‘The land grab for metal-and-mining assets has begun…’
Fat Tail Investment Research

Which small miners might be strategically bought-out next?

Read below to find out:

  • How private investors can take advantage of this ‘MANIC PERIOD’ of
    M&A activity…
  • Three ‘TELLTALE SIGNS’ a junior miner buyout could be imminent…
  • Details on THREE LIVE POTENTIAL TAKEOVER PLAYS that could greatly reward early investors…
James Cooper

James Cooper

My name is James Cooper.

I’ve spent the past 20 years working as a senior exploration geologist.

I’ve been involved in several high-profile mergers and acquisitions — M&A deals worth millions, even billions of dollars.

Today, I’m going to show you how private investors can quickly and easily take advantage of these deals…

Plus, I’ll show you three specific stocks you should consider adding to your portfolio before they become the next potential takeover targets.

I’ve been in the boiler room
on both sides of these M&A deals
— the buy side, and the sell side.

For example, on the buy side, I was with a miner called Dacian [ASX:DCN].

I remember we were working out near Leonora — a small township in Western Australia — scouting for nickel, copper, and rare earth elements.

I was stationed out there when Dacian made their play on a smaller producer called NT Minerals [ASX:NTM].

That buyout handed NTM’s early shareholders a bottom-to-top share price move of 1,600%.

On the sell side, I was in Zambia working for a tiny explorer called Equinox Resources [ASX:EQN].

Equinox started with just one million dollars of capital…and they ended up being bought out by Barrick Gold [NYSE:GOLD] for $7.3 billion.

I’ve worked with geological, technical, accounting, and legal teams as deals like these were hammered out…MONTHS before the deals were made public.

And after being embedded in these situations — from the first knock on the door to the final sign-off…

I’m now pretty confident I can spot certain ‘telltale signs’ that an explorer or developer may secretly be building towards a future buyout.

In fact, I have three potential buyout targets I’m going to share with you today…

I’ll reveal the details on those plays in just a moment.

Today, the resource supercycle
looks to be firing again.

The two metals that tend to lead the cycle — copper and gold — are both flying this year…up 8% and 22% year-to-date, respectively.

So, a new boom in commodities is officially on the horizon.

And if the major mining firms want to leverage their exposure to the coming boom, they only have two options:

They can either grow through new exploration projects, which can take years to pay off…

Or they can acquire existing projects right now.

Look, I’ve been in these kinds of meetings.

The big guys CAN’T afford to spend their time messing around with exploration…

But what they CAN spend is money

And lots of it.

Put simply:

It’s BUY versus BUILD…
And I believe BUY has just
become the go-to play.

So, who’s next on the hitlist?

Well, it’s trickier to pinpoint these takeover targets than you might think.

Take Rex Minerals [ASX:RXM].

Between February and December last year, Rex Minerals’ share price had been practically cut in half — down from 30 cents to 16 cents.

Then, in June of this year, shares were again trading up around 26 cents.

That’s a big bounce-back for seemingly no reason.

But recently, the reason became blindingly obvious…

Around 10.30am on Monday, 8 July, news broke that Mach Metals had launched a $393 million takeover bid on Rex.


Source: Rex Minerals

When the acquisition was announced, Rex’s share price exploded to 44 cents within minutes

An instant 63% rerating.

But get this:

If you’d held Rex’s shares since December last year, while the details of this deal were still being hammered out…

You could have made a 213% gain in just seven months.

Over the last few years, upside gains of 100% to 300% have been pretty standard in deals like this, but…

We have seen GIANT returns
from being an early shareholder
before these deals go public…

Take Azure Minerals [ASX:AZS].

Azure was at the centre of a fierce takeover battle between some seriously heavy hitters.

Mining mogul Gina Rinehart started building up her stake…

Then SQM Australia [ASX:SQM] made a bid for full control of Azure.

THEN, another company — Mineral Resources [ASX:MIN] — tried to muscle in and steal the show.

In the end, SQM clinched the buy last December.

Azure ended up getting bought out for $1.7 billion.


If you were lucky enough to own shares in Azure while all this bidding and counterbidding unfolded…

...you would have watched in amazement, as their share price rose 1,500% in a SINGLE YEAR.

Koza Gold is another great example of these kinds of premiums.

Koza’s stock went NOWHERE for 12 years…


But then it entered the acquisition mix.

Eventually, Koza was bought out by Turkish miner Cengiz Holding for around 670 million dollars in 2020…

And by 2023, Koza shares were worth over 28 dollars.

