Fat Tail Investment Research

‘Merger mania has hit the mining sector.’

- OilPrice.com

Predicted below:

Senior Exploration Geologist on the inside
of a $7.3 billion takeover deal names
THREE MORE STOCKS that could be on
the cusp of buyout greatness…

Dear Reader,

For Rex Minerals shareholders, 8 July began as a regular Monday…

Then, around 10.30am, things got quite irregular.

The ASX released a media announcement.

Indonesian-owned Mach Metals had launched a $393 million takeover offer on Rex — a small South Australian developer.

What was Mach buying from Rex?

The copper-gold Hillside deposit on the York Peninsula in SA…

Australia’s biggest fully-permitted new copper find.

Development-ready. Containing 1.9 million tonnes of copper and 1.5 million ounces of gold.

Rex did the dirty work to secure the prize.

But on the morning of 8 July, Indonesia’s billionaire Salim family…who control Mach Metals…went for it.

To most observers, this looked like just one more Salim acquisition in Australia, after the family bought the Mt Pleasant mine in NSW several years ago…

But few have cottoned onto the fact that…

It’s just become OPEN SEASON on fresh Australian mining deposits like Rex’s Hillside.

As the AFR puts it, the ASX mining sector is at the start of a ‘multi-year takeover cycle’.

Rex is just one of the latest.

And it won’t be the last…

If you were a Rex shareholder scanning the news that morning…

…you would likely have spat out your coffee in shock.

Both parties did a great job keeping this offer under wraps.

The mining press…the investing pages…and even the shareholders themselves seem to have had no idea a deal was coming.

This kind of super-secret dealmaking is exactly what happens at this point in the mining cycle.

I know because I witnessed it firsthand during the last one.

I was the exploration geologist for Equinox Minerals in Zambia when it got snapped up by Barrick Gold. They paid a crazy 140% premium over Equinox’s trading price. The whole deal was worth $7.3 billion.

Even those of us at the heart of the operation were largely kept in the dark. (Although we DID notice numerous private planes appearing in the months prior…)

Point is…

Going into 2025, a NEW merger and acquisition frenzy appears to have kicked off.

Deals like Rex Minerals and BHP’s recent attempt on Anglo American clearly show momentum’s building again. But everyone wants to keep their cards close to their chests. As such, the mainstream only tends to hear about an acquisition AFTER the media release.

Which is why you should consider the three potential FUTURE buyouts I’m about to share with you very carefully…

I would even call these three stock tips a form of INSIDE intel.

Not the illegal kind.

Just experiential.

Like I say, I’ve been on the inside of several of the biggest deals like Rex Minerals over the last 20 years.

James Cooper

James Cooper

My name is James Cooper.

I’m a former Senior Exploration Geologist (or ‘rock-kicker’). And I’ve been in the boiler room from BOTH SIDES of these deals.

I’ve been on the buyers’ side. Where we’ve been the bigger company, making a purchase to expand our footprint…

And I’ve been BOUGHT OUT, too. Specifically, in the camp of a tiny explorer that started with one million dollars capital…and ended up being acquired for billions of dollars.

I have intimate knowledge about these deals and the impact they have on the stock price. For better and for worse.

For that alone, you should keep reading…

For instance, I was the Senior Exploration Geologist at a miner called Dacian. We were scouting for nickel, copper, and rare earth elements (REEs) in the mineral-rich grounds surrounding the small Western Australian township of Leonora.

I was there when Dacian made its own play to expand its footprint. It took over a smaller gold producer called NTM. That gave early NTM shareholders a bottom-to-top share price gain of 1,600%.

Big gains can be made by pre-empting these deals.

Nothing I say or predict should be taken as gospel. But I do have a unique perspective here, and I’ve seen a few things with regards to mining takeovers…

I’ve worked with geological, technical, accounting and legal teams as these deals were banged out…months before they were made public.

When you’re embedded in these situations from the first knock on the door to the final sign-off…

…you’re able to spot telltale signs from the outside…impending deals where OTHER explorers and developers may be building towards an acquisition, behind the scenes…

I have three potential

buyout situations I’m

eyeing up right now…

If you want to hear my take on them, read on.

But, for now, back to Rex Minerals.

Between February and December 2023, its shares were on the slide.

Nearly halving from 30 cents to 16 cents.


…for what seemed like no reason to outside observers…

…some kind of switch was flicked.

Rex shares halted their fall. And reversed upwards.

By June 2024 the shares were well-up again…trading within a narrow 25–27 cent range.

Big bounce-back. For seemingly no reason.

Then, on 8 July, the reason became blindingly obvious…


Source: Rex Minerals

It’s clear in retrospect Rex was on the hunt for partners looking to develop Hillside. And on 8 July we got confirmation.

Rex was getting swallowed up.

When the announcement was released on Monday morning…Rex’s opening share price exploded to 44 cents — just shy of Mach’s proposed 47-cent-per-share offer.

That’s an instant 63% rocket…in minutes, right on open.

Not a bad way to start the week for Rex shareholders.


Rewind back a bit further…to when the deal was being cooked up behind closed boardroom doors…

If you’d held Rex shares last December at 15 cents…before their mysterious upwards reversal…you could have made 213%.

In just seven months.

And based on previous examples, that’s not even the GIANT level of returns you can get by being on the right side of a takeover. As I’m about to show you, positioning yourself early in a takeover play can yield gains of 1,500% OR MORE…

But 100% to 300% upside has been pretty standard in the past. If you were an early shareholder on these deals over the last few years.

An often-inexplicable slow-build months before…followed by a brain-melting upward rerating on the day the news finally breaks…

So, what’s all this got to do with you?

Well, as I say, I’ve been actively looking for…


Specifically, I’m zeroing in on three relatively small mining players.

Each exhibit the telltale signs of a takeover brewing.

I believe all three of these stocks have an M&A target on their heads.

There are still great risks in taking a stake now. And I’ll elaborate on those risks a little later.

But if I’m right on just one of these companies…and you own shares before a deal is made…you could see a price rerating following a similar pattern to Rex Minerals.

If the Rex pattern is repeated, we’ll see a slow-build where the deal’s worked out behind closed doors…

Then a 50–100% shoot higher on announcement day.

Or, if you’re really lucky…

A gain that bursts above 1,000% within the course of 12–24 months.

I’ll cover these three potential buyout plays…and some key signs a takeover is in the wings…in this report.

I’ll also properly introduce myself — and why I believe I’m uniquely qualified to give such recommendations in the Australian mining sphere.

But first, we just need to quickly set the stage…

As you’re likely aware, commodity prices are on the rise again.

The two popular metals that tend to lead resource super-cycles — copper and gold — are up 25% and 17% year-to-date.

And in a world of so much outlook uncertainty…

…where share markets are so unpredictable, and politics are playing such a big role…

…this is as close to a sure-thing trend as you’ll get.

Other, less well-known commodities are starting to join the party, too.

The Centre for Economic Policy Research published a deep-dive on this supply crunch on 4 July, 2024:

‘A race is raging among global powers to secure access to critical minerals to power the simultaneous energy and digital transitions the world is experiencing.

