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Fat Tail Investment Research


Parallel Economy


…where the cost of food, energy, cars...and even
property…is going DOWN — not up

It’s not the black market. It’s legal. And it has huge
implications for your money and your future

‘Every informed person needs to know about this because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.’

Leon Luow — Nobel Peace Prize nominee

Dear reader,

Food, fuel, energy, cars, houses…the price of everything has rocketed up in recent years.

Everything’s expensive.

But not for some Australians...

For those who know how to access the 'parallel economy', food prices have plummeted...


Milk is down 91% over the last five years.

Eggs are down 84%.

And the price of beef — which has gone through the roof in the regular economy — has come down 92% over the last five years in the ‘parallel economy’.

It sounds nuts, I know. And it goes against all the headlines you read in the newspaper. But it’s true.

The same is true of energy...


Over the last five years petrol prices in Australia have gone up by 23%.

However, in the parallel economy, during the same period, they’ve come DOWN by 92%.

And for inhabitants of this ‘other world’ property has also gotten cheaper over the last five years…


My participation has helped me buy a house on a big block in my favourite bayside Melbourne suburb. It’s the kind of property I could only dream of owning 10 years ago.

In this presentation I’m going to show you how you can start using Australia’s ‘parallel economy’, and hopefully make a big improvement to your financial position and quality of life, too.

Now I can guess what you’re thinking, but no...

This isn’t the black market

I’m not talking about using online offer codes or attending ‘secret’ government auctions to buy heavily discounted goods.

Australia’s parallel economy is 100% legal and genuine. And if things continue as they have been, it could help you grow your net worth significantly over the next few years, as it has mine.

That’s because historically, savings have also grown bigger and faster in the parallel economy, too...

Back in November 2020 the best rate you could get from a term deposit in a regular Australian bank was 0.4%.

So let’s say you had ten grand back then and you took out a four year term. You’d have made just forty bucks by now!

$40 for tying your money up for four years. And after fees and inflation you’d be well behind.

On the other hand...

At my suggestion, Simon — a friend and colleague — decided to save his money in the ‘parallel economy’ over the exact same time.

The value of his savings to date has gone up by 318%. I won’t give precise details. But for the sake of comparison, that means a $10,000 account would now be worth $41,800.

Which would you rather have?

I think we both know the answer.

And in fact, all over the country, people are crying out for answers right now.

  • The IMF says Australia is under more mortgage stress than any other nation in the developed world.
  • We also have — by some measure — the lowest per capita disposable income in the OECD.

Many Aussies feel beaten down financially. Like they’ve been in ‘survival mode’ for the last four years with no real end in sight.

Well, if you can relate to this stick with me…and I’ll explain my strategy to you in full.

I’ll show you how I’ve been able to take big steps forward financially these past few years while many others have been going backwards.

The numbers don’t lie.

  • Thanks to rampant inflation, a dollar in 2024 is only worth 81% of what it was in 2019.
  • Put another way, $10,000 in 2019 would only buy you $8,100 worth of goods in 2024.

That’s what ‘going backwards’ looks like.

  • Meanwhile, in the parallel economy a dollar in 2024 is worth 549% more than what it was in 2019.
  • So $10,000 in 2019 would buy you $64,900 worth of goods in 2024.

So why haven’t you known about this
parallel economy until now?

Ryan Dinse

Ryan Dinse

Allow me to explain with a quick introduction.

My name’s Ryan Dinse.

For many years I earned my living in the regular economy as a financial advisor. I managed over $150 million for around 600 clients.

It was my dream job...for a while.

But I soon grew disillusioned.

Forget researching brilliant companies or hunting for the next Tesla or AfterPay. Our aim was to get people invested in big funds and then stay invested, no matter what.

This worked okay until the 2008 financial crisis hit. Stocks started crashing and everyone wanted to pull their money out of the market.

My employer told us to do everything we could to persuade anxious clients not to sell.

At that moment I realised the mainstream financial industry wasn’t for me. In fact, if you’re like most Australians I don’t think it’s the right place for you either.

As with everything in life, it comes down to incentives.

The simple fact is that the incentives of big wealth management firms aren’t typically aligned with yours.

Thankfully, many Aussies have figured this out.

There are more than 600,000 self-managed super funds in Australia. These investors have opted out of the system so that they get to decide how and where to grow their retirement cash.

But there's a catch…

It’s extremely hard to beat the market by yourself.

Picking stocks is difficult. Finding the right entry and exit points is harder still — and virtually impossible when you don’t have any experience.

In any case, stocks as an asset class aren’t exactly shooting the lights out right now. At the time of writing, the ASX 200 is up just 5.5% year to date.