If you were lucky enough to own Koza’s shares at the 2018 low, that’s a bottom-to-top gain of well over 5,000%.


Now, these multi-thousand percent buyout premiums are outliers, of course.

As I said, 100% to 300% buyout premiums are a much more realistic outcome.

That’s exactly what happened to another miner, Kaminak Gold [TSE:KAM].

Kaminak saw its price almost triple in seven months after it was acquired by Goldcorp [NYSE:GG]


Sibanye-Stillwater’s [NYSE:SBSW] $1 billion buyout of Hudbay Minerals [TSE:HBM] resulted in a 145% gain in six months…


Northern Star [ASX:NST] threw a $193 million offer at Echo Resources [ASX:EAR]

Which resulted in Echo’s shares more than doubling in value…


In 2021, the bidding war between Ramelius Resources [ASX:RMS] and Gold Road Resources [ASX:GOR] doubled Apollo Consolidated’s [ASX:AOP] share price...


Reunion Gold’s [TSE:RGD] share price doubled in four months, during merger negotiations with G Mining Ventures [TSE:GMIN]


And during a buyout by China's Zijin Mining Group, Nevsun Resources’ [NYSE:NSU] shares went from $2 to over $4 in just nine months…


Here’s an interesting one…

Back in May of this year, the federal government granted ‘Major Project Status’ to Alliance Nickel’s [ASX:AXN] NiWest project…

Shortly after this announcement, Alliance saw its share price surge 177% in a single trading session.

So, in some cases, you don’t even need an actual buyout in the works...

...just a notable development that puts a relatively obscure explorer or developer on the buyout radar.

We’re entering a phase where the likes of BHP [ASX:BHP], Rio Tinto [ASX:RIO], Glencore [LON:GLEN] and Barrick...

As well as mid-tier players and huge institutional money interests...

...are desperately knocking on the door of these smaller companies.

Because instead of spending years exploring for new assets themselves…

The big guys are just opting to buy these assets outright.

That’s why I believe NOW is the time to pre-empt which explorers and developers the majors might go after next…

As the AFR puts it, the ASX mining
sector is now at the beginning of a
multi-year takeover cycle’.

That’s why I’m currently targeting three relatively small players who could be in the M&A crosshairs.

But a definitive word on risk before you consider these recommendations…

You already know full well that most mining stocks are riskier than big-name blue chips…and that taking stakes in small stocks that might get taken over is riskier still.

But if you own shares in one of these companies before a buyout deal is inked…

You could see a modest 50% to 100% spike on announcement day…

Or, if you’re really lucky…

A gain that bursts above 1,000% within the course of 12–24 months.

During the last commodity boom, bidding wars erupted as the world’s largest miners became desperate to snatch up any junior who was in hot demand…

Today, I reckon we’re entering a similar phase of BUYOUT OVERDRIVE...

And we’re already seeing some serious action in this space…

Barrick just bought out Randgold

Newmont [ASX:NEM] snapped up GoldCorp…

Agnico-Eagle [NYSE:AEM] merged with Kirkland Lake Gold [ASX:KLA]

And then Agnico and Pan American Silver [NYSE:PAAS] jointly bought, and split up, Yamana Gold [LON:AUY]

Newmont famously jumped on Australia’s Newcrest [ASX:NCM]

And as we record this, majors including Rio Tinto are reportedly mulling a slew of new takeover deals.

As OilPrice.com puts it, ‘merger mania has hit the mining sector.’

And I believe we’re about to see some serious opportunities unfold for switched-on private investors.

But I know from experience
not every small miner that talks a
good book is a viable buyout target.

Ask a financial analyst and they'll probably tell you to scan the company’s books…

Look at the production — is there consistency, has it met guidance?

Those things are important.

But trust me, at this stage in the M&A cycle, it’s all about the assets in the ground….

In other words, the GEOLOGY.

You should be looking at things like grade, metallurgy, and how much of the resource you can actually recover from a newly-found deposit…

Also, if I’m a big miner looking at these projects, I want to know whether there’s further potential for discovery.

Can I add value to that deposit — is there more exploration upside?

Thanks to my experience as a senior exploration geologist working on both the buy side and sell side of several major deals like these…

I’m perfectly positioned to help you get into the next potential takeover targets well before the anticipated share price rise.

You can do this by looking for three particular ‘telltale signs’…


The first telltale sign is this…

You want to look for majors who are making strategic purchases in smaller miners.