‘The extraordinary growth in demand for critical minerals is putting upward pressure on prices and stimulating new critical mineral discoveries all around the world.’

So, you’ve got the main metals powering ahead. And critical metal prices starting to fire up as well.

Now, what’s less well-known…

…is that deal value across the whole mining space is lighting up as well. More and more big companies reckon it’s time to start snapping up assets.

A whole bunch of factors are at play driving this trend…

You have the US election (Lord knows where that race stands at the time you’re reading this)…

Plus…shaky global geopolitics and ongoing wars, reshoring of supplies, underinvestment in mining…

…and of course, the new megatrend of the ‘green transition’…

Right now, we’re in a period of maximum uncertainty — the kind of environment where real assets historically thrive…

And all of this represents a sweet spot for the courageous mining investor.


Source: Motley Fool Australia

We’re entering a phase where the likes of BHP, Rio Tinto, Glencore and Barrick...as well as mid-tier players and huge institutional money interests...

...come knocking on the door of lots of smaller companies, like Rex Minerals.

Instead of spending years ferreting out assets like Rex’s Hillside copper-gold deposit on their own dime…the big guys are opting to just buy them outright.

If you’re willing to swallow the risk, then now’s the time to pre-empt WHICH explorers and developers the major players might go after.

This is a small-window opportunity to make some bets on who might be the NEXT BIG DEAL.

Because the deals are coming.

And the gains are already ramping up.

There’ve been a couple of high-profile ones you might have heard of.

Azure Minerals was at the centre of a fierce takeover battle that took Azure from nowheresville...to a $2 billion market cap...in the space of 12 months.


Source: Australian Mining

Mining mogul Gina Rinehart started building up a stake.

Then SQM Australia made a bid for full control of Azure.

THEN...another company...Mineral Resources...tried to muscle in.

In the end, SQM clinched the buy last December.

If you were lucky enough to watch all this bidding and courting and counterbidding unfold while you owned shares in Azure…


...you would have done so in growing amazement...as the share price rose 1,500% in a single year while the drama played out.

Koza Gold is another example of the kind of premiums the big guys are willing to pay for the smaller fish.

Its stock went NOWHERE for 12 years.


THEN Koza entered the acquisition mix.

Eventually being bought by big Turkish miner Cengiz Holding for around $670 million in 2020.

And its shares did THIS.


By 2023 Koza shares were at $28.69.

A bottom-to-top gain well over 5,000% if you were lucky enough to own shares at the 2018 low.

Now, multi-thousand percent buyout premiums are outliers.

A 100% to 300% buyout gain akin to Rex Minerals’ result is a more realistic outcome. Just like what happened to another miner, Kaminak Gold.

Kaminak saw its price almost triple in seven months after it was acquired by Goldcorp


Sibanye-Stillwater’s $1 billion buy of Hudbay Minerals resulted in a 145% gain in six months…


Northern Star threw a $193 million offer at Echo Resources, which resulted in a $0.14 to $0.33 share price climb — more than doubling in value...


In 2021, the Ramelius Resources/Gold Road Resources bidding war over Apollo Consolidated also resulted in the share price doubling...


Reunion Gold…its shares doubled in four months during merger negotiations with G Mining Ventures.


Nevsun Resources, a copper/zinc miner went from $2 to over $4 in nine months during a buyout by China's Zijin Mining Group.


In some cases, you don’t even need an actual buyout in the works...

...just a curious development that suddenly puts a relatively obscure explorer or developer on the buyout radar.

For instance, on 9 May 2024 Alliance Nickel saw its share price surge 177% IN A SINGLE TRADING SESSION…

...when the Australian federal government granted its NiWest nickel-cobalt project ‘Major Project Status’.

Pretty basic point here:

The gains if you get on the right side of these deals can be BIG and FAST.

And all the above examples are from a lull period in M&A activity...

...when the dealmaking cycle has been off-the-boil.

The whole reason we’re talking to you now is I reckon we’re entering a prolonged phase of BUYOUT OVERDRIVE...

The established miners don’t have the time...resources...or inclination to bugger around with exploration.

But what they DO have is money.

They want existing projects. Ideally low-cost and long-life. And in parts of the world with low political and legal risk.

Put simply:

It’s BUY vs Build…

And BUY has now become the go-to play.

Early in 2024, a new commodity supercycle emerged…where base and precious metals reawakened from their multi-year slumber.

But while the last supercycle was driven by DEMAND from China…

This supercycle is being driven by SCARCITY.

For too long, the world’s largest miners have shelved their exploration ambitions. They’ve been repulsed by the enormous capital commitment involved in finding and developing new mines.

But an aversion to growth can only have one outcome…

Falling supply.

This is a story that’s taken years to unfold. And it has its roots in the overexuberant investment phase of the last mining boom, which lasted from 2003 to 2012.

In the years that followed, mining executives received a walloping from shareholders who questioned their ability to read the market. Here’s what I mean…

At the peak of the last boom, many of the world’s largest miners succumbed to buyout fever.

Bidding wars erupted, with big miners suddenly desperate to grab hold of juniors that were in hot demand.

As the graphic below shows, total deals (and their overall value) peaked in 2011–12, at the very top of the last commodity bull market.


Following this irrational exuberance, CEOs across the industry were given the boot — from Rio Tinto to Barrick Gold.

It’s a nightmare that looms large over mining executives to this day.

And it’s a key reason mining firms have failed to invest in new projects over the last decade.


This new uptick in M&A will do nothing to address the supply problem. It simply transfers ownership of one project to another…

But capital starvation can only last so long. Eventually, something has to break.

For example, copper prices have tested all-time highs in 2024.

How high can copper go? We can only guess.

But any move higher could set off a chain reaction fuelling even more M&A activity.

That’s MY take.

And it’s why I’m pulling the trigger on THREE SPECIFIC future potential buyouts…that the mainstream isn’t talking about yet.

Right now, mining firms have two options:

They can either make meaningful investments in new exploration and grow slowly from within…


They can acquire those projects NOW to leverage their exposure to the coming boom.

In my mind, the latter is much more likely.

Like I say:

BUY is the preferential play over explore and build.

But who’s next on the hitlist?

It’s trickier to pinpoint these stocks than you might think.

For many years, Rex Minerals looked like a dog of a stock to own.

10 years ago, copper prices were in the doldrums.

Rex had released a disappointing feasibility study demonstrating their project was unviable. And their chief, Mark Parry, had just handed in his resignation.

The company’s share price plunged almost 80% by the end of 2014.

Now, speaking as someone who worked for these types of companies…

…when that happens to an explorer, you often need to call a priest in to deliver Last Rites.

To make matters worse, there was strong community pushback against Rex’s Hillside development…a project that falls on prime cropping land and just a stone’s throw from a popular holiday destination on the South Australian coast.

But 10 years is a long time in mining…

And copper has had a stunning bounce-back after a depressed decade.

Former ugly ducklings who for years looked as if they were too low-grade to warrant development are now becoming the new market darlings.