That’s okay if you’re happy with the same mediocre returns as every other index investor in the country.

But just so you know, in Aussie dollar terms…

The parallel economy is up 30% over
the same time period.

It’s outperformed the stock market by a factor of 5-to-1 so far this year.

The mainstream alternatives to stocks aren’t much better for serious wealth builders.

  • Cash in the bank? Non-starter. You’d be earning peanuts and inflation would gobble up your gains.
  • Real estate? Too expensive. You need a million bucks to buy even an average house in most capital cities these days. Then there’s stamp duty. And the risk of rising interest rates...
  • Gold? Too defensive. It’s great as a risk hedge but it’s more of a wealth preserver than a growth asset. Nothing wrong with that if your goal is to protect your wealth...

But what if you want
more than that?

Allow me to show you a different option…something mainstream financial advisors WON’T tell you about...

Something that’s been vastly more profitable than any of these investments over the last five years.

Look at the top line on the chart here...


The parallel economy has trounced every other asset class going since 2019: stocks, bond, gold...


  • Over this five-year period an investment in US stocks would have made you 93%...
  • Gold would have given you a 58% return...
  • US treasuries — bonds — have gone backwards. You’d be DOWN 36% right now...
  • But a dollar invested in the parallel economy back in August 2019 would have grown by 549% today!

Now, before we dive into how you can get started in this parallel economy, I have to make one thing clear...

There are no guarantees this trajectory will continue — although there are many who believe it might.

What I’m about to show you is not a ‘quick fix’ to solve your money problems.

I look at it more like an alternative savings plan that matures over several years.

Simple to do...but you
need to be disciplined

I have built a strategy designed to maximise your returns from the parallel economy that:

  • Doesn’t rely on mainstream ‘experts’ fleecing you for mediocre advice...
  • Doesn’t require a deep understanding of financial markets...
  • Doesn’t require constant action on your part...
  • Doesn’t rely on market timing...
  • Doesn’t involve leverage, options, or other complex strategies...
  • All it requires is regular surplus cash flow, discipline, and the ability to think outside the box

This strategy helps me ride the upswings you see on the top line here, while not worrying about the downturns.


Those downturns...they look scary and they are to the uninitiated. But that’s why you have to look at this as a long-term wealth plan.

I repeat: this isn’t going to make you rich straight away.

But if you’re sensible, disciplined and patient...

If you follow my strategy...

And IF things continue in a similar vein, you may find yourself in a much healthier financial position in as little as five years from now.

Why do I believe that?

Well, take a look here...


This chart shows that if you’d started five years ago and put $2,000 each month into the parallel economy — and left it there...

You’d now have $392,000.

That’s a total return of 227%. No other asset class or term deposit account would have got you anywhere near that over the same time period.

Think about it. In the five years from 2019 through to today, you’d be sitting on a huge deposit to put down on a house.

Now...let me show you something truly remarkable.

Remember I said: ‘look at this as a long term wealth plan’?

Well, look at the results you’d have achieved, if you’d started on this strategy eight years ago...


That same investment would

now be worth $2.4 million

Let that sink in for a moment...

When I show this to people they can’t quite wrap their heads around it.

But it’s absolutely genuine.

To be clear...

  • You’d have started with just $2,000 in 2016.
  • Each month you’d have added another $2,000.
  • You’d have done this month in, month out for eight years, never touching your capital...
  • And now — today — you’d have the money to go house shopping in any capital city.

Forget deposits. You’d be able to buy your dream home outright. No mortgage, no debt.

And all in just eight years.

Now I don’t know what your situation is. You may not have $2,000 a month to spare.

But do you have children or grandchildren?

People you love who are desperate to get a toe hold in an increasingly unaffordable property market?

This could be a way to help them get it.

Even just $500 a month tucked away in the parallel economy could — all being well — give them a significant deposit to put down a few years from now.

Or you could pay a big chunk off your own mortgage!

Now of course, these outcomes are based on two different historical timeframes. Unfortunately I can’t guarantee your result will be as good as this.

Much depends on when you start and how much you’re able to commit to the parallel economy.

And obviously we hope that the trajectory continues as it has...

But I hope I’ve got your

attention, nonetheless

In a moment I’ll share my best strategy for building wealth in the parallel economy — starting right away.

I’ll walk you through what I do, and what I’ve shown thousands of other investors how to do as well.

People like Michael Trethowan from Seelands, NSW, who says:

Been with Ryan since 2017. Without the information Ryan has provided I would not be able to comfortably retire in 2021, early enough in life, to enjoy my "toys".

