold reserves...
I’ve heard it all a
million times...
But the truth is that the overwhelming majority of these tiny operators NEVER find gold, NEVER make money, NEVER get past first base.
They just take OTHER people’s money and chuck it into that hole in the ground.
That’s why I hardly EVER recommend them.
Now, I know a lot of punters love junior explorers...because it’s like a lottery win when you back one that actually makes a significant discovery...
Yes, it can be a rush to back a winner. No doubt about that.
But to me, that’s not trading.
It’s not even smart speculating, because the numbers aren’t even REMOTELY in your favour.
pure and simple
And if you want to gamble in this market, remember what Jim Rogers said: you’ll be parted from your money, fast.
And yet — the rewards ARE there, as you can see below...IF you get your stock selection and timing right.
That’s what I spend most of my waking hours figuring out.
It’s why my private family gold fund has been such a big success since 2015...
And it’s why I’m here to invite our viewers to join my trading service, Gold Stock Pro.
I’m extending this invitation today, because I believe we’re on the cusp of another major up-move in the prices of many Aussie gold mining stocks.
And it’s my firm belief that we are still early to this action.
You’ve seen the big gap between mining stock valuations and the spot price...
Many of these stocks — including several on my current buy list — are criminally cheap at the moment, in my considered opinion.
When that gap starts to close, things could happen fast...
Which is why NOW is
the PERFECT time to act
...IF you have the risk appetite to match, of course.
And just on that, to be clear: there are no guarantees when you’re trading gold mining stocks.
But even though they are the riskiest form of gold investing, gold stocks offer the greatest rewards to bold investors who get their stock selection right, and time their entry points well.
My aim is to help you with both of those things.
And I think we can make a big impact, especially from three high-conviction gold stock trade recommendations that are ready to go right now.
The details of these stocks are listed in a brand-new briefing I want to send you today — and they are ‘urgent buys’ as far as I’m concerned.
Along with that, there are several more open recommendations on my Gold Stock Pro buy list.
Woody, anyone who wants to join me today can take a position in as many of these stocks as they want.
I monitor ALL of them for my Gold Stock Pro subscribers.
So, if folks want to get involved, this is a seriously GREAT time to consider it.
Couldn’t agree more Brian.
Okay — still to come, Brian will reveal his strategy for finding gold mining stocks capable of racing up hundreds of percent as the gold price rises — as we fully expect it to continue doing over the coming weeks.
I’ll let you know how you can take advantage of a special deal to join Gold Stock Pro and enlist Brian’s help today, not just to hand you those high-potential trading recommendations...
But also to help you manage your risk exposure, right up until the moment you exit the position.
So, stick with us.
Brian, just how important IS the risk management side of things?
Well Woody, you alluded to this a moment ago, and you’re absolutely right:
Gold stocks are NOT for
the inexperienced punter
Right now, there are more than 170 gold mining stocks listed on the ASX — far too many to start chucking your money at, hoping one of them will land you a big win.
To be successful in this market, you need a strategy.
And I’ve got one.
It’s based on my understanding of the mining industry, geology, finance, and the gold market itself. If you were to follow it, I’m pretty sure you’d greatly improve your chances of success as a gold stock investor.
Here, take a look at this chart, and I’ll explain what I mean...
I’m not sure if you’re familiar with this, but this is the Lassonde Curve, named after Pierre Lassonde, former President of the World Gold Council.
Essentially, every gold mining company has a life cycle that looks pretty much like this.
Okay, the timings may differ for each miner. But you can tell a lot about the tradability of a gold company according to where it sits on this chart.
I lean heavily on this analysis whenever I recommend a trade to my subscribers inside Gold Stock Pro.
But like you said, most gold stock punters DON’T know about this analysis...so instead, they gamble.
That’s right. They throw their money at miners in the ‘concept’ and ‘pre-discovery’ phases of the cycle.
I do not.
Companies at this stage in the
cycle are LITERALLY money pits
They often have no income — which is a death sentence in a cash-hungry business like gold mining.
They frequently issue press releases about ‘drill intercepts’...which basically means they dug down until they hit an ore-vein.