That’s why Hillside is now a prime acquisition target.

And this is how the mining cycle turns…

Marginal projects are re-emerging as viable solutions (or even the ONLY solution) to address future supply shortfalls.

As OilPrice.com bluntly put on 15 July:

Merger mania has
the mining sector.


So, let’s get to the crux…

How do you play this M&A trend the smart way as an Aussie investor?

Because it's fairly clear a land grab for metal and mining assets is leading to a spike in M&A activity…both here in Australia, and all over the world.

Rio Tinto alone is reportedly mulling a slew of takeover deals as I write this.

The industry rumours right now are that they’re drawing up a bid for Canadian miner Tech Resources.

Barrick has swallowed Randgold…Newmont’s snapped up GoldCorp…Agnico-Eagle has merged with Kirkland Lake Gold…then Agnico-Eagle and Pan American Silver bought and split up Yamana Gold…right before Newmont jumped on Australia’s Newcrest.

And these are just the first shots fired.

So, who’s next…?

I know from experience not every small miner that talks a good book is a viable buyout target.

There are some pretty obvious things to look for in potential targets — like a promising deposit in a critical metal in a strategic location. But that’s just the beginning of the story…

So, what I’m going to do from here is give you three telltale signs that could signal a potential buyout is on the horizon…

As well as tell you about three SPECIFIC stock recommendations.

Now, ask a mining engineer or financial analyst and they'll probably tell you to scan the books. Look at the production over several years — is there consistency, has it met guidance?

Those things are important.

But trust me: at this stage of the M&A cycle, it’s all about GEOLOGY.

In other words, the assets sitting in the ground that have been found, but not mined.

So, from the outset you should be looking at things like grade, metallurgy, and how much metal you can actually recover from a newly-found deposit.

Also, exploration upside.

A big miner looking at these projects wants to know whether there’s FURTHER potential for discovery.

Can they add value to that deposit?

I’m going to give you some inside intel here, from my perspective, on how to spot these corporate manoeuvres ahead of the crowd. And then we’ll move on to SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS…

Telltale Sign #1:
Recent ‘strategic purchases’

Read this section very carefully…

Because it leads DIRECTLY into the first buyout play I have for you.

This is where you need inside expertise in pulling apart activity taking place in a small miner’s share registry.


Does a junior have a big-name miner as a small stakeholder, maybe with an initial 5–10% interest?

And is that major UPPING its stake over time?

That’s precisely the case with the situation we’ll get to in a second.

These initial ‘strategic purchases’ often kick off years before a full takeover bid. And these little bites clearly signal an interest in the company.

But while it’s not always possible to find stocks fitting this criterion…

…it does provide tangible evidence that a junior holds an asset that puts it squarely on the acquisition hitlist.

This evidence is often overlooked — even by so called ‘mining experts’ in the mainstream investment industry.

That’s because you really need to know the mechanics of what’s going on behind the scenes. And only geos and technical team heads really have that understanding.


Source: Smallcaps.com.au

These kinds of little ‘backdoor entries’ by bigger miners into smaller ones…like De Grey’s $15 million bite of Kalamazoo’s Ashburton gold project…appear to be ramping up in 2024.

Certainly, a strategic purchase is in no way assured to end in a full-blown takeover.

But it’s definitely a strong piece of evidence something’s boiling away behind the scenes…

So, what IS going on behind the scenes of a strategic purchase?

And when does it morph into a total buyout?

The ‘when’ question often depends on rising commodity prices (which we have right now)…because as commodity prices lift, the chances of a bigger player moving in grows. The premium needed to get a successful offer through often also rises.

Strengthening commodity prices are the spark that ignites M&A activity…

And this is what I see happening with increasing frequency in the second half of 2024. In fact, it’s EXACTLY the case with my first recommendation…

Buyout Play #1:
BREAKING: Major ups
stake to 20%.
It’s all on now…!

Look, based on my time in the game…being in and around these kind of deals…

…I can see THIS particular stock is edging closer and closer to that ‘big buy’.

And that’s because of the ‘strategic purchase’ factor I just mentioned.

From my experience as a geologist, these deals often start as a line of communication between a major and smaller company.

That’s precisely what’s underway with Buyout Play #1.

It’s developing a very sizeable deposit of a very rare metal.

One of the majors took a ‘little bite’ at these guys last year…

And we’ve just received word this same major has upped their stake to 20%.

That’s a pretty damned big chunk, in strategic purchase terms.

It’s highly possible the next stop is a full takeover…

…spinning into a major share price rerating for their current shareholders.

Zero guarantees of course. And there’s elevated risk of losing money on these shares if a ‘strategic purchase’ turns into a ‘strategic retreat’, as I’ll explain shortly.

But let me pull apart what’s happening here for you…

Major mining firms — like one that’s just taken the 20% strategic bite here — hold large teams of technical experts.

They have vast exploration, drilling and mapping resources which aren’t available to the junior company they’re targeting.

I’ve found that geologists working at these smaller companies tend to collaborate with the big technical teams and share data.

But it’s not a one-way relationship.

The strategic buyer wants something, too.

The larger company gains a greater insight into the project they’re nipping at…and whether a full-blown takeover makes sense for them.

In other words, it offers a backdoor entry into understanding the project held by the junior.

This gives the bigger company more information, enabling it to identify any risks that weren’t apparent ‘from the outside.’

Of course, any strategic purchase from a major must come with a carefully worded agreement that permits sharing company-sensitive data…and this is all in the fine print of these deals.

That’s why you need to have been on the inside…ideally as a geologist…to really read between the lines of these agreements.

Here’s what I’m

reading on this one…

The new ‘mini-buy’ deal these guys have just inked with a major centres around a juicy new graphite-rutile deposit.

The deal is an Investment Agreement overseen by a Joint Technical Committee.

Forgive the jargon.

What this means is the big guys are going to help the little guys bring this deposit to production.

But as we all know, there’s no free lunch in the corporate world.

As I’ve said, the majors hold vast teams of specialised geologists, mining engineers, and financial experts.

For some, their sole purpose is to get inside these smaller external projects…with these strategic purchases…and evaluate them from within.

That’s what’s happening with this play right now.

The major’s in-house experts will be working with the geos from the smaller company…combing through all the data.

The process has begun that could potentially end in a full-blown takeover deal. Where you could make a very, very big gain if you own stock in Buyout Play #1 now.

Of course, this might not happen. The big players may submit a poor valuation…or simply back away from a full takeover altogether.

But this takeover target is actually a solid stock to own, regardless, in my opinion.

Again, I’ve been involved in several companies that have been taken over in the past. This is how it plays out. And it can take time…

The major in question here got ‘inside the henhouse’, so to speak, back in July 2023…

But this recent upping of stakes means they’ve found something interesting.

The bet here is that the project advances and becomes increasingly ‘de-risked’ through further feasibility and optimisation studies.

It’s a risky bet. They always are.

My recommendation though, if you’re game for it: GET IN NOW and become a shareholder as the final chapter in this story plays out!