Phil from Port Kennedy in WA writes:

Ryan really knows what he is talking about. I am in for the long term. Hopefully Ryan is right, if so I and my family will be rewarded handsomely.

And Will from Pallara, Queensland says:

So far I've realized about $1 million profit and it's good to keep making more investments as I'm doing right now.

Again, I can’t guarantee you the same success as Michael, Phil and Will.

But I can guarantee you that I’ll guide you in exactly the same way I’ve guided them.

You’ll get access to the same investment strategy and step-by-step guidance.

If you’re approaching retirement, have paid off your mortgage, and have some cash to invest, this could be a great way to boost your savings.

If you’re in your thirties or forties, you’ve got a good income but can’t afford a house, this could be an alternate wealth creation pathway.

And the amount you invest doesn’t matter.

This strategy can work for you whether you have $500 or $5,000 a month to spare.

I say ‘can’ work rather than ‘will’ work because we don’t know what the future will bring.

And we shouldn’t project forward based on what happened in the past.

That being said, the five-year return I’ve used in our examples so far is significantly less than what has been achieved historically.

Let’s look at this a different way...

Say you’d bought a new iPhone every year since 2011.

You’d have spent $8,337 in total over the years:


Now, if you took the same amount of money you spent back then and implemented my parallel economy savings strategy instead, you’d have $2.1 million.

Okay, you wouldn’t have an iPhone.

But I’m sure you could put up with your old Nokia 3310 for a few years if it meant swelling your bank account by a couple of million bucks.

And yes, I realise it’s a bit like someone saying: ‘if only you’d have bought Microsoft shares in 1980, you’d be a millionaire now!’

Of course we’d all love to have done that.

But I feel that this IS your ‘Microsoft moment’ — right now.

I believe the future is just as bright for those that start on this ‘parallel’ savings plan today.

Which is why I’m going to do my best to convince you to do just that, before this opportunity passes you by.

If you decide you want to take things further, I’ll send you a detailed, step-by-step guide.

It will give you all the information you need to get up and running right away.

So what IS the opportunity here?

Well, it’s all to do with how you store your wealth.

Instead of saving in the Aussie dollar, a currency that’s depreciating, I’ve been saving in a currency that’s been appreciating...


See, the problem with trying to accumulate wealth in dollars is that dollars don’t store value anymore.

They destroy it.

The value of our currency has been declining for many years.

Most dramatically since the 2008 financial crisis.

And even more rapidly since the 2020 COVID pandemic.

This is a major problem and I want to take a moment to explain why — as I believe it will convince you of the need to get started on your ‘parallel economy’, or Bitcoin, savings plan as soon as you possibly can.

For me it comes down to
a simple question of risk

What’s the greater risk to your money and to your financial goals?

Politicians and the corporate media love to talk about the risks of bitcoin. And of course there are several, which I’ll tell you about in a moment.

But to me, the bigger risk right now is to be holding all your money in the mainstream or ‘fiat’ financial system.

It’s failing and corrupt to the core.

Keeping this system on life support these past 16 years has created massive problems for you...

High inflation, high cost of living, high borrowing costs, rising bills, unaffordable housing — we’ve all felt this in our everyday lives.

If the ‘fiat’ system collapses, you’ll be faced with an even bigger problem. Bond markets will capitulate. Stock markets will crash. Banks and pension funds will topple.

  • If you have savings, investments and borrowings, you could be in trouble.
  • If all of your money is in this system, your future plans could be at serious risk.

And that risk has been rising fast over the last four years.

Check this out...


This chart shows the M1 money supply in the US since the year 2000.

It increases steadily up to the financial crisis in 2008.

More rapidly after that.

Then BOOM — the money supply goes vertical in 2020, during the COVID pandemic — rocketing from $4 trillion to $21 trillion in just two years.

When you increase the amount of money in the economy, especially this quickly, and all this money is competing for a finite number of resources, you get inflation, and the currency loses value.

This is exactly what we’ve seen since 2020.

And now, the dollar's decline is accelerating:

  • Not only is ramped-up money supply decimating its value...
  • Soaring debt of $36 trillion and rising is eroding its creditworthiness...
  • And along with this, America has weaponised the dollar geopolitically

The US dollar is now in real danger of losing its ‘reserve currency’ status. Countries are already turning their backs on it:

  • In 2023 95% of China-Russia trade was settled in rubles and yuan instead of dollars
  • In June 2024, Saudi Arabia ended its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the US in June
  • And BRICS nations are on a gold buying spree, planning to launch a rival currency backed by the precious metal.