A strategic purchase is when a big-name miner becomes a stakeholder in a junior company.

We’re talking an initial 5% to 10% stake.

Then, ideally you want to see that major upping its stake over time.

It’s not always possible to find companies who fit this criterion…

…but when you do, it’s tangible evidence that a junior could be on the acquisition hitlist.

However, mainstream ‘mining experts’ tend to overlook this evidence…

Because to pull apart a small miner’s share registry, you often need insider expertise.

And only geos and technical team heads really understand those behind-the-scenes mechanics.

Now, a strategic purchase isn’t a sure sign of a future takeover offer…

But it’s definitely strong evidence something’s bubbling away in the background.

So, when does a strategic purchase morph into a full-blown buyout?

Well, strengthening commodity prices usually spark this kind of M&A activity…

Because as commodity prices rise, the chances of a bigger player moving in grows.

And this is what I see happening with increasing frequency as we move into 2025 and beyond.

In fact, it’s exactly the case with my first potential buyout recommendation…


Based on my years of experience, I believe Buyout Play #1 is edging closer and closer towards a takeover.

And that’s because of the ‘strategic purchase’ factor I just mentioned.

One of the majors took a small stake in these guys last year…

And news has just broken that this major has again upped their stake to 20%…

In strategic purchase terms, 20% is a pretty sizeable chunk.

So, it’s highly possible the next step is a full-blown takeover…

One that spins into a major rerating for the smaller company’s shareholders.

Zero guarantees, of course.

And you could lose money if this play turns into a ‘strategic retreat’, as I’ll explain shortly.

But let me pull apart what’s happening for you…

I’ve found that the technical teams from the big firms tend to collaborate with the teams from the smaller companies.

This is because major mining firms employ a large staff of technical experts.

The big guys have vast exploration, drilling, and mapping resources which aren’t available to the junior companies they’re targeting.

But this is not a one-way relationship.

The bigger company wants a ‘backdoor entry’ into the junior’s project.

This gives them access to inside information on the risks and opportunities that likely aren’t visible ‘from the outside.’

That way, they can decide whether a full-blown takeover makes sense for them.

The rules for sharing this kind of company-sensitive data are outlined in the fine print of the strategic purchase agreement.

This is where you need someone who’s been on the inside — ideally a geologist — to help you read between the lines.

So, here’s what I’m reading for Buyout Play #1

This ‘strategic purchase’ deal centres around the smaller company’s new graphite-rutile deposit.

In geological jargon, this deal is an Investment Agreement overseen by a Joint Technical Committee.

In plain English, this means the big guys are going to help the little guys bring their deposit into production.

But as we all know, there’s no free lunch in the corporate world.

The major’s team of experts will likely be working with the geos from the smaller company…combing through their data to determine whether a full-blown takeover makes sense.

This major first got ‘inside the henhouse’, so to speak, back in July 2023…

But this recent development means they’ve found something interesting.

The bet here is that the project advances and becomes increasingly ‘de-risked’ through further feasibility and optimisation studies.

Now, this is not a surefire bet…

These plays never are.

But the fact this major has just upped its stake to 20% is strong evidence a takeover bid could be coming.

And you could stand to make a big gain if you take a stake in the smaller company before that happens.

Of course, such a takeover might not end up happening…

Because the big players might submit a poor valuation, or simply back away from making an offer altogether.

But I believe this takeover target is actually a solid stock to own, regardless of the outcome.

So, if you’re game for it, my recommendation is to GET IN NOW and become a shareholder as the final chapter in their story plays out…

I’ll share more details on these guys shortly.


Telltale sign number two has to do with MEGA-deposits.

Right now, a ‘scarcity crunch’ is extending across a bunch of different commodities…

From copper to gold, silver to energy, and especially critical metals…

In a world of scarcity, majors are willing to pay MEGA-dollars for MEGA-deposits.

Small deposits are unlikely to attract big-name attention, no matter the quality.

This comes down to economies of scale.

The majors know that each mine requires vast infrastructure, and can take upwards of 10–15 years to develop…

For the likes of Rio or BHP, they want to acquire assets that can generate significant profits over a sustained period of time.

So, if you’re going to consider a small miner as a potential takeover target…

The scale of whatever jackpot they’re sitting on is super important.

A good starting point for quantifying this is to compare new deposits to existing mega-discoveries like Pilgangoora, Mt Weld, or Kathleen Valley.