More details on these guys shortly. For now, let’s get to:

Telltale Sign #2:
A mega-deposit

Right now, a ‘scarcity crunch’ is extending out across a bunch of different commodities…from copper to gold, silver to energy, critical metals, and even fertiliser…

In such a world, the majors are willing to go to war over…and pay mega-dollars for…NEW MEGA-DEPOSITS.

And Buyout Play #2 is sitting on one.

See, for a major, there’s no point paying a premium for a small asset. No matter what the quality is.

If a deposit doesn’t offer decades of production, it’s unlikely to attract big-name attention.

For the likes of Rio or BHP, they want to acquire assets that can generate significant profits over a sustained period of time.

It’s simply a matter of economies of scale. They know each mine requires vast infrastructure, and development can take upward of 10–15 years…

That’s why major producers like to snap up juniors with MEGA-deposits.

So, if you are going to consider a small miner as a potential takeover play, the scale of whatever jackpot deposit they’ve hit is SUPER important.

But how do you quantify a mega-deposit? Well, let’s take a look at…

Buyout Play #2:
A mega-deposit

holding the ‘trifecta’

When it comes to evaluating size, several factors are in play.

A good starting point is to study the existing deposits already in production…and use this as a baseline to understand whether a junior holds something worthwhile.

To do that, you’d look at the likes of Pilbara Minerals, Lynas, or Liontown. Companies that have had famous mega-discoveries like Pilgangoora, Mt Weld, and Kathleen Valley, respectively.

When you do a deep-dive on these projects from a geology perspective, you quickly figure out that there are a few key factors at play…

  • The primary commodity (the resource that makes up the lion’s share of the find)…
  • Whether there’s a valuable mix of in-demand deposits. A trifecta (say, copper, gold and silver) is a big plus here…
  • Proximity to other big finds is often crucial…
  • As is mine life

Of course, most smaller explorers and developers don’t tick all these boxes. And some haven’t even advanced their project to the point of holding a mineral reserve, like the examples above.

But…if you do your homework…you CAN spot telltale signs in a junior’s deposit that might signal a major’s going to come knocking…

Buyout Play #2 is publicly listed in Canada on the TSX — one of the best exchanges in the world for junior miners.

This company’s core operation is in South America.

And what an operation it is…so far at least…

Its mega-deposit holds the exact trifecta I just mentioned: copper, gold, silver. As you probably know, each of these metals have been flirting with or hitting all-time highs in 2024.

And the key here is the size of the deposit Buyout Play #2 is sitting on…

It’s truly ‘mega’:

This explorer has an over 1,000-metre intercept of copper, gold, and silver through several of its exploration drill holes.

And that’s only their initial resource estimate.

What’ll be taking place now is extensive infill drilling…which only occurs once detailed feasibility studies have been completed.

Now, based on this mega-deposit alone, I’ve had this company pegged as a potential takeover buy for at least a year now…

And in breaking news…

An official takeover of Buyout Play #2 was announced literally RIGHT BEFORE this very report was made public!

In a way, it’s annoying. We missed the boat by DAYS…

But…on the other hand…

It’s positive proof that I know how to pick these takeover plays!

And, in this fast-moving M&A mania, these are the kind of punches we need to roll with…

Buy-Out Play #2

Long story short: I was right on this one, the whole way along…but unfortunately, the deal went through literally days before I could get this report to you.

The initial plan was to keep the name of this stock under wraps, and just reveal my findings in a general way.

But given the deal just got done and is out there as yet another famous Rex-like takeover…

No use being coy now!

Buyout Play #2 is an established explorer called Filo Corp [TSX:FIL].

Only, it’s no longer Buyout Play #2…because at the tail end of July, Filo did indeed get bought.

So, why did the big fish take the bait?

Well, the mega-deposit as I just described was one BIG reason…

But behind the scenes, Filo had not one but TWO boxes ticked: size and strategic interest

I knew BHP had already taken a 10% bite of Filo.

And as I’ve said, these telltale signs are all connected when it comes to predicting takeovers…so I could tell something was brewing…

Then, just as we’re about go to print, we get word that both BHP and Lundin have made a massive buyout offer for Filo to the tune of US$3 billion!

Now, if I managed to get this report out to you earlier, you could have had the chance to own Filo shares BEFORE this deal was inked.

(But don’t fret too much. It just so happens that a NEW play has come up on my radar, perhaps the most compelling of all the takeover plays profiled here. More on that to come…)

The point of this Filo takeover…and the fact that we were pipped at the post with this play…emphasises perfectly what I’m trying to get across to you today.

1.This M&A frenzy is starting to go bananas. So much so it’s hard to keep up with new deals, and…

2.It’s real-world proof I KNOW how to spot these potential deals…

Like I say, I intended Filo to be Buyout Play #2.

It’s now scratched from the list.

It may seem frustrating when you miss these deals…but the fact they’re now coming thicker and faster also means that NEW opportunities are becoming much more frequent too.

I hope you appreciate the transparency here.

All told, my buyout strategy is working like a charm…

Because I had my readers in Filo all through 2023.

And as junior mining stocks sold off, I told them to BUY MORE Filo shares.

Readers who followed my Filo recommendation are now riding a handsome profit.

Gains that have now been locked in with this takeover offer.

In 2021, you could’ve bought shares for under two bucks each.

My Diggers & Drillers advisory wasn’t around then. When we started up, I recommended shares in May 2023 at $20. 

Today, at the time of writing, post-buyout…they’re over $31.

You do the maths there if you got in really early!

As I’ve shown you, this wasn’t down to luck…

Small bites from a major were a big clue that this company was a prime acquisition target.

Plus, it also held a giant deposit. Filo’s project is huge…and that’s what perks the interest of a major miner.

THIS is how the ‘predicting-a-takeover’ game is played.

As I say, the good news is a NEW situation has come to my attention, so you’ll still be getting THREE potential buyout targets here.

If you’d like to play this game alongside me…and get the full, uncensored results of my investigations into these potential takeovers,

I’ll give you details on how to download the following in a minute…

This report will actually detail FOUR takeover stocks.

Three I’ve been tracking for quite some time. One of them…as just mentioned, Filo…is no longer in play. That’s a late development. They’ve just had a bid put on them.

But my research on Filo…and what led me to recommend them as a takeover play over a year ago…should be useful to you.

So, I’ll include it here.

You’ll also get details on the ‘late entry’ takeover play that’s just come on the scene and is demanding my attention.

So, you’ll get three actionable, urgent takeover recommendations.

Plus a dissection of the one you just missed.

But a definitive word on risk before you consider these recommendations…

I won’t insult your intelligence: you already know full well that most mining stocks are riskier than the big-name blue-chips. And you probably suspect that taking stakes in small stocks that might get taken over is riskier still.

You’d be right.

Plenty of explorers and developers who got takeover attention in the last boom blew up and delisted before a deal was made. It happened back then. It’ll happen again in the future.

Also…majors can court a miner for ages…make a romantic proposal to them…only to ditch them ‘at the altar’…

Such a situation just happened to a lithium company called Liontown Resources.

Things looked great for these guys in early 2023.