Thing is, these are NOT confirmed resources. You CAN’T bank drill intercepts!
But companies love to make these kinds of announcements because they know it attracts speculator cash...even though the company could be YEARS away from pulling any gold out of the ground.
And when this speculator cash dries up, investors who thought they were lining up for a big payday are left with a pocket full of nothing.
Precisely, Woody. That’s why I hardly ever recommend the really tiny junior explorers. I’m not a gambler.
The best gold mining companies to trade — in my experience — are those at the beginning of the Discovery stage of the Lassonde Curve.
Miners with a confirmed resource.
That narrows the field down considerably. And it’s super important. Because confirmed resources attract institutional cash. And that can send a small company’s share price into orbit.
THAT’S when you
want to trade it
That means you need to know exactly what you’re looking for in a mining company. You have to know the STORY behind the stock chart. And of course, you have to get your timing right.
Now I don’t want to get into too much detail here. But I’ve built a valuation model that analyses EVERY viable gold miner that sits at this stage of the curve.
It shows me which are undervalued — and therefore ready to trade — and which are what we call ‘value traps’.
Now, value traps look like bargains to the uninitiated...
But they typically go nowhere...or BACKWARDS — sucking in investor cash without ever performing.
Most regular private investors have no idea how to distinguish a genuinely tradeable opportunity from a value trap.
And they don’t want to even try, because...
So, they take a punt instead and end up losing their money.
But, if you’re prepared to do the work, you can significantly de-risk the trade...AND avoid value traps.
You can’t remove all the risk, obviously. But I believe you can dramatically improve your odds of success.
And by the way, if our viewers decide to join Gold Stock Pro today, I do ALL this work for them.
What does that entail, Brian?
So, let’s say I have a miner on my watch list. It has a confirmed resource.
What I really want to know is: what’s a good price to pay for this company?
Here’s how I figure it out
First, I calculate its ‘Enterprise Value’.
Then I compare that to the company’s known gold resources.
That gives me a valuation multiple. But it doesn’t take into account the QUALITY of the gold in the ground.
So, I adjust the resources according to the ore grade.
Now if you’re struggling to follow what I’m saying, don’t worry.
I don’t expect you to know all this. We’re talking about complex financial and geological analysis here after all!
And as you say, one of the benefits of joining Gold Stock Pro is that you do all this work FOR your subscribers, BEFORE you make any trade recommendations.
Exactly, Woody.
When it’s time to trade, I’ll send you the name of the gold stock, the ticker symbol, buy-up-to price, and more.
While the trade’s open, I monitor it the entire time and manage it within our open portfolio.
For you, it’s simple
You get a private email alert with any action you need to take.
Should you wish to take the trade — it’s all clearly laid out for you.
Now, we’re about to give viewers a special limited-time deal on joining you inside Gold Stock Pro in just a moment.
But first, quickly finish taking us through the rest of your process.
Sure thing.
Once I have the grade-adjusted resource, I divide it by the enterprise value.
This is a good metric...but it’s next to useless on its own. You need to know where it stacks up against other gold miners at the same stage of the Lassonde Curve, to understand whether the stock is ‘cheap’ relative to its peers.
And even when I know that, I won’t rush to recommend the trade...not until I’ve dug into the company’s drill results, financial statements, ASX announcements, and more.
There’s a lot to get through. And unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, despite what anyone says.
This is work you simply MUST do when you’re putting your money at risk in this sector.
Now, Brian, I know there are viewers at home who might be saying,
‘This is trading. Who cares
about valuations?’
What do you say to that?
That’s a great point. And in almost any other market, you’d be right to make that point.
But NOT in the gold mining sector. These are NOT companies you can trade effectively based on technical signals you read on a chart.
Algorithms and ‘black box’ software programs are NO GOOD to you in this sector. You just end up with a bunch of false signals...and an empty bank account.
Like you say, to be a successful gold stock investor, you actually have to KNOW the market...
On top of that, you need to understand the companies...the projects...their geology...their history...the management...the business cycle...
...AND how micro movements in the gold price itself can affect all of this analysis.
Now, of course, you want to buy CHEAP gold miners — stocks that are in with a chance of rocketing up hundreds, or even thousands of percent...
But you don’t want to pay so little that you end up buying duds that are cheap for a reason...
In other words, ‘value traps’.
My strategy is the best way I’ve found to avoid them.
It’s a lot of work Woody...
But when it pays off, you can see
some absolutely cracking returns
And we’ve got some more examples of those kinds of returns right here.
To be clear, these are REAL results you’ve achieved for your subscribers in REAL time since launching Gold Stock Pro.
Brian, can you walk us through a few of these charts?
As you can see, this is gold explorer Rex Minerals.
I ran my valuation model on Rex back in October 2021 and the stock fit my criteria for trading.
So, I recommended it to Gold Stock Pro subscribers — and to be fair, it gave us a few ups and downs to begin with.
But I loved this company’s prospects and I knew it would come good. Sure enough, in 2024 it took off like a rocket and we sold it in September for a 78% gain.
Here’s another trade that ticked all my boxes...
This is Magnetic Resources, a gold producer that operates in the Laverton region of WA...
Magnetic is a great company. We first recommendedit back in June 2019...and it’s still in our portfolio now.
Again, we’ve had some ups and downs with this stock...but today...
My subscribers are sitting
on a total open gain of 198%
So, let’s say you threw $1,000 into this stock. It would be worth almost $3,000 right now.
Encounter Resources is another gold miner that fit my criteria for trading...
Had you got into this one in June of 2020, back when we recommended it, you could be sitting on a 190% gain right now.
Even better, I told my subscribers to sell some of their position last year when the share price rallied to over 50 cents, netting around 200% profit on that portion of their holding.
Southern Cross Gold is another great gold explorer with projects in Victoria and Queensland.
I recommended this one to Gold Stock Pro subscribers in August of 2023.
And it absolutely flew
In fact, at the time we’re recording this, those who got in when I said to do so would be sitting on a total open gain of 554%.
Now obviously your recommendations don’t all go up like these four examples. You have to cut losses on occasion, too, don’t you?
That’s the nature of the gold mining business. It’s risky, occasionally volatile, and highly sensitive to sentiment, announcements, and external factors like the oil price.
There are no guarantees in this business, that’s for sure.
What I will tell you, is that these are exactly the kinds of trades I’m going to try and line up for my subscribers over the coming weeks and months...
And with the economic conditions we’re facing right now, I’m confident there’ll be no shortage of opportunities.
And like you said, your portfolio has lots of open positions as well. Most are still well within their buy zones.
I know from our conversations over the last few years, you’ve been steadily accumulating great stocks that — according to your valuation model — are cheap compared to their market potential.
I’ve been deliberately building
up positions
as prices have
gotten cheaper
New members will see some of these positions as on-paper losses at the moment — I make no bones about that.
But that just means viewers who join me today are getting the opportunity to take positions in great stocks at what I consider to be amazing prices.
Because this is PRECISELY the time you want to be buying.
In fact, I’ve picked out three trades I believe new members should focus on first and foremost...
Brian’s three urgent trade recommendations are all detailed in his new report called ‘Three High Conviction Gold Stocks to Trade Now’.
If you’re interested in getting your hands on these recommendations, scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the button that says: ‘Give Me The Stocks’.
If you’ve already made up your mind, you can click that button immediately to get started trading gold stocks with Brian’s help.
You’ll be taken to a secure page, where we’ll set up your membership to Brian’s premium service, Gold Stock Pro.
Once we’ve confirmed your membership, you’ll get instant access to this private briefing containing Brian’s three ready-to-go, gold stock trades.
You’ll get the names of each of these three mining companies...their ticker symbols...their buy-up-to prices...risk/benefit analysis...
Everything you need to
be able to act FAST...
Hopefully before any movement in the gold price sends them higher.
And if you’re someone who likes to read the rationale behind the trading recommendations, you can do that too. Brian’s full research into each stock is also included in this briefing.
You’ll learn all about the companies, their operations, their history, their management, ore grades...
...Their cash balance, debt, forecast earnings, any upcoming announcements, as well as Brian’s valuation of each company...
Anything you’d want to know is covered in this briefing.
Seriously, no one I’ve ever met covers more ground in an attempt to de-risk stock trades for his members.
You are tapping into a LOT of professional expertise and knowledge here.
So, that’s what we recommend you do first.
But don’t click
away just yet...
If you stick with us, I’m going to tell you about a special deal that will give you access to all of Brian’s current and future gold stock trades at a reduced rate — for a limited time only.
So, what do you get when you join Gold Stock Pro today?
In addition to Brian’s urgent report, ‘Three High Conviction Gold Stocks to Trade Now’...
...you’re also getting immediate access to Brian’s live Gold Stock Pro trading portfolio.
At the time of recording, there are several open recommendations on his buy list, all currently under their buy limit.
You can start getting your buy orders in straight away. And remember, Brian has already analysed, valued, and ‘de-risked’ all of these opportunities.
So, if it’s quick trading action you want, you’re going to get a lot of it with Gold Stock Pro.
Next...from today, you’ll get every NEW gold stock trade alert from Brian via private email.
In each alert, Brian will tell you which stock to buy, what to pay, what the risks are, and what his target is for the trade.
Again, all his deeper analysis and rationale is there too, if you want to read it.
Brian will be in touch with you regularly with a status report on all the live positions...
...Plus, a look ahead to other opportunities on his radar — including potential new entry points he’s considering.
You’ll never be left in the lurch while these trades are open. If there’s ANY actions to take, you’ll know about them straight away.
That’s the real benefit of being
a member of Gold Stock Pro
You’re getting access to what we think is the best and quickest way to take advantage of this opportunity...
...With the help of a professional gold stock analyst and fund manager who’s doing all the hard work for you.
But that’s not all. There are several other resources you’ll have access to as a new member of Gold Stock Pro.
The first of these is a detailed briefing, titled ‘How to Quickly Value Gold Miners’.
In this report, you’ll discover...
A framework for making better trades in small gold mining stocks...
...How to know where a particular stock fits into the ‘mining life cycle’...
...How to find entry points in early-stage gold miners, before the bulk of the value creation process starts.
...And how to know if a company is a hot prospect, or merely a value trap.
This valuable report reveals Brian’s stock selection strategy in detail. That’s why it’s ONLY available to members of Gold Stock Pro.
You will get access to this special report, ‘How to Quickly Value Gold Miners’, as soon as you join today.
You’ll also get exclusive access to Brian’s quarterly portfolio review called The Bullion and Bordeaux Hour.
Now, what is this?
Well, once a quarter, Brian and I host an hour-long live webcast. These are typically on a Wednesday. And, yes, there’s wine involved!
We encourage you to enjoy a glass of your favourite tipple while you watch — and hopefully take part.
That’s right, it’s a live show and we encourage participation in our chat room.
Over an action-packed hour, Brian and I dig into the bigger picture on gold, the mining industry, companies that have captured Brian’s interest, upcoming projects getting attention from mining insiders...
All the stuff that Brian doesn’t have time or space to get into in his regular trade alerts or updates.
And because the show is live, you get to be part of it. You’re free to ask any questions as we go.
Just one thing though — Brian is unable to give you personal investment advice. But if you want to grill him about any of his Gold Stock Pro trade recommendations, or a mining company you’ve read about, or a project that’s in the news, or anything else that you want his view on...this is the forum for it.
With this live webcast, we’re including YOU as an integral part of the conversations and ideas that spark Brian’s thinking.
Exclusive access to The Bullion and Bordeaux Hour is included with your Gold Stock Pro membership today.
You really are getting a tremendous
of value here
Click the button at the foot of this page, complete the short membership form on the next page and you’ll get:
- Three high-priority gold stock recommendations to trade right away...
- Instant access to all the current open trades on Brian’s buy list...
- Every new trade alert over the coming weeks and months — including all the important ‘action-to-take’ detail...
- An under-the-bonnet tutorial that shows you how Brian identifies and values high-potential trading opportunities...
- And a free pass to every new episode of our exclusive live webcast, The Bullion and Bordeaux Hour.
In other words, by clicking the button below, you’re getting everything you need to take advantage of the urgent market opportunity unfolding right now.
Pressure is building
behind gold as we speak
We’re expecting it to take off. Many others are too.
And if we’re right, some of these Aussie mining stocks could help you turn a small trading account into something much bigger.
So, with all that said, what does it cost to get immediate access to Gold Stock Pro?
Well, the official subscription price for new members is $2,999 a year. That gets you access to everything we’ve talked about today.
Frankly, for professional guidance like this, you should probably be paying at least DOUBLE that, plus commission on top.
But...because the situation emerging in the gold market is so pressing...and because Brian and I believe this requires your immediate attention...we don’t want you to have to pay the full sticker price today.
Instead, we’ve put together a special offer that I think you’ll struggle to turn down.
Until this Tuesday night only, there are TWO flexible options you can take to join Gold Stock Pro:
The first option is to pay for your subscription per quarter.
That means you can join today and all you’ll pay is just $399 for your first three months.
This reduces your upfront
outlay by 87% today
So, instead of having to find $2,999 in subscription fees today, you only need to spend $399. Big difference.
That not only gets you in the door, but it also gives you a minimum of three months’ access to Gold Stock Pro, which is plenty of time to figure out whether Brian’s service is for you.
If you’re happy with everything you receive in these first three months — there’s nothing more to do. You’ll simply pay $399 every three months on a rolling basis, for as long as you want.
Now get this: when you add up each quarterly payment over the year, you’re paying just over HALF the official price for your subscription.
I told you it was a great deal. But that’s just option one. Option two is even better...
If you choose to pay for your subscription annually right now, you can take advantage of our best ever deal...
Take the annual payment option and you’ll pay just $999 for the year. That is a 67% discount off the official annual price.
If you can afford to pay in one go today, you’ll save $597 over 12 months compared to the quarterly option I outlined above.
What do you reckon...
pretty good right?
Now, if you still feel this is expensive — even after that big discount — I want you to take a second to consider this...
Imagine how you’d feel if just ONE of Brian’s trades made you TWO TO THREE TIMES that amount over the next few months. Because — make no mistake — that’s what we’re swinging for here.
And while, of course, there are no guarantees, I’m confident Brian can deliver.
And just to be clear. There’s no other way to get this special deal. It HAS to be through THIS invitation, on THIS page. And it’s only available until midnight AEDT this coming Tuesday.
So, if you’re ready to get started, scroll down, click on the button at the bottom of the page and you’ll be taken to a secure order form, where we’ll help you get set up.
Brian will send you an email right away to confirm your Gold Stock Pro membership — and give you immediate access to his three urgent trades, his open portfolio, his valuation report, and much, much more.
Brian, anything else to add...?
Based on everything we’ve discussed today, we appear to be in a sweet spot for certain gold miners to really start firing soon.
I’d love nothing more than to help you take advantage of this moment.
I’ve got three urgent trades waiting for you right now, and several more in my open portfolio — all the research is done, they’re good to go.
We’ve shown you today what can happen to some of these mining stocks when the spot price starts to move. That alone should be a BIG incentive for you to act right away.
And of course, on top of all that, there’s your special limited-time membership deal...
Like Woody says, we can’t really make this any easier or more appealing for you.
So, if you like what you’ve seen today, and you want my help to take advantage of a perfectly poised gold market, I look forward to seeing you inside Gold Stock Pro.
Thanks Brian.
Remember, this offer is only available until Tuesday at midnight (AEDT). So, don’t delay. Simply click the button at the bottom of the page to get started immediately.
You’ll be taken to a secure page, where all the details are laid out for you — so you can review everything before making a commitment.
If we’re right about the next exciting phase of this gold bull market, you’re going to be so pleased with yourself that you did this.
We say it all the time: the weeks and months just fly by, and opportunities come and go.
This is a big one. Don’t pass it up.
Click the button below now and we’ll look after you from there.

James ‘Woody’ Woodburn
Host, The Goldmine Summit