By those metrics, Buyout Play #2 is sitting on an enviable mega-deposit…



Buyout Play #2’s MEGA-deposit holds the trifecta: copper, gold, and silver.

Geologically speaking, this explorer has an over-1,000-metre intercept of copper, gold, and silver through several of its exploration drill holes.

And that’s only their initial resource estimate.

Based on this MEGA-deposit alone, I’ve had this company pegged as a potential takeover target for at least a year now…

And as luck would have it…

An official takeover of Buyout Play #2 was announced right before we sat down to record this video.

So, unfortunately, this opportunity is now off the table for private investors.

But, on the other hand…

It’s proof positive that I know how to pick these plays.

So, why did the big fish take the bait?

Well, the MEGA-deposit I just described was one BIG reason…

But behind the scenes, this company had not one, but two boxes ticked…

Size and strategic purchases…

I knew BHP had already taken a 10% interest in this company…

So it wasn’t a surprise when BHP, along with Lundin, made their massive buyout offer for this company…to the tune of US$3 billion!

In 2021, you could’ve bought shares for under $2 each.

Today, as we record this, post-buyout…

Their shares are worth over $31.

You do the maths on that one.

This stands as real-world proof that I canspot these potential deals before they happen…

And since Buyout Play #2
has just been snapped up…

I’m actually going to cover
FOUR potential buyout
for you today.

That way you’re still getting details on three LIVE recommendations.

Now, I did say there were risks involved in these kinds of plays…

For instance, majors can court a junior for years…

Make a ‘romantic’ proposal to them…

Only to ditch them ‘at the altar’ at the last minute…

This situation happened to a lithium company called Liontown Resources [ASX:LTR].

Things looked great for Liontown in early 2023.

US mega-miner Albemarle [NYSE:ALB] came calling…

And it looked like this takeover was on for all money…

But then one of Gina Rinehart’s companies put a spanner in the works.

They bought up almost a fifth of Liontown.

Albemarle got spooked.

They walked from the deal.

And Liontown shares tanked…

Falling from over $3 back then, to under $1 today.

The point I’m making here is this…

If you’re going to consider investing in any of these LIVE takeover plays, you need to do it with your eyes wide open.

You should never risk anything you can’t afford to lose.  

But if you’re a serious investor who can see the writing on the wall in the mining sector…

I believe NOW is the time you should start considering which smaller companies could become the next takeover targets.


Telltale sign three is PROXIMITY.

Here’s how I look at this…

Say a major is already operating a giant mine site.

Geologists know that these deposits can often extend for hundreds of kilometres beyond the site itself.

So, juniors will often start fishing around, right over the fence.

Now, if a junior releases some promising drill results…

Then a major will likely want to step in and expand their existing mine site.

Situations like these are low-hanging fruit for the big guys.

That’s why I believe buyouts of neighbouring tenements is going to become a key theme in 2025 and beyond.

But to take advantage of this telltale sign, you need to be able to interpret the geological data…

Specifically, how can you tell if a ‘property next door’ harbours similar potential to an existing deposit?

Well, as an exploration geologist, this is where my expertise really comes into play.


In my opinion, Buyout Play #3 is the next big ‘PROXIMITY’ play.

For starters, this company already commands a MEGA-deposit.

It clocks in at over 15 million pounds…meaning it’s one of the largest undeveloped deposits of its kind, anywhere in the world.

This MEGA-deposit is primarily copper, but it also comes with truckloads of gold and silver as well.

It’s rare that a junior holds a deposit of this size and quality, but these guys do.

So, that ticks our ‘size’ box.

But the sheer size of this deposit may not be the X-factor here…

In this copper-gold porphyry belt, there are large-scale copper mines to the north — and other operating mines to the south…

But there’s relatively little activity in the middle.

That’s where Buyout Play #3 has planted its flag.

So, this smaller company has set themselves up as a ‘bridge’ between several bigger companies.

And that’s why I think it’s primed for a takeover…

Back in April 2023, the company drilled eight exploration holes in this ‘bridge’ area…

And they got an INSTANT hit.

At the time of recording…

Shares in Buyout Play #3 are up 58% in the past year…

And up 34% in just the last six months!

Now, keep in mind, things can change without warning…

And this isn’t definitive evidence that a takeover offer is coming.

But I believe these promising drill results…

Plus its MEGA-deposit and ‘PROXIMITY’ X-factor…

Are all playing a role in this company’s recently elevated share price.