US mega-miner Albemarle came calling. And it LOOKED like the Liontown takeover was a sure-thing…

If you got in really early, when their shares were trading sub-10 cents, you might’ve already been calculating your potential profits…

But then Gina Rinehart put a spanner in the works. One of her companies bought up almost a fifth of Liontown. 

Albemarle got spooked. Walked from the deal.

And Liontown shares tanked…falling from over $3 to under $1 today.

Point I’m making here is:

If you’re going to consider buying any of these three takeover plays selections, you need to do it with your eyes wide open.

Put bluntly, you could lose money. So never invest anything in these stocks you can’t stand losing.  

With that caveat out of the way…if you’re a serious investor who sees the writing on the wall as far as the wider commodity cycle goes…and you’re keen to make some calculated bets…I reckon you should read this report from cover to cover…

I’ll give you details on how to download the following in a minute…

I’ll show you how to download your copy very shortly.


It’s important I explain a little more about my background. In order to get a better idea why I’m someone worth listening to on this topic.

James Cooper

James Cooper

As I say, my name is James Cooper.

I’m an exploration geologist who has worked with the biggest names in the business.

That’s why…when it comes to which stocks might fire up next…increase in value the most…merge or get acquired…in this next supercycle…

…you should probably listen to the geos.

Not investment websites and finance page editorials.

You see, the geologists sit at the forefront of exploration…

First come the geos, then come the discoveries…and then the bids.

Demand for exploration geologists like me gives you solid clues as to where this boom goes next. For the last two years, colleagues in the industry have been telling me about the wave of messages hitting their inboxes…such is the revived interest in experienced ore hunters.

By their very nature, mines are depleting assets.

Replacing major reserves requires years of intense investor capital. And opening up new discoveries requires people who are experts in ‘discovering’.

Now, with a lack of new discoveries in established mining districts, companies are forced to explore for new ore in increasingly volatile ‘frontier’ locations.

But even with a skilled labour force in a stable, mining-friendly jurisdiction like Australia, development could take around 10 years from discovery to first production…

This is precisely why big

miners are opting for the


I’ve clocked years of geologist ‘walkabout’ in the Outback and in Africa — contracted by the small explorers as well as the major developers.

I’ve poured over everything from diatomaceous clays (a material used in something as simple as kitty litter)...to copper deposits in Zambia...to an iron ore project that fed directly into making Toyota Prados and Outlanders.

James Cooper

James with his field crew undertaking
remote exploration in the Zambian bush

At the peak of the last boom, I was recruited by copper explorer Equinox Minerals and sent to the frontier in Zambia to look for the red stuff.

It was the dream project for an up-and-coming geo.

Equinox owned an enormous tenement package…which gave me free rein and heaps of resources at my disposal to scour virgin areas around the northwest province of Zambia.

James Cooper

James at a mobile exploration camp in Zambia.
Office tent in the background.

As mentioned, that experience ended in a MASSIVE takeover.

I vividly remember sitting around an onsite campfire as Equinox’s CEO showed us the initial $1 million World Bank cheque he used to start his company…

…a company which had just been bought out by Barrick Gold for $7.3 billion!

Many celebratory beers were drunk that evening…

I was also with gold mining behemoth Northern Star at the exact time they were preparing a takeover of Saracen Mineral Holdings.

Then, I was headhunted to be Dacian’s Senior Exploration Geologist...in charge of the company’s growth in rare earth projects.

As I mentioned, Dacian took over a company called NTM to resupply its depleting assets. And then…Dacian itself became takeover prey for a bigger fish.

Put simply:

I have substantial firsthand experience here. Not just in the business of exploration. But in the business of DEALMAKING…

And right now, I’m seeing direct evidence of further takeovers in progress…

Including smaller companies frantically sifting through old drill cores, hoping to find a strike that might put them on the buyout hitlist…

All at a time when exploration has suffered from more than a decade of critical underinvestment…

Which brings me to the ‘X-Factor’ behind my final M&A speculation…

Telltale Sign #3:

We’re going to get a bit ‘geological’ here, but stick with me.

This secret, in my view, is going to drive a rapid-fire flurry of takeovers in 2025. If you understand it…you’ll have a MASSIVE head-start predicting the juniors who could be bought out next.

Imagine a geological structure (like a fault or shear zone) crossing over a land holding that’s owned by a whole bunch of different companies…

Let’s say part of that structure hosts a mega-gold mine.

Obviously, this structure would be an important target for exploration geologists. However, these geological anomalies often extend over tens, sometimes hundreds of kilometres.

That means neighbouring properties may hold valuable land in the eyes of a major who is already mining along this structure.


So, the major has already got a giant mine…but there’s this little guy fishing around right over the fence…

And while the geologists at the junior next door probably understand the potential they’re sitting on…they may not have the funds to properly explore the structure.

That’s when the major decides to come knocking…

I believe big players buying strategic ‘neighbouring’ tenements is going to be a key M&A theme in the coming years…

However, you need to be able to interpret the geology to make this technique work.

In other words, do the same geological conditions that harbour a working deposit exist on the property next door?

As an exploration geologist, this is where my expertise REALLY comes into play. Which leads us into your next recommendation…

Buyout Play #3:
The owner of a
very-buyable ‘gap’

Now, this WAS supposed to be your final takeover play…

But because my thesis on Filo was proved correct at the last minute…

…I’ve included a brand new potential ‘dark horse’ takeover play as your Buyout Play #4 (which we’ll get to in just a moment)…

First, what we have here with Buyout Play #3 is, in my opinion, the next big ‘proximity’ play.

But this is a delicate opportunity. If I reveal too many details out in the open, the cat will be out of the bag.

And I’m reluctant to share too many precise details on this play in a public forum like this…especially with what’s just transpired with Filo.

I DO NOT want these guys guessed at!

I’d prefer to keep the reveal inside The Takeover Trident: Three Miners Who Could be Bought Out Next.

Instances of producers eyeing up smaller miners because of the ‘proximity’ factor…to boost operational synergies…are happening more and more often…

So, I believe the upside potential here is significant. That’s if I’m right, of course. I might not be. You’ll need to be the judge when you see my full due diligence…

But for now, let me give you a broad outline, and explain why Buyout Play #3 could be a giant takeover bombshell in 2025 (or even earlier)…

For starters, this company has a mega-deposit…in some of the most prized exploration ground on Earth…clocking in at over 15 million pounds.

Ranked among one of the largest underdeveloped deposits of its kind anywhere in the world.

It’s primarily copper. But it also comes with a massive gold and silver component. Making it a true multi-commodity motherlode.

Rarely does a junior hold a deposit of this size or quality.

So, Box #1 is ticked.

But as I said, size of deposit may not be the ‘X-Factor’ here…

Because I reckon that X-Factor is PROXIMITY.

See, Buyout Play #3 sits on the same geological structure as an even-more-mega-deposit. Difference being this one is already in development.

Only a small handful of companies hold land there.

The founders of Buyout Play #3 recognised a ‘gap’ in this rich copper-gold porphyry belt. By gap, I mean an area that was overlooked by earlier explorers. And it’s sitting in between where the bigger companies are operating.