There’s a definite shift happening...and all these countries can see it...

So you have to ask...

If they are scrambling to get out of — or at least reduce their reliance on — the US dollar...

If they are turning away from the current financial order...

Shouldn’t YOU consider diversifying out of it too?

Because make no mistake...

This affects you


Just take a look at this chart showing the growth of the money supply in Australia over the last 60 years.


Look at the exponential increase since the 2008 crisis.

Our money supply is growing at a compounded rate of 9.15% a year.

(I’m going to guess your wages haven’t been growing that quickly...)

We are in lockstep with the US because we are part of the same financial system.

That system demands relentless growth in order to survive.

Remember what I said:

  • When you increase the money supply — and all this money is competing for a finite number of resources — prices go up and the currency loses value.

Bitcoin's supply, on the other hand, is fixed

There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin in circulation.

No one can ‘print more’ at will.

It cannot be manipulated.

No one person or government can control it. If you own your bitcoin, YOU control it.

Best of all, Bitcoin provides a new store of value to investors who realise the regular system is doomed.

I’m not trying to worry you when I say that, but you must understand...

This is only going one way

The decline of the fiat system has been accelerating rapidly over the last four years. Now we’re hurtling towards the point of no return.

If you are like 99.9% of Australians...

  • You save for your future in this system
  • You invest in this system
  • You provide for your family in this system
  • And you will retire in this system

The problem is — this system is broken.

That’s why I’m telling everyone I know and love about my bitcoin savings plan. It could be your secret weapon. Maybe even your salvation.


  • $10,000 in 2019 would only buy you $8,100 worth of goods today...whereas...
  • $10,000 worth of bitcoin in 2019 would buy you $64,900 worth of goods today.

Again, we don’t know if bitcoin will keep appreciating in value at the same rate.

But all you have to do to stay ahead with my plan is outcompete the dollar for the same goods and services. Like bitcoin has every year for the past 10 years.

Yes, investing in bitcoin is risky. It’s still considered a speculative asset. You can see 10–15% rises and falls in a day sometimes. So I’m not suggesting you put ALL your money in bitcoin.

My point is that the bigger risk for the foreseeable future is having NO exposure to bitcoin.

And please...

Don’t listen to people who say
you’ve ‘missed the boat’

Take a look at this:


This chart shows the total market capitalisation of every type of investment on the planet.

In other words, the market share of each type of investment relative to all the others.

Bitcoin is the tiny orange sliver in the bottom right hand corner.

Currently it makes up just 0.23% of the combined market cap of all the investment assets in the world.

Less than a quarter of one percent of the total market!

By comparison, gold makes up 1.77% of all global assets.

Gold is a good comparison to make as it, too, is considered a store of value.

According to financial website TheStreet, bitcoin’s ‘superior’ store-of-value characteristics will lift its total market cap level with gold by 2031.

If that happens, it would price bitcoin at US$700,000, seven years from now.

At the time of writing, bitcoin is sitting at around US$57,000.

So that would be an increase of around 1,100%.

Of course, this is not a guarantee.

No one can possibly know what the bitcoin price will be in seven years’ time.

But this projection is based on it ONLY CATCHING UP to gold’s 1.77% of total market capitalisation.

‘Soon [bitcoin] will be surpassing the entire market cap of silver...one day it probably will overtake gold.’

President Donald Trump
Speaking at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference, Nashville, July 2024

What if it surpasses that?

What if it grows to 3%...or even 5% of global assets?

Could it?

Well, consider this...

For most of its history, bitcoin’s rise has been driven exclusively by retail investors. Private individuals like me and a few others.

Major financial institutions and funds — who control vast sums of money — have steered clear of bitcoin.

Until 2024.

In January, the first spot Bitcoin ETFs were launched into the market by BlackRock, Fidelity and VanEck, among others.

These are major, major players with trillions of dollars under management.

This was a tremendous leap forward in bitcoin’s journey to full mainstream adoption.

This is HUGE

What was once ridiculed as ‘fantasy internet money’ is now considered a major investment asset by Wall Street.

‘The days of Bitcoin being declared #dead are officailly gone’


These ETFs were gobbled up by a hungry market including pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and more.

According to the NASDAQ, it was the fastest adoption rate of any ETF in history...

Seeing this — and realising they had no choice — other major institutions rushed to join the Bitcoin party...

  • In May, JPMorgan revealed it had acquired US$760,000 worth of Bitcoin ETFs on behalf of its clients.
  • In August, Goldman Sachs announced that it holds over US$400 million in spot Bitcoin ETFs.
  • And the same month, Morgan Stanley gave more than 15,000 wealth advisors the green light to sell Bitcoin ETFs. Those advisors manage US$3.75 trillion in assets.