The trigger for one of its neighbours to make their move could be their next set of drill results…

Now, the next drill season starts at the end of this year…

So, my advice would be to make your move on this stock now, before those results get released…



My final recommendation, Buyout Play #4, holds another giant deposit…

This time we’re talking about gold.

As you’re probably aware, gold is in hot demand right now.

As the gold price rises, gold miners typically become more profitable.

This profit surge means large miners are now in a position to top up their existing supplies by acquiring new projects.

So, which projects will they go after first?

Well, the most cashed-up miners will be looking for the largest deposits that can be mined with the lowest cost.

That’s exactly what Buyout Play #4 offers…

First, their deposit sits at the lower end of the cost profile.

That alone makes it an attractive prospect to any buyer on the hunt for new supply.

But here’s what really gets me excited about these guys…

Their initial discovery has just become one of the LARGEST undeveloped gold deposits in the world.

So, again, size is one of those telltale signs that gets the majors interested.

That’s why I believe this ‘dark horse’ play is extremely promising right now.

This play isn’t without risk, of course…

And this company hasn’t had strategic purchase interest from a major yet

But at this point, I feel like it could only be a matter of time…

Here’s how to get the full details on
every one of these potential takeover targets, including stock names and
ticker symbols…

You’ll find them in my ‘Special Situation’ report titled…

‘The Takeover Trident: Three Miners Who Could be Bought Out Next’.

I’ll show you how you can download your copy in just a moment.

In this special report, you’re actually getting a profile of FOUR stocks…

To start, I’ll give you a full rundown of all my research on Buyout Play #2.

How and why I started tracking it as a takeover target early on…

All the way up to its eventual buyout this year.

Buyout Play #2 is no longer a LIVE recommendation, for obvious reasons.

But this report will take you through, from the first strategic purchase to finally being under offer…

It’s a great example of how I go about identifying these buyouts before they potentially happen.

From there, you’ll get my full due diligence on three LIVE takeover recommendations

As Global Investor put it: ‘A literal land grab for metal-and-mining assets has led to a spike in M&A activity, especially in emerging markets.’

I reckon that spike in activity is only going to intensify as we head into 2025.

And based on the telltale signs of STRATEGIC PURCHASES



I believe these three companies could be next on the acquisition hitlist…

I’m also going to give

instant access to a
bonus report…

This ‘Special Situation’ report is called:

‘An Exploration Geologist’s Guide to Predicting Takeovers’.

This is where I lay out how I use my years of boots-on-the-ground experience to identify potential takeover targets…

Specifically, how I’m studying the geology of these smaller companies.

Because in a takeover deal, big miners aren’t interested in the target’s financials…as much as they’re interested in their rocks.

That’s why it pays to have a geologist on your side.

Again, buyouts should never be the primary reason to take a stake in a mining stock…and there’s always risk involved with plays like these.

But if you call just one of these takeovers correctly, as I’ve shown you today, the rewards can be substantial


You’ll get both of these ‘Special Situation’ reports when you join Diggers and Drillers today.

Diggers and Drillers is my investment advisory service focussed on the mining and resource sector.

If you have a gut feeling we’re standing at the forefront of a new commodity supercycle…

A supercycle that could continue well into the next decade…

And you’d like some expert guidance on how to best invest for what’s coming…

Then Diggers and Drillers is for you.

As Diggers and Drillers subscriber Martin Breen says…

As a former senior exec of one of the largest energy companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange…

‘I can’t overemphasise how impressed I’ve been with James Cooper’s Diggers and Drillers subscription.

‘Having been a senior exec myself, surrounded by global technical experts at the highest level…

‘It is obvious to me that James knows how resources companies work, how to value their assets, and assess their risks…

‘And most importantly, how to value the share price relative to the resources in the ground.

‘With my investments in the market so far, I have made ten times the subscription fee in less than a month.

‘I have seen more than enough to know that I will be a long-term customer of Fat Tail Investment Research and Diggers and Drillers.

Now, it’s important to
mention a few things here…

First, Diggers and Drillers is NOT a pure takeover advisory.

Mergers and acquisitions can result in great outcomes for early investors…and at points like this in the commodity cycle, these deals can start coming thick and fast.

But this strategy can be fraught with risks and pitfalls…to be clear, a buyout is a brilliant BONUS.

But it’s not the only ace up our sleeve…

Second, Diggers and Drillers is NOT for punters.