There are large-scale copper mines to the north. And operating mines in the south. But there’s relatively little activity in this ‘gap’.


And that’s why I think it’s primed for a takeover…

The potential was first announced on 4 April 2023, when the company drilled eight exploration holes in an untested area in this middle ground…

They got an instant hit.

It then took several months to raise capital and get rigs over the target…but this year’s proper program has just wound up for the season.

The results? ‘The exact pattern and grade’ as initial hits ‘over the full length of the hole’.

Now, keep in mind with these stocks, things can change without warning.

But at the time of writing this…

Shares in Buyout Play #3 are up 30% in the past year…

And up 15% in just the last six months!

Again, these are just clues.

They aren’t definitive evidence. And something might have happened by the time you’re reading to reverse those figures. Keep that in mind.

But in my thinking…

It’s this ‘proximity’ X-Factor…and its potential to lead to a takeover…that’s working in the background to elevate this company’s share price.

As you’ll see when you read The Takeover Trident: Three Miners Who Could be Bought Out Next…these guys have found a very buyable ‘gap’.

They’ve shut up shop and demobilised from the site until next drill season. That starts at the end of 2024. And it could be the definitive set of results that triggers one of its neighbours to make a move.

My advice would be to MAKE YOUR move on this stock before Q4 2024. I think we could be about to see this company swallowed up in one mega-takeover deal…creating a new epicentre for future copper supply…while, short-term, potentially sending Buyout Play #3’s stock price to the moon…

Don’t take my word for it, though. Read the report I’ve compiled on them and make your own call.

But I would like to request one thing from you first in return for giving you access to this report.

That you give my personal advisory Diggers and Drillers a go.

You can do so with the assurance of a FULL subscription refund guarantee that covers you for 30 days.

Which means…

You can read, digest, track and keep the recommendations and research in The Takeover Trident: Three Miners Who Could be Bought Out Next

…scan over the full Diggers and Drillers buy list…

…read (and print, if you wish, just don’t share please) all my Special Situation investment reports…

…plus, get all my new updates and brand new recommendations over the next month…

…and you can get ALL that…

And STILL elect for a full

refund within 30 days…

Now, that’s a fairly big risk I’m taking.

Giving you the keys to the vault…and all my current buy recommendations…AND still promising a ‘no conditions/no questions asked’ refund.

What if you just ‘take the tips and run’?

Well, I can tell you, not many new Diggers and Drillers subscribers do that.

Because as you’ll see pretty soon after joining, this particular investment advisory…run by an actual exploration geologist (me)…is unique.

Unique not just in Australia, but anywhere in the world.

Buyout Play #4:

A new potential

takeover ‘dark horse’

So, we’ve had our initial stock recommendation plans scuppered by Filo Corp suddenly being under offer from BHP and Lundin.

It’s frustrating…BUT this is genuine validation of everything I’ve been showing you today.

And now, we have a NEW outfit that’s recently emerged on my takeover radar…

It’s another giant, undeveloped deposit…and this time we’re talking about gold.

This deposit was first found by explorers back in the early 2020s…making this a pretty fresh discovery.

But since that first discovery hole, the hits have kept on coming…

In just two years, that initial discovery hole delivered what is now one of the world’s largest undeveloped gold deposits.

So, why do I think the gold market is ripe for buyout action?

Like most metals, gold is in hot demand.

And not just from investors. I mean the large gold mining corporations looking to resupply their ageing deposits.

And this is coming right at a time when the large miners are starting to see their cash balance swell.

As gold prices rise, miners typically become more profitable.

And this profit surge is putting them in a position to acquire new projects and replace their ageing mines.

So, which projects will they go after first?

The most cashed-up miners will be looking for the largest deposits that can be mined with the lowest cost.

That’s exactly what Buyout Play #4 offers…

One of the world’s largest undeveloped gold deposits, sitting on the lower end of the cost profile.

That will make it highly attractive to a cashed-up buyer on the hunt for new supply.

When you join my investment advisory service, you’ll get instant access to the names and ticker symbols of all the takeover plays I’ve been telling you about today.

But that’s only a small part of what we offer inside Diggers and Drillers.

I’ll publish a fairly meaty (and very generous!) testimonial from one of my readers, Martin Breen, that sums up my advisory:

As a former senior exec of one of the largest energy companies listed on the NYSE, I can’t overemphasise how impressed I’ve been with James Cooper’s Diggers and Drillers subscription.

‘I was cautious and wary at first, wondering what I was getting into. But now that I’ve been a customer for several months, I feel very confident that James is exceptionally well qualified to find top-quality resources investments on the ASX.

‘For the modest subscription fee, if I placed a value on my time, I would make that money back in half a day.

‘I have invested in three of his recommendations and even though it’s early days, I am already well ahead and feel safe with the profit margin buffer that has been built since the day I purchased.

‘If that’s not convincing enough for you, then I would strongly recommend you subscribe for James’ knowledge of both resources companies and markets.

‘Having been a senior exec myself, surrounded by global technical experts at the highest level, it is obvious to me that James knows how resources companies work, how to value their assets and assess their risks, and most importantly how to value the share price relative to the resources in the ground and risks from exploration phases through to development and production.

‘That is exactly what I’m looking for in a resources company adviser. Not just a chart geek, but someone who understands the industry, the world commodity markets and the stage/phase the particular company is at within the bigger picture. That knowledge allows me to make a properly informed decision about managing my money. 

‘But James is also a technical expert with the ability to read and understand charts…

‘…With my investments in the market so far, I have made ten times the subscription fee in less than a month. I have seen more than enough to know that I will be a long-term customer of Fat Tail Investment Research and Diggers and Drillers.

Forgive the reprinting of this long testimonial. But I felt it was worthwhile because the kind words above are the reason that Diggers and Drillers has one of the lowest refund rates at our publisher, Fat Tail Investment Research.

James Cooper has a great knowledge and a wide spectrum of geological and financial analysis skills not to mention global metals knowledge and is constructing the 'Diggers and Drillers' into an extremely useful and informative investment service. In time I hope to be able to coin the descriptor 'formidable'.

Perry Raison

James Cooper is brilliant. I love his knowledge, style and writing technique. He doesn't try to sell you just a product. He is in my corner, looking after me.


The clarity which James C. brings to his work is 'a pleasure to behold'. I am moving slowly into his 'neck of the woods' and have never felt more confidant in outcome of the journey.

Trevor Laughton

Appreciate the information and work James puts into it. I feel his knowledge of the resource industry is boundless. Thank you. My finances are steadily growing

M Hayes

I think it is a very good publication. I do my own technical analyses and find it very helpful to have a watch list of potential candidates to refer to.


Extremely happy with your service Diggers & Drillers issues and content. Will be recommending your expertise and service.

Graeme R

And I’d like to believe most of the small number of people who DO take my 30-day refund option are honest clients. Not ‘subscribe-and-dashers.’

Those people might use the trial period to check the research and track the stock moves…and simply decide my recommendations may be a little too much for their risk appetite over the long term.