The fact that Wall Street is creating Bitcoin products for investors is hugely significant.

The fact that many of the biggest banks in the world are now investing in it is even more significant. These major institutions are now aligned with bitcoin rising in value.

This changes the game completely. And sets bitcoin up for even bigger highs, in my opinion.

Consider this: if regular people drove bitcoin to US$57,000 without any help…What do you think all this Wall Street buying will do?

Remember, we’re talking about a finite asset. There are not enough bitcoins in the world for every millionaire to own one, and there never will be.

‘You can’t align the stars any better for a BTC [bitcoin] price acceleration... How high can the price go. Way higher than you think.’

Billionaire entrepreneur
and investor Mark Cuban

Imagine the rush if the price starts to surge?

And imagine how you’ll feel if you knew about this opportunity today but passed it up.

Again, I'm not saying this is a sure thing.

Remember, bitcoin is a speculative asset. It’s not uncommon to see a 10–15% price swing up OR down over the course of a day.

People get overexcited and the price rockets. People get spooked, the price tanks.

My approach recognises and allows for these swings.

It’s not a trading strategy. We don’t sell when the price drops. We hold and we buy more.

This is an important point and crucial to the success of your savings plan.

If you want to be looking at a big number in your account in a few years’ time, you need to hold tight and keep a lid on your emotions when the bitcoin price travels lower.

Remember, even with the major falls you can see on the chart here...


...You could still have turned $2,000 a month into a $2.4 million dollar pot in eight years — during this period right here — using my strategy.

Yes, even though bitcoin lost more than 60% of its value in 2022 you’d still have achieved that phenomenal result.

Provided you stayed the course and didn’t sell

Again, I’m not saying the future is going to be exactly like the past. No one knows for sure what bitcoin’s trajectory will look like from here.

But I believe we’re still in a bull market. Despite the occasional dramatic drops in price, the overall bias is to the upside.

If you’d like the chance to benefit from this...

...If you’d like to see how your cost of living could plummet over the next few years...

And how everything from food to energy and even property could get much cheaper for you...

Get yourself a copy of my new report: 'The Bitcoin Savings Phenomenon: A New Path to Prosperity'

I’ve set out everything for you in this guide:

How and where to buy bitcoin if you’ve never done it before...where to store it...and how to set up your savings plan...and then forget it.

I’ve crammed everything into this essential guide — it’s all you need to create what I think is one of the most powerful savings plans ever devised.

To repeat...

This is not a trading strategy

There are no technical indicators to figure out. No options or CFDs. It doesn’t require constant action on your part. And you don’t have to try and time the market.

There’s nothing complicated about this whatsoever.

On the contrary, the strategy builds upon the simple lessons passed down to me by my Grandad — a bank manager from the Highlands of Scotland.

Namely, the power of being careful with your money, sticking to a budget, and saving regularly…crucially, in a form of money that stores value over time.

Get your copy of 'The Bitcoin Savings Phenomenon' today...set your plan up...stick with it over the long term...and I’m sure your patience will be rewarded in the same way mine has.

Especially now that bitcoin has been adopted as a mainstream investment asset.

And even more so if bitcoin is adopted as a financial asset.

By that I mean if countries start building ‘strategic reserves’ of bitcoin, in the same way they hold US dollars, commodities and gold.

If that happens, the sky really is the limit for the bitcoin price.

The idea that bitcoin could be used as a global financial asset was thought to be laughable 12 months ago.

But the crazy thing is, this is now being considered at the highest levels...

It might actually happen!

Donald Trump told delegates at the 2024 Bitcoin conference (emphasis mine):

'If I am elected, it will be the policy of my administration to keep 100% of all the bitcoin the U.S. government currently holds or acquires into the future. This will serve, in effect, as the core of the strategic national bitcoin stockpile.'

Apparently Trump, a former sceptic, has even suggested America could pay off its $35 trillion debt with bitcoin!

Robert F Kennedy Jr went even further than Trump at the same conference, saying that, if elected...

'I will sign an executive order directing the US Treasury to purchase 550 bitcoin daily until the US has built a reserve of at least 4,000,000 Bitcoins and a position of dominance that no other country will be able to usurp.'

That’s about as clear as you can get.

Bitcoin goes primetime...
and gangbusters?

The interesting thing as I record this is that Kennedy recently suspended his presidential campaign and teamed up with Trump.

So, the chances of bitcoin becoming a global financial asset just took a huge shot in the arm.

The implications of this would be HUGE.

‘This has the potential to disrupt the global financial system’

Council on Foreign Relations

‘We are on the cusp of a new monetary era’

The George Washington
Law Review

First, bitcoin would be universally seen and accepted as money.

US backing would give Bitcoin instant global credibility.

Second, the price could go through the roof.

Don’t just take that from me.

Michael Saylor — CEO of NASDAQ-listed company MicroStrategy — calls bitcoin the ‘apex asset’. He believes nations will adopt bitcoin as a long-term financial instrument and store of value.

What could this do to the price?

By 2045, in Saylor’s ‘bearish’ scenario, bitcoin would be at US$3 million.

That’s worst case

His ‘base’ case puts bitcoin at US$13 million.

And his ‘bull’ case scenario has bitcoin at a bonkers-sounding US$49 million by 2045.

That’s 49 million dollars per coin.

Now, this is just a projection, based on what Michael Saylor believes will happen if bitcoin is accepted as a global financial asset.

There’s absolutely no way of knowing if he’s likely to be right or not. He’s smart when it comes to Bitcoin. But he knows no more about the future than you or I.

It’s worth remembering, though, that today bitcoin sits at just under US$57,000.

Even if Saylor’s WORST CASE scenario came to pass, bitcoin would be 5,163% higher in 20 years.

Just think about that outcome in terms of your long-term savings strategy.

Remember, I can help you get started on this right away.

Now, I’m not a clairvoyant.

And I can’t give any guarantees.

But based on the last few years of concrete data — with mostly just private investors driving up the price — I suggest that you probably won’t need 20 years to see some promising returns.

And by the way, Michael Saylor’s company — MicroStrategy — is using a version of my savings plan right now to grow its market capitalisation and put a rocket under its stock price.

This is a clever idea

It’s one of the smartest growth strategies I’ve ever come across, and it appears to be working like a charm at the moment.

Without getting too technical, when MicroStrategy issues new shares, and investors purchase them, the company immediately buys bitcoin with the proceeds.

As their holding grows, and the bitcoin price goes up, the value of their company rockets. And it has been. Check this out...


MicroStrategy’s share price has grown by almost 10 times in the four years since they adopted this version of my bitcoin savings strategy.

Compare that to the seven biggest tech stocks, the main US stock index, gold and bonds.

MicroStrategy has destroyed them all by doing what?

Regularly buying bitcoin and holding it

So...have I convinced you to do the same?

To give this a try?

Or, at the very least, to satisfy your curiosity?

Look, I’m not saying you’ll be a millionaire by this time next year or anything like that.

To see the kind of results I’ve shown you today, we’d need bitcoin to stay on the same general trajectory it’s been on for the last few years.

There’s no guarantee of that, because bitcoin is a volatile asset.

Now, as I’ve said, my savings plan is designed to smooth-out that volatility over time. This is a long-term strategy, after all.

But the fact remains, investing in bitcoin is risky. If things don’t go our way, you could lose money. If that’s unacceptable to you, it might be better to give this a pass.

But, if you like what you’ve heard today...and you’ve wondered what it might feel like to be looking at a more positive financial picture in just a few short years’ time...

We should get you started straight away..

First thing we need to do is to get a copy of 'The Bitcoin Savings Phenomenon: A New Path to Prosperity' into your hands.

I have written this guide so that a complete novice, somebody who doesn’t own bitcoin currently, can download it and set up their savings plan immediately.

I will walk you through it all

  • Including how to buy bitcoin by depositing funds from your regular bank account into what's called an ‘exchange’.
  • I’ll give you the details of the exchange I recommend to everyone who's new to buying bitcoin. You’ll find it reassuringly simple to use.
  • Then I'll show you how to store your bitcoin to keep it secure. I don’t recommend keeping it on the exchange for reasons I explain in the report.
  • Then it's simply a matter of organising a regular transfer from your bank account into your crypto exchange — and then into your personal storage facility.

I know I’m making it sound simple.

But believe me, if you’re new to this world you will definitely benefit from an experienced guide to shepherd you through it all.

I bought my first bitcoin 10 years ago in 2014, when the price was $600 a coin. I also own many other cryptocurrencies. And I run an advisory service for Australian investors called Crypto Capital, where I help them build their own crypto portfolios.

People like Gareth, from North Kellyville, NSW, who says:

I have found Ryan's recommendations to be very accurate. His analysis of Crypto has enabled me to make long-term profitable decisions.

W.O. writes:

Like most Bitcoiners, my only regret is that I didn't put more money into Bitcoin sooner. I will hold onto my Bitcoin with diamond hands.

Denis Pickwell, from Victoria Point, QLD wrote to say:

Ryan Dinse is an acknowledged expert in crypto. I have great confidence in his abilities and can recommend his services.

While Don from Banksia Beach, QLD says this is:

The single most important subscription I've ever had.

I’m happy they’re pleased but I dare say I’ve given them every reason to be.

Check out this selection of my current Crypto Capital portfolio positions.


Yes, these are impressive, but of course we take losses too. They don’t all go up.

And they’re not all like Bitcoin. This is a risky asset class. Most cryptos are speculations. Which means this should just be part of your portfolio, not all of it!

I research and select the crypto projects I believe have the best real-world applications and prospects — and I show my Crypto Capital subscribers how to invest in them.

I want to help you in the same way

I hope you’ll get your copy of my report today.

But I don't just want to send it to you and then leave you to get on with it.

I’d like to offer my services as your guide, while you get your savings plan set up.

For all its appeal, bitcoin is still not the easiest asset to invest in.

There are now more regulations around cryptocurrency than there were even a couple of years ago — especially when it comes to security and tax.

I can talk you through all of these and help you come up with a plan of action you can understand easily and execute quickly and confidently, without worrying if you’re doing it wrong.

Getting you started right away, with no stress or hassle, is my top priority.

That’s why your copy of 'The Bitcoin Savings Phenomenon' comes with a 4-week ‘investor’s launchpad’ program.

Here’s how it will work

For the next four weeks — via a combination of videos, written reports and a live Q&A session with me — you’re going to get chapter and verse on how to invest in the most exciting asset class on the planet.

The first thing I’ll send you is a video introduction.

You’ll learn how to get started on this investing journey.

Plus, I’ll tell you more about me and why I believe I’m uniquely qualified to help you do this.

That will be swiftly followed by two more videos.

The first one will walk you through — step-by-step — how and where to buy bitcoin.

And the second will show you the best place I know of to store it.

Then you’ll get a digital copy of 'The Little Book of Bitcoin'.

This is where you’ll gain all the Bitcoin knowledge you need to hold court at family barbecues!

You’ll discover...

  • How to own a piece of Bitcoin for less than a dollar — and why it might be the most important investment you ever make
  • The simple 9-page document that sparked a financial revolution — and why you need to read it
  • Why your Bitcoin ‘address’ is like a transparent vault — and how this changes everything about money
  • The truth about Bitcoin's supply — and why the year 2142 is critically important
  • The ‘private key’ that's more valuable than any safe deposit box — and how to protect it
  • How Bitcoin mining turns energy into money — and why this is more important than you think
  • And how the ‘Lightning Network’ could make Bitcoin faster than Visa — and cheaper than cash

Then...let’s chat

When you’ve had a few days to read and digest 'The Little Book of Bitcoin' we’ll meet online for a live Q&A.

During this check-in call you can update me on your progress with the bitcoin savings plan and let me know if you’re having any difficulties.

I’ll be keen to find out that...

  • Everything you’ve learned so far makes sense
  • You can buy and store bitcoin with confidence... and
  • You’ve set up your bitcoin savings plan successfully

If there are any issues I should be able to resolve most of them there and then.

*Although please note that I’m unable to give you personal investment advice when it comes to things like asset allocation or how much money to invest.

I’ll also answer any questions you have about crypto in general, about Bitcoin specifically, and about how I might be able to help you become a more successful crypto investor down the track.

After our Q&A session you’ll get another report, titled ‘How to Add Bitcoin to Your Portfolio Like a Pro’.

This is where I’ll share all the investment secrets I learned in my career as a mainstream financial advisor — adapted for success in the crypto world.

In PLAIN ENGLISH, You’ll discover...

  • How to build a crypto portfolio that lets you sleep at night — even during market meltdowns
  • Why traditional ‘60/40’ investment portfolios might be leaving you dangerously exposed
  • How to harness the ‘Sharpe Ratio’ portfolio secret that the financial industry doesn't want you to know
  • How Wall Street titans are quietly repositioning Bitcoin from ‘risky bet’ to ‘essential insurance’
  • The little-known difference between Bitcoin and other cryptos that could make or break your portfolio
  • And how a tiny 5% bitcoin allocation could have supercharged your returns — even during a ‘crypto winter’

After that, I’ll send you another short video where I’ll talk you through how to buy bitcoin via an ETF.

ETFs aren’t my preferred way to invest in bitcoin, but I know a lot of people are keen to get exposure this way. So, I’ll reveal the only Australian-listed Bitcoin ETF I recommend, and how to take a position in it.

You’ll be well up
and running by now

After the ETF video you’ll get one more valuable report from me, called ‘Disrupting the Money Hierarchy: Why Bitcoin is the Next Evolution of Money’.

This is where you’ll understand just how important Bitcoin is — and how central it may become to the future of money itself.

You’ll see how financial institutions, investors and even central banks are starting to come around to this way of thinking...

...And why you might just have made the best investment decision of your life.

As you thumb through this report you’ll discover...

  • How Bitcoin flattens the money hierarchy — and why the elites are terrified
  • Why the ‘Old Coppernose’ trick is still alive in modern finance — and how to protect yourself from it
  • The terrifying reason why Bank of America's CEO is preparing for financial doomsday — and the escape hatch no one's talking about
  • The fatal flaw at the heart of our monetary system that Bitcoin fixes
  • Why economists claim Bitcoin might be the only ‘real money’ you can own
  • Why returning to the gold standard is impossible — but something better is already here
  • And why the risk-reward equation for Bitcoin has never been more attractive

Then it’s time for one last video

This one will walk you through the all-important tax considerations every bitcoin investor needs to know.

This one is a ‘must-watch’ because it can be easy to get caught out if you don’t understand how crypto is taxed in Australia.

Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything.

Just one thing though – I can’t provide direct advice when it comes to tax.

So if you’re unsure about how this might affect you personally, I recommend checking things over with your financial advisor. 

After that, it’s over to you.

If you want to leave things there, that’s fine.

Or if you’d like to build a portfolio of high potential crypto assets in addition to your bitcoin savings plan — I can help you take things to the next level.

We can talk about that closer to the time.

For now, let’s get you on the ‘first rung’ and go from there.


How can you get started today?

Scroll down, click on the button at the bottom of the page and you’ll get:

  • SPECIAL BRIEFING: 'The Bitcoin Savings Phenomenon: A New Path to Prosperity'
  • Your 4-week ‘launchpad’ program, including access to a dedicated email address and a live online Q&A session with me
  • REPORT: 'The Little Book of Bitcoin'
  • REPORT: 'How to Add Bitcoin to Your Portfolio Like a Pro’
  • REPORT: 'Disrupting the Money Hierarchy: Why Bitcoin is the Next Evolution of Money’
  • VIDEO GUIDE: How to buy bitcoin
  • VIDEO GUIDE: How to set up and move your bitcoin to a non-custodial wallet
  • VIDEO GUIDE: How to buy bitcoin through an ETF
  • VIDEO GUIDE: How to calculate tax the easy way...if you sell

You get all of this today for just $199.


I’m offering to walk you through one of the smartest savings plans you’ll ever see...something with the real potential to change your life over the next few years...for under two hundred bucks.

I could charge a lot more for this valuable knowledge...and for four weeks of my time.

But to be honest, when you consider where we are right now...

...With a financial world soaked in debt, crippled by inflation — and the very real possibility of collapse closer than ever before...

...It’s important to me that as many Australian savers and investors see this plan quickly and get the chance to act on it before any more big moves up in the bitcoin price.

Remember, bitcoin is still only trading at around 1/15th the value of gold. If this plays out like I think it will, you can’t say you weren’t given the chance to get in early!

With that in mind, I don’t think $199 is a lot to ask for.

Let your mind go
there for a moment

Imagine it. Eight years from now, you’re sitting on a bitcoin stack worth seven figures — as the data has shown us is possible with this plan...

Think about the problems that could solve for you...and the stresses it could take away.

No guarantees, obviously. Bitcoin can be highly volatile. But if things pan out as I just described, you’ll feel like this was the best two hundred bucks you ever spent.

The alternative is sticking with the status quo — the ‘regular economy’. Doing what you’ve always done with your savings and investments and hoping for a better outcome.

Maybe that’s not a bad idea in the good times...

But be honest...do these feel like good times to you, in Australia right now?

Is this really somewhere you can build enough wealth to pay for a long and happy retirement?

...Somewhere you can buy a house without stretching your finances beyond breaking point?

...Somewhere you can have a decent standard of living without needing to be a millionaire?

It breaks my heart to say it...but we both know the truth.

The current system is broken.

I’ve put forward a viable and realistic alternative today.

Take it.

Seize this moment to turn your curiosity into action...and get involved in this exciting growth market.

I’ll show you how to set things up over the next four weeks and then advise you for longer if you want. It’s highly unlikely you’ll get a better offer than this.

Do it while the moment is here.

Click the button below now.


Ryan Dinse Signature

Ryan Dinse, Chief Analyst
Crypto Capital