That means unless there’s an exceptional situation

We will not be chasing the ultra-junior explorers…I’m talking about sub-50 million market cap miners that can flicker in and out of existence in a flash.

If we all go in at once, there’s too much chance we’ll disrupt the share price.

And regardless, this is about more than just bagging the odd speculative win…

Diggers and Drillers is for serious investors only.

When you join my investment advisory service today, you’ll receive a full rundown of the three LIVE takeover plays named inside your ‘Special Situation’ report:

‘The Takeover Trident: Three Miners Who Could be Bought Out Next’

But that’s only a small part
of what you’re getting inside
Diggers and Drillers.

When you join today, you’ll also get instant access to every one of my past and future ‘Special Situation’ reports.

Now, the kind of plays we focus on in these reports have the potential to move quite quickly — both up and down…

Some of the past reports may feature recommendations where we’ve been ‘stopped out’, or have taken full or partial profits.

However, many of these recommendations remain as a HOLD or a BUY in our portfolio. So, pay close attention to the instructions I’ve laid out for you, and please follow my recent market updates.

Some of the Special Situation reports you’re getting access to include:


  • ‘Four Prime Age of Scarcity Stocks to Own’…
  • ‘The Next Potential Aussie Mining Disruptor’…
  • ‘Two Aussie Stocks for the Coming Copper Price Spike’…
  • ‘Two Mining Moonshots (for Speculators Only)’, and…
  • ‘Six Tactics for Picking Winning Mining Stocks in Australia’s Next Resources Boom’.

Now, let’s talk about the
heart of the advisory…

The Diggers and Drillers
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Next, your monthly updates.

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Now, these recommendations are not just a name, ticker symbol, and buy-up-to price…though you’ll get all that too, of course.

These monthly reports are
‘deep dive’ into all the corporate
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Including full background on the company…

My ‘exploration geologist’ take…

All the risks…

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Then, I’ll be in regular contact with you via email, regarding all of our open positions…

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A bolt-from-the-blue new find…

A Top Gun geologist who’s just been recruited…

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Most importantly, you’ll be
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Now, given everything you’re getting with your subscription…

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That’s how much conviction
I have in what we’re doing here
with Diggers and Drillers.

As a geologist, I’ve experienced this kind of rampant M&A activity firsthand.

I was on the ground with Equinox Minerals when Barrick bought us out for billions of dollars.

The CEO even showed me the original cheque he used to launch the company…

A $1 million cheque that he turned into a $7.3 billion buyout!

I worked with gold mining behemoth Northern Star while they were prepping their big takeover of Saracen Mineral Holdings.

I was also headhunted to be Senior Exploration Geologist for Dacian Gold…

Dacian quickly took over a smaller company called NTM, before Dacian themselves got swallowed up by an even bigger fish.

All of this is to show you
that being a geologist isn’t
just about exploration

It’s about DEALMAKING.

Today, the majors only have two options: BUY or BUILD.

And I believe BUY is the go-to play as we move into 2025 and beyond.

As commodity prices light up again, big players are beginning to make their moves…

And I’m actively helping my subscribers to get into the right stocks before those moves go public.

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I’m James Cooper, have a great day.


James Woodburn

James Cooper,
Geologist and Editor, Diggers and Drillers

I find James's Diggers and Drillers the perfect compliment to enhance subscribers portfolios and take advantage of his obvious experience in the mining industry.

A J Gordon

James gives great advice, I like the fact that he's direct and straight to the point, which is a quick read.


My experience has been all positive. I have enjoyed all the information videos from the beginning and I bought in early to Arafura which is doing very nicely thank you. Like your new format of buy, sell, hold and look forward to your monthly updates.


I found James extremely knowledgeable, and easy to understand. Also I am very impressed that he is a trained and proven geologist in the field. When I get some money, I will invest and follow his instructions.


James, I just want to say that I am grateful to be one of your subscribers and very much appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience in the mining industry with us.

Lawrence Li

Absolutely love it and this has become my favourite thing. I am thinking my greatest gains will come from this. Very promising so far!

Gavin W

Love it. James seems to know what he is talking about. Certainly, he provides excellent information and knowledge that reek of good sense. My preferred style.

Bruce S

Great insights into the companies mining the critical materials required for the future. Already up 30% so far on one recommendation.

G McDonald

Enjoyed and found interesting the insight into the mine development cycle and how it relates to share prices, as well as the discussion on under-investment in new mines. Intriguing.

Bruce R

Fat Tail Investment Research