That’s exactly what I designed this refund period for.

So, what is Diggers and Drillers?

And what do you get if you join, alongside The Takeover Trident: Three Miners Who Could be Bought Out Next and a 30-day refund backstop?

First, Diggers is not a pure takeover advisory.

Mergers and takeovers are great outcomes for an early investor. They come more frequently — and can offer greater potential gains — at points like this in the commodity cycle.

But they are still very rare in the mining world. And fraught with risks and pitfalls.

To be clear, a buyout is a brilliant bonus. And actively chasing the price premium when two majors start bidding for a smaller company is something we’ll be doing more of in 2025…

But it would be foolish to base an entire mining portfolio around buyouts. That’s why this strategy is not the only ace up our sleeve…

Second, Diggers and Drillers is for serious investors rather than pure punters.

As such, we will not…unless there’s an EXCEPTIONAL exception…be chasing ULTRA-junior explorers. I’m talking sub-$50 million market cap miners that can flicker in and out of existence in a flash.

For one, there’s too much chance we’ll disrupt the price if we all go in at once.

But Diggers and Drillers has a greater scope than just punting on those kind of long-shot plays. And our intentions are more serious than just bagging the odd speculative win…

A true inside guide to

constructing a portfolio for

a NEW kind of mining boom

It’s pretty clear we’re entering some form of a new commodity boom.

Unlike previous booms, this one’s likely going to be driven by SCARCITY. And there are certain investments you can make right now that stand to benefit greatly from this…

Especially as an investor situated in one of the most resource-rich nations on Earth: Australia.

Diggers and Drillers is for you if you already have a gut feeling this is the case…if you recognise we’re only at the early stages of this new cycle…and would like some guidance on how to invest for it.

This guidance comes from someone with years of experience working inside the industry. And that’s the unique advantage of Diggers and Drillers.

As member Josh G. says:

Amazing work getting James Cooper on board. You’ve found a unicorn, having a seasoned geologist that understands the field and inner workings of mining companies well, and where they’re going (analysing what they’ve acquired, future exploration potential implications and also takes care to look at who’s running the show within each company).

James also puts the pieces of the puzzle together that most can’t see (yet).

There’s a wealth of opportunity in the years to come and likely something not too far ahead on the horizon in the mining Diggers and Drillers space for Australia.

Knowing who to back and who some of the rare earths and precious metals players are likely to be (now) is invaluable. Keep up the good work guys!

As someone who makes a living from the mining sector, I’ve become acutely aware of its cyclical boom-and-bust nature.

James combines an intimate knowledge and understanding of the exploration and mining industry which he is able to convey to the uninformed through a clear, logical and readily readable writing style. I look forward to the continued sharing of his expertise and direction in choosing where best to invest in this sector.

P.P. Northern NSW

I’ve been very impressed by James' exceptionally thorough approach to-date - his knowledge, detailing & explanations, together with a broad appreciation of current global situations impacting the potential road ahead. Together with a comprehensive CV backing all of this, I feel in 'safe hands'.

Peter Morrison

James’ practical field experience as a geologist operating in diverse geographic regions and involving a range of different exploration & development targets, coupled with his economic valuation and risk assessment skills, gives me confidence in his recommendations.


Over the last 15 years, miners have sat on their hands, reluctant to spend cash on exploration or development.

Now, there’s nothing particularly unusual about this…commodity cycles have always operated in this way.

And as we witnessed in the early 2000s boom, periods of intense investment activity drive a wave of development activity and new capex.

Invariably, this sets up the market for surplus supply and lower prices.

Consequently, new investment dries up and miners cut back development plans. Production plateaus.

This is what we’ve had for over a decade.

But now…prices are moving again.

Exploration activity is ticking up.

Retail investors like you and me are starting to have our attention drawn AWAY from the tech stock hype…and back towards real assets.

Exactly as it happened in the early 2000s.

Problem is, long-term underinvestment is set to create a lag in future production.

That’s because it takes up to 15 years to take a deposit from discovery to production.

Despite rising energy demands, a growing world population, and a once-in-a-century ‘green energy’ transition that just happens to be extremely copper-intensive…

…we’ve had a terrible rate of new discoveries over the last decade. In fact, it’s the lowest in recent memory!  

So, what’s the consequence?

Investment activity must catch up to meet looming supply deficits.

Higher commodity prices are pushing miners back into action. Higher prices are the incentive that promotes development and, ultimately, more supply.

And fuels the uptick in M&A activity we’ve been talking about.

And so, the cycle turns…

We are still, in my opinion, at the very beginning stages of a commodity supercycle that could continue well into the next decade.

Mining stock prices, on the whole, remain deeply undervalued.

That means NOW is the time to start mindfully building a portfolio that could capitalise on these emerging megatrends.

Diggers and Drillers is designed to help you do exactly that.

It is extremely reasonably priced.

$199-a-year is the official subscription.

You would pay more than that for a subscription to the Australian Financial Review!

But my publishers have allowed me to put together an even better deal for new subscribers who wish to give my service a trial run:


That’s right. You can get everything I’ve mentioned for just $99 today.

That’s including the 30-day subscription refund guarantee window where you can have your $99 returned in full, if you wish.


As a geologist on the ground, I experienced firsthand the deep recession in commodity markets after the peak in 2011.

I am finding the D&D service to be informative and of high quality. I enjoy not only the portfolio updates but also the logic that James steps out. I feel it is giving me an education on commodity stock plays, not just buy, hold or sell signals. I look forward to many years of being a subscriber

Jase R

To date I am extremely satisfied with my experience as a Diggers & Drillers subscriber. The summation of the recommended stocks has been spot on. At the moment I have seen gains on all six recommendations.  My only disappointment is that I didn't get all the shares I applied for in the SPP for Arafura, which has nothing to do with your advices.  Overall I am pleased that I joined and am looking forward to more recommendations.  I am also in agreement that one new stock per month is adequate, sometimes there may be zero recommendations which I am at complete ease with.

Garry Ingham

Highly qualified colleagues with decades of experience were made redundant. Long periods of unemployment forced them into new careers. Many of these guys were proven discoverers with highly specialised skills.

Veteran ore hunters are very rare. They’re either retired, or sitting pretty in safer, more stable careers…

Now, they’re getting called up again.

Mining investment needs to play catch-up in a big way. Or else severe shortages come into play.

But the world’s largest miners have been slow to react…

They’re aware of the importance of investing in exploration and new mine development. Yet they remain sluggish in turning up the dial on growth efforts.

Miners cannot sustain operations without investment in new projects.

It’s not just an M&A thing. Although that’s going to be an increasing feature in this new boom…

So, if you want the full picture…and if you’d like to mirror the portfolio I’ve built up, and will continue to build up over the next 2–3 years, then simply…


Remember, you’ll be cushioned by that 30-day subscription refund guarantee…

Even though you’ll have gotten all my current buys, the due diligence reports, the ticker names, and stop-losses, all of it…

If, for any reason, you wish to back out and get your $99 back, then please do so. No harm no foul.

Look around. There aren’t many players in this game that are willing to swallow a subscription risk like that.

Stock recommendations like these tend to get locked behind a paywall without any remote possibility of a refund.

Hopefully this shows you how much conviction I have in what we’ve got going here.

And once you dig into these stocks and our gameplan moving forward...I believe you’d have to be crazy not to stick around after the trial period!

Join Diggers and Drillers today and you’ll get:

The Takeover Trident:
Three Miners
Who Could
be Bought Out Next

Here you’re actually now getting a profile of FOUR stocks.

I’ll give you a full rundown of all my prior research on Filo Mining. How and why I started tracking it very early on as a takeover target. How we managed the trade all the way up to its buyout and current stock valuation over $30.

It’s NO LONGER a ‘buy’ recommendation, for obvious reasons!

But this run-through from first strategic purchase to finally being under offer is a great and useful snapshot of how I go about picking these kinds of plays. A success story to learn from.

From there, you’ll get full due diligence on our three LIVE takeover plays…

Focusing on acquisition makes sense at certain times in the mining cycle. We’re at that point right now. As metal prices tick higher, the best smaller projects are going to get picked off by the majors.

As Global Investor put it: ‘A literal land grab for metal-and-mining assets has led to a spike in M&A activity, especially in emerging markets.’

I reckon that’s only going to intensify. And there are three companies I’ve judged to be NEXT on the hitlist, with X-Factors based around strategic purchases, mega-deposits and proximity.

An Exploration Geologist’s

Guide to Predicting Takeovers

This is where I lay out in more detail what I see as telltale signs that a merger or acquisition is not just possible but likely.

But a proviso: buyouts should never be the primary reason to buy any mining stock.

Zeroing in on high-quality geological assets will always be our primary focus at Diggers and Drillers. That means explorers, but also developers and early-stage producers.

This is where I use my previous experience as an exploration geologist to identify stocks with quality assets or land tenure with high potential for exploration success.

By focusing on geology, we are positioning ourselves into companies with strong buyout potential.

Remember this important point…in a takeover deal, big miners aren’t interested in the company. They’re after its rocks. That’s why it pays to have a geologist on your side! In this report we explore the M&A field a little deeper…

‘Special Situation Report’

M&A is perhaps going to be one of the most profitable resources themes of 2025…IF we manage to position ourselves in the right stocks early.

However, that’s not the ONLY theme brewing in this new commodities supercycle…

Subscribe today and you’ll get instant access to every past and future Diggers and Drillers ‘Special Situation Report’.

Keep in mind, though, the kind of plays we focus on have the potential to move quite quickly — both up and down. So, with some of the recommendations outlined in PAST reports, we may have already been ‘stopped out’ or have taken profits. However, many of these recommendations remain as a HOLD or a BUY in our portfolio. So, make sure you pay attention to the instructions I lay out for you inside.

Examples of Special Situation reports you’re getting instant access to include:

  • Four Prime Age of Scarcity Stocks to Own
  • Two Aussie Stocks for the Coming Copper Spike
  • The Next Potential Aussie Mining Disruptor
  • Two Mining Moonshots (for Super-Speculators Only)
  • Six Tactics for Picking Winning Mining Stocks in Australia’s Next Resources Boom


INSTANT ACCESS to the entire
Diggers portfolio
and buy list

The Diggers portfolio of recommendations is the heart of this advisory.

When you join today, you’re getting UNRESTRICTED access to this entire stock list.

This is my treasure chest!

Pay attention to which ones are BUYS and HOLDS…and make sure you only consider positions that are BELOW their buy-up-to price.

This is critically important as we enter a ‘Second Age’ in Australian mining.

This new era will be based on a transition shift from ‘abundance’ to ‘scarcity’.

It will be based around a new, expanded set of resources. And the wheels are already in motion.

Chronic underinvestment in mines worldwide is presenting you with a very contrarian opportunity; one that only crops up to the smart investor every 20 years or so…if you’re lucky.

There are massive discounts in the resource sector on offer right now. The aim of Diggers and Drillers is to help you find them…

  • Every NEW recommendation…
  • Every existing holding instruction…
  • Every bit of inside intel as it appears…

I get many offers for investment subscriptions and am very selective. I find D&D well structured, very informative, balanced and quite valuable. Happy to recommend to other investors.

Gary Tilton

I am enjoying my subscription. It`s good to hear advice from someone who has been there.


I greatly appreciate James's advice and recommendations. Being a qualified, experienced Geologist with direct mining involvement I value his insight into issues likely to affect the success or failure of particular mining companies.

Greg Freeman

So far has opened a view to good companies that were not on my radar. Give it a year or so to see how his selections go. Sticking with him if he continues in the path he has shown.


Every month, I aim to deliver a new Diggers report (usually containing a new recommendation). Although we’re elastic about that timeframe if an urgent play arises and I believe we need to take a position in immediately.

New recommendations are not just a ticker symbol, a brief description, and a buy price. Though of course you’ll get all of those too.

These monthly reports are a ‘deep dive’ containing every bit of intel I’ve dug up on the stock…the full background…my ‘exploration geologist’ take…all the risks…and all the upside potential on offer.

I will also be in regular email contact regarding all of our open positions — advising if you should add to your position…cut your losses…or take profits.

You’ll be kept abreast of every development…be it a curious site visit from a Rio Tinto mining exec…a bolt-from-the-blue new find...a Top Gun geologist with discoveries under his belt that’s just been recruited...or rumours of another ‘strategic purchase’ from a big player.

Most importantly, you’ll be told simply and directly when to buy, at what price, and when to sell.

Click here to join

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Commodities are lighting up again. And the big players are telegraphing their moves.

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James Woodburn

James Cooper,
Geologist and Editor, Diggers and Drillers


PS: Here’s some more
praise from
my Diggers
and Drillers

I find James's Diggers and Drillers the perfect compliment to enhance subscribers portfolios and take advantage of his obvious experience in the mining industry.

A J Gordon

James gives great advice, I like the fact that he's direct and straight to the point, which is a quick read.


My experience has been all positive. I have enjoyed all the information videos from the beginning and I bought in early to Arafura which is doing very nicely thank you. Like your new format of buy, sell, hold and look forward to your monthly updates.


I found James extremely knowledgeable, and easy to understand. Also I am very impressed that he is a trained and proven geologist in the field. When I get some money, I will invest and follow his instructions.


James, I just want to say that I am grateful to be one of your subscribers and very much appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience in the mining industry with us.

Lawrence Li

Absolutely love it and this has become my favourite thing. I am thinking my greatest gains will come from this. Very promising so far!

Gavin W

Love it. James seems to know what he is talking about. Certainly, he provides excellent information and knowledge that reek of good sense. My preferred style.

Bruce S

Great insights into the companies mining the critical materials required for the future. Already up 30% so far on one recommendation.

G McDonald

Enjoyed and found interesting the insight into the mine development cycle and how it relates to share prices, as well as the discussion on under-investment in new mines. Intriguing.

Bruce R


Fat Tail Investment